I asked ChatGPT:

I’d like help writing a song.
Let me give you a sample verse, OK?

The AI replied:

Sure, I'd be happy to help you write a song! Please go ahead and provide a sample verse and we can start from there.

I provided the verse, which I wrote when I was 12:

I went to turn up my television set
When suddenly the picture went
Stores never seem to have exactly what I need to get
Why am I here? Why was I sent?

The AI replied:

Here is a possible chorus that builds on your verse:

I don't know why I'm here, what my purpose is
Feeling lost, alone, and dismissed
Is there more to life than this?
I don't know why I exist

You could then continue with another verse that explores similar themes, or you could add a bridge section that offers a different perspective or introduces a new idea. Here is an example of a second verse that expands on the themes in your original verse:

Everything seems so meaningless and hollow
I try to find joy, but it's hard to follow
The days blur together, a never-ending cycle
Trapped in a routine, it's hard to find the sparkle

Here is another potential chorus:

I don't know why I'm here, what's the point of it all?
Feeling lost and alone, I just want to crawl
Into a hole and hide, escape from the pain
But I know I can't give up, I have to find my way

There are many other directions you could take your song. Here are a few additional ideas for verses that could build on the theme of questioning one's purpose in life:

I try to find some meaning in the things I do
But nothing seems to stick, I'm feeling blue
I go through the motions, day after day
But deep down inside, I'm lost in the fray

I look to others for guidance, some sign of hope
But no one seems to have all the answers, I'm on my own
I try to keep it together, put on a brave face
But inside I'm falling apart, lost in this place

I hope these suggestions are helpful! If you have any specific questions or need more guidance, please don't hesitate to ask. Remember that writing can be a great way to express and process your feelings, so don't be afraid to take your time and explore different ideas as you work on your song.

Last edited by Mark Hayes; 01/06/23 05:12 AM.