Tried ver 423, same result with error message: "Biab track injector GUI.lua:153: attempt to call a nil value (field 'BR_Win32_WritePrivateProfileString')"
It just sets Reaper Media > Video to use wmf for wma as priority, the latest version of Reaper my set that as default any way wmf ffmpeg vlc qt:mov,qt,m4v,mp4 dshow:!mov,!mp4,!m4v,!qt
Have a look in Options > Preferences > Media > Video and see if the priority is set with windows media format (wmf) first
Thank you, musocity, I'll give it a try... I think Injector is an awsome tool, I cannot wait to get it working.
Yes it is, you just need to stick with it and you will get it sorted. It may be a bit scary for some Biab users that are not used to Reaper. Again, if PG implement this it will work straight out the Box. Let's see what next month brings.
Hi musocity Thank you so much for your feedback. I managed to get the injector runing, with latest SWS and biab installations; when I try to import the track and I get the following message in the console; I cannot find a way to find the trackdata.txt, is there a methodology to generate it?:
"Error: Biab track injector GUI.lua:1316: cannot open file 'C:\bb\Data\trackdata.txt' (No such file or directory)
Stack traceback: ReaTrak_Core.lua:93: in function <\avc5z\AppData\Roaming\REAPER\Scripts\ReaTrak_Core.lua:84> [C]: in function 'io.input' Biab track injector GUI.lua:1316: in function 'read_lines2' Biab track injector GUI.lua:2471: in function 'import_sel_mid_trk_btn_click' Biab track injector GUI.lua:1546: in function 'import_all_chk_tracks_btn_click' Class - Button.lua:138: in method 'onmouseup' ReaTrak_Core.lua:887: in field 'Update' ReaTrak_Core.lua:440: in field 'Main_Update_Elms' ReaTrak_Core.lua:307: in function <\avc5z\AppData\Roaming\REAPER\Scripts\ReaTrak_Core.lua:303> [C]: in function 'xpcall' ReaTrak_Core.lua:303: in function <\avc5z\AppData\Roaming\REAPER\Scripts\ReaTrak_Core.lua:302>
Did you put the Track menu in the 923 when you went back to it from 926 make sure you are running the right version if running 2 versions rename bbw64 - 923.exe The selected track in the floating mixer will give you the C:\bb\Data\temp.txt for Audio RT/RD/UT data and trackdata.txt for Midi track data if you have BB installed on C:\
Yes, that's good, Reaper will access it via AutoHotkey to read temp.txt and trackdata.txt that Biab creates from the menu selections. This will read the current Biab audio track sections (temp.txt) or midi track data (trackdata.txt) into the Reaper track.
If these 2 functions were put into Help > Utilities by PG it would save a lot of trouble.
I'm installing on Linux trying to interpret the Windows install instructions to suit, but I get an error about which you may be able to advise. This is as I try to Run "Script: Biab track injector GUI.lua"
Last edited by Gordon Scott; 11/28/2211:54 PM.
Jazz relative beginner, starting at a much older age than was helpful. AVL:MXE Linux; Windows 11 BIAB2025 Audiophile, a bunch of other software. Kawai MP6, Ui24R, Focusrite Saffire Pro40 and Scarletts .
I'm installing on Linux trying to interpret the Windows install instructions to suit, but I get an error about which you may be able to advise. This is as I try to Run "Script: Biab track injector GUI.lua"
Sorry, Gorden. Would like to help, but over my pay-grade.
BIAB & RB2025 Win.(Audiophile), Sonar Platinum, Cakewalk by Bandlab, Izotope Prod.Bundle, Roland RD-1000, Synthogy Ivory, Kontakt, Focusrite 18i20, KetronSD2, NS40M Monitors, Pioneer Active Monitors, AKG K271 Studio H'phones
Also In Reaper menu Extensions > Reapack > Browse packages.. in Filter paste js_ReaScriptAPI right click > Install > Apply
It just sets Reaper Media > Video to use wmf for wma as priority, the latest version of Reaper my set that as defafult any way wmf ffmpeg vlc qt:mov,qt,m4v,mp4 dshow:!mov,!mp4,!m4v,!qt
See if you have wma option in Linux else you will need to use wav or flac, wv, aiff, mp3, ogg
You will need to change the paths, there is a replace all command in the script editor to replace all occurrences.
I didn't get far with this today. I've dropped all the SWS files in the relevant places in ~/.config/REAPER I'm not sure where to check if the extensions for ReaScript are installed. I'll have to explore. I was able to Install->Apply.
I can import .wma files OK, but have no option to render .wma. I think that's sane enough.
I've still to look at the paths. I'm guessing I can remove the drive part and point at the Linux directory. I'll try that out and let you know what happens. Tomorrow (Thurs) will be a bit busy, so I may not get around to any of this very quickly.
Band-in-a-Box® for Windows Version 2022 (923) 64 bit application
Jazz relative beginner, starting at a much older age than was helpful. AVL:MXE Linux; Windows 11 BIAB2025 Audiophile, a bunch of other software. Kawai MP6, Ui24R, Focusrite Saffire Pro40 and Scarletts .
I changed all the path definitions that used drive letters to a literal path, e.g.
and running the script now open the Biab Track Injector window, which appears fine ... time to explore.
On thing I was uncertain about in this was whether the backslash delimiters in paths would work. It seems they do, so presumably something within LUA(probably) understands that. I did wonder, though, if paths should really be written with forward slashes, which is the more usual convention.
Hmm ... or maybe it does. It's just crashed trying to open \var\BiaB_etc\bb\Data\temp.txt but that may also be because that file actually doesn't exist. I note a number of bits of code that look like they may be doing slash translations.
FWIW it used to be that Windows was perfectly happy 'under the hood' to use forward slashes for file paths. It appeared that only the command line demanded a backslashes for paths and forward slashes for command-line switches. I don't off-hand know if that's still true, but I suspect so.
I started through the "Basics 1" section of the video "Band In A Box Track Injector for Reaper", importing chords form an MGU file. At present going on to they Export chords to Biab, gives the log, but fails to transfer any data. This is, of course, pushing some fairly outrageous tasks though this chain ... running in Reaper for Linux a large script written for Reaper on Windows trying to communicate with a Windows program running in Wine on Linux. What could possibly go wrong :-D
Suspending for a while ... I have some work to do.
Edit: Oh yes, I have not so far tried to do the "Add track menu to Biab".
Last edited by Gordon Scott; 12/03/2204:29 AM.
Jazz relative beginner, starting at a much older age than was helpful. AVL:MXE Linux; Windows 11 BIAB2025 Audiophile, a bunch of other software. Kawai MP6, Ui24R, Focusrite Saffire Pro40 and Scarletts .
\var\BiaB_etc\bb\Data\temp.txt yes you need the track menu for that to get Biab to make the txt also for midi data \var\BiaB_etc\bb\Data\trackdata.txt
You copy paste the chords from the log console window to Biab Ctrl+Shift+V or Edit Paste Special. It can be made to do it automatically but this gives more control. Yes most scripts use / or \\ so they work on Mac to but didn't bother as I don't think I can edit that function on the Mac menu to give the track data ? haven't looked into it, will be easier if PG just give menu function to give these temp trackdata txt like it gives with all drum txt all realtrack txt all styles txt etc..
Ah ... copy & paste. Yes, OK. I didn't register that in the video.
Do let me know whether you're OK with me continuing with this as we could be chasing bugs for ages for just me or just us.
Following on in the video I reached only to "Import selected tracks" before getting an error:
Stack traceback:
ReaTrak_Core.lua:93: in function </home/gordon/.config/REAPER/Scripts/ReaTrak_Core.lua:84>
[C]: in function 'io.input'
Biab track injector GUI.lua:1334: in function 'read_lines'
Biab track injector GUI.lua:2694: in function 'gen_cur_track_sec_btn_click'
Biab track injector GUI.lua:2617: in function 'import_sel_trk_btn_click'
Biab track injector GUI.lua:1545: in function 'import_all_chk_tracks_btn_click'
Class - Button.lua:138: in method 'onmouseup'
ReaTrak_Core.lua:887: in field 'Update'
ReaTrak_Core.lua:440: in field 'Main_Update_Elms'
ReaTrak_Core.lua:307: in function </home/gordon/.config/REAPER/Scripts/ReaTrak_Core.lua:303>
[C]: in function 'xpcall'
ReaTrak_Core.lua:303: in function </home/gordon/.config/REAPER/Scripts/ReaTrak_Core.lua:302>
That presumably means that function io.input failed. I had a look in the local scripts for the function itself, but didn't find it.
An aside to this, which may be related; if I try to run the BiaB VST, in Reaper or the BiaB standalone, I get an error dialog that just says "I/O error 103.".
FWIW, I changed the generic paths to use / in case that was an issue, but it appears not. All the windows commands I left with backslashes.
Jazz relative beginner, starting at a much older age than was helpful. AVL:MXE Linux; Windows 11 BIAB2025 Audiophile, a bunch of other software. Kawai MP6, Ui24R, Focusrite Saffire Pro40 and Scarletts .
Not sure why the Plugin is not working as I don't have a linux install to try at the moment.
Do you have the C:\bb\Data\temp.txt trackdata.txt temp.txt or for midi track trackdata.txt
I did think I'd previously had the plugin working. I'll do some more exploring, maybe I'll find something.
I seem not to have either text file, not in in C:/bb/Data, nor in F:/bb/Data where I'd probably expect it on my setup.
Something I have discovered is that something has gone slightly awry with the Resource Hackered change, because instead of a "Track" menu I have an additional "Help" menu before the real one. I'll explore that tomorrow. I'm pretty I put in the correct text as I still have the text in a file. Maybe I didn't put it in quite the right place or some such. Resource Hacker doesn't seem to offer the data to modify on Wine, so I had to change to Win10, which has long been a nuisance on this machine. :-(
Jazz relative beginner, starting at a much older age than was helpful. AVL:MXE Linux; Windows 11 BIAB2025 Audiophile, a bunch of other software. Kawai MP6, Ui24R, Focusrite Saffire Pro40 and Scarletts .
That track menu was for 923, so edit that menu out first and add another. This will add as an item in the Help > Utilities so it's out of the way without making a new Main menu item "Track" In Resource editor in TBANDWINDOW search Tag = 2759 You will see
object RunDownloadInstallManagernow1: TMenuItem
Tag = 2759
Caption = 'Run Download/Install Manager now...'
OnClick = RunDownloadInstallManagernow1Click
paste this directly under that item by hitting enter after "end"
object TrackMenuItemID1224: TMenuItem
Tag = 1224
Caption = 'Get Track Info'
so you have
object RunDownloadInstallManagernow1: TMenuItem
Tag = 2759
Caption = 'Run Download/Install Manager now...'
OnClick = RunDownloadInstallManagernow1Click
object TrackMenuItemID1224: TMenuItem
Tag = 1224
Caption = 'Get Track Info'
object TMenuItem
Caption = '-'
When I try to use "Get track info"->"0 Save all ....", I get an message dialog: "Files are written to c:\a\trk" That path doesn't appear to exist on my setup, which is likely a clue. I searched the Scripts directories for things that might match that path, but found nothing that looked useful.
FYI, I created empty files temp.txt and trackdata.txt in the likely locations, but they remain untouched.
Jazz relative beginner, starting at a much older age than was helpful. AVL:MXE Linux; Windows 11 BIAB2025 Audiophile, a bunch of other software. Kawai MP6, Ui24R, Focusrite Saffire Pro40 and Scarletts .
It seems to have been in several .exe files since at least 2019.
Jazz relative beginner, starting at a much older age than was helpful. AVL:MXE Linux; Windows 11 BIAB2025 Audiophile, a bunch of other software. Kawai MP6, Ui24R, Focusrite Saffire Pro40 and Scarletts .
Update your Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows® Today!
If you’ve already purchased Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows®, great news—a new update is now available! This update introduces a handy new feature: a vertical cursor in the Tracks window that shows the current location across all tracks, and more.
Video: Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows®: Boot Camp: The AI Lyrics Generator
With Band-in-a-Box 2025® for Windows®, we've introduced an exciting new feature: the AI Lyrics Generator! In this video, Tobin guides you step-by-step on how to make the most of this new tool.
Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows®: Boot Camp: The AI Lyrics Generator video.
Video: Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows®: Using VST3 Plugins
Band-in-a-Box 2025® for Windows® now includes support for VST3 plugins, bringing even more creative possibilities to your music production. Join Simon as he guides you through the process in this easy-to-follow demonstration!
Video: Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows®: Using VST3 Plugins
Video: Band-in-a-Box 2025 for Windows: Using The BB Stem Splitter!
In this video, Tobin provides a crash course on using the new BB Stem Splitter feature included in Band-in-a-Box 2025® for Windows®. During this process he also uses the Audio Chord Wizard (ACW) and the new Equalize Tempo feature.
Video: Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows®: Using the BB Stem Splitter
Check out the forum post for some optional Tips & Tricks!
Congrats to Misha (Rustyspoon)…downloaded/installed a full Audiophile 2025!
Breaking News!
We’re thrilled to announce that Rustyspoon has made PG history as the very first person to successfully complete the download and install of the full Band-in-a-Box 2025 Windows Audiophile Edition (with FLAC files)—a whopping 610GB of data!
A big shoutout to Rustyspoon for stepping up to be our test "elf!"
With the launch of Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows, we're adding new videos to our YouTube channel. We'll also share them here once they are published so you can easily find all the Band-in-a-Box® 2025 and new Add-on videos in one place!
Whether it's a summary of the new features, demonstrations of the 202 new RealTracks, new XPro Styles PAK 8, or Xtra Styles PAKs 18, information on the 2025 49-PAK, or detailed tutorials for other Band-in-a-Box® 2025 features, we have you covered!
Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows is here, packed with major new features and an incredible collection of available new content! This includes 202 RealTracks (in Sets 449-467), plus 20 bonus Unreleased RealTracks in the 2025 49-PAK. There are new RealStyles, MIDI SuperTracks, Instrumental Studies, “Songs with Vocals” Artist Performance Sets, Playable RealTracks Set 4, two new sets of “RealDrums Stems,” XPro Styles PAK 8, Xtra Styles PAK 19, and more!
Special Offers
Upgrade to Band-in-a-Box® 2025 with savings of up to 50% on most upgrade packages during our special—available until December 31, 2024! Visit our Band-in-a-Box® packages page for all the purchase options available.
2025 Free Bonus PAK & 49-PAK Add-ons
We've packed our Free Bonus PAK & 49-PAK with some incredible Add-ons! The Free Bonus PAK is automatically included with most Band-in-a-Box® for Windows 2025 packages, but for even more Add-ons (including 20 Unreleased RealTracks!) upgrade to the 2025 49-PAK for only $49. You can see the full lists of items in each package, and listen to demos here.
If you have any questions, feel free to connect with us directly—we’re here to help!
One of our representatives will be happy to help you over the phone. Our hours of operation are from
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One of our representatives will be happy to help you on our Live Chat or by email. Our hours of operation are from
6:00AM to 6:00PM PST (GMT -8) Monday thru Friday; 8:00AM to 4:00PM PST (GMT -8) Saturday; Closed Sunday.