I was sitting at work, yesterday and said, "Ok Lord, I haven't written a song since Last Week", and all of a sudden, I grabbed a legal pad, and the words and tune started flowing.
https://on.soundcloud.com/mnoiDIn Jesus Name
In Jesus name, blind eyes have opened, up to see,
In Jesus name, lepers were cleansed, and then set free.
We know he’s done all of these things, and so many more,
In Jesus name, imagine what he has in store.
In Jesus name, a little one, is healed from pain,
In Jesus name, a once lost soul, will never be the same.
When the time comes, for his return,
We must be ready to go.
In Jesus name, he’ll save you from Satan’s flame.
We can have, a brand new life, in Jesus name,
Victory is ours, to proclaim, in Jesus name.
He will pour out, all of his blessings, more than we can contain,
And all of it is done, in Jesus name.
We can have, a brand new life, in Jesus name,
Victory is ours, to proclaim, in Jesus name.
He will pour out, all of his blessings, more than we can contain,
And all of it is done, in Jesus name.
And all of it is done, in Jesus name.
_ACFIDGS.STY SlowCountryFolk w/fiddle
3502; Bass, Electric, NashvilleRadioBallad EV 16 075
~ 363 Pedal Steel; Background EV 085
Tascam Dp32sd Recorder,
Tonar Mic,
Lexicon Alpha Interface