Ah ... copy & paste. Yes, OK. I didn't register that in the video.

Do let me know whether you're OK with me continuing with this as we could be chasing bugs for ages for just me or just us.

Following on in the video I reached only to "Import selected tracks" before getting an error:

Stack traceback:
	ReaTrak_Core.lua:93: in function </home/gordon/.config/REAPER/Scripts/ReaTrak_Core.lua:84>
		[C]: in function 'io.input'
	Biab track injector GUI.lua:1334: in function 'read_lines'
	Biab track injector GUI.lua:2694: in function 'gen_cur_track_sec_btn_click'
	Biab track injector GUI.lua:2617: in function 'import_sel_trk_btn_click'
	Biab track injector GUI.lua:1545: in function 'import_all_chk_tracks_btn_click'
	Class - Button.lua:138: in method 'onmouseup'
	ReaTrak_Core.lua:887: in field 'Update'
	ReaTrak_Core.lua:440: in field 'Main_Update_Elms'
	ReaTrak_Core.lua:307: in function </home/gordon/.config/REAPER/Scripts/ReaTrak_Core.lua:303>
		[C]: in function 'xpcall'
	ReaTrak_Core.lua:303: in function </home/gordon/.config/REAPER/Scripts/ReaTrak_Core.lua:302>


That presumably means that function io.input failed. I had a look in the local scripts for the function itself, but didn't find it.

An aside to this, which may be related; if I try to run the BiaB VST, in Reaper or the BiaB standalone, I get an error dialog that just says "I/O error 103.".

FWIW, I changed the generic paths to use / in case that was an issue, but it appears not. All the windows commands I left with backslashes.

Jazz relative beginner, starting at a much older age than was helpful.
AVL:MXE Linux; Windows 11
BIAB2024 Audiophile, a bunch of other software.
Kawai MP6, Ui24R, Focusrite Saffire Pro40 and Scarletts