
please tell me where my logic is wrong given the following.

1..millions of people in the world cant afford a fancy expensive computer..
(eg where i grew up that i mentioned upthread.) and can only afford a cheap pc clunker with a clunky hard drive.
many cant even afford that.
2..do this test sometime…on an old clunker pc…using monitoring software
record one trak wav…then playback the wav noting read/write stats.
then record one trak flac , then playback the flac noting once again read/write stats.
3..extrapolate the read/write stats for ever higher trak counts.
4..now add in the fact the clunker pc has just one slow internal drive and that biab's'content library' (eg rt's) will continue growing year over year…and is installed on that one clunky drive as well, and the conclusion ive made is that the old clunker will be asked to 'push too much data through the pipe'....as trak counts go up.

my concern mike is purely for the 'young un' ' maybe with a hand me down pc that wants to produce a song.

you asked for a business case…i hope you see from above fewer people might purchase pg products (biab/rb) if they hear that they need a expensive high end computer to reach their song creation goals...ie lost sales.

i hope i make a modicum of sense.
for me personally i love being able to use flac for recording and playback and would be a very happy bunny if biab had the option to save a genned trak as flac.

best and have a merry one.


Last edited by justanoldmuso; 12/20/22 06:29 AM.

my songs....mixed for good earbuds...(fyi..my vocs on all songs..)
(90 songs created useing bb/rb.)