Bottom line and answering the OP:

Many in the industry will not accept an unpublished Work (Songwriter demo, script, screenplay etc.) with any kind of Copyright notice on it. It is considered amateurish at best and a possible setup for a lawsuit at worst. Since copyright notices are not required, even if registered, don't make that mistake.

If concerned about being ripped off i. e. someone claiming your Work as his/her own, then register it with someone. The LOC accepts up to 10 on a Form PA or SR with PA box checked (do not check the box for Published). Again, there are 3rd party companies that do this and, if you're a prolific songwriter, you'll save a lot of money.

The Writers Guild has been registering scripts for over 95 years. They don't so songs but, if you want to see how 3rd party protection works, their web site is most informative.

WGA West Registry

BIAB 2024 Audiophile, 24Core/60CoreGPU Core M2 MacStudioUltra/8TB/192GB Sonoma, M1 MBAir, 2012 MBP
Digital Performer11, LogicPro