This is EnergyXT 2.0 32bit Plugin running in Reaper under JBridge.
This is direct from frozen track sections in a BB SGU, the source files were added and any sections were transpose same as original.
The WAV Instructions load quickly in the Plugin and it plays back the original RT RD file sections on the external USB hard drive in a 32bit Plugin inside Reaper.

The BBPlugin could easily do the same ! so in a few secs you will have the generated tracks playing direct in the DAW, NO wav files whatsoever created.
If I'm happy with the tracks I can leave it as it is and Render a mixdown in the DAW without creating any wav files at all ! if I want to create physical wav files to drag into the DAW I render the tracks sections data to wav.

This would solve THE biggest issue with the BBPlugin (bbw4 slow asss rendering in the background)

As mentioned before, if Biab would write a BBoutput.txt file with all the Wav Instructions for all current tracks each time it generates anything this will cut out the middle men.
This would give an easy way to get all Biab tracks into Reaper instantly and
bbw4 could just create the BBoutput.txt rather than messing around for ages rendering wav files, so the BBPlugin will read the BBoutput.txt same as EnergyXT and play all the tracks instantly.
The BBPlugin would then play frozen SGU from the main Biab identically.

Watch Video:

"The voice of one crying in the wilderness"

Attached Files (Click to download or enlarge) (Only available when you are logged in)
Reaper-EnergyXT-RT-RD-Sections.png (147.53 KB, 136 downloads)