Originally Posted By: QuestionAsker

So far it seems like this is the correct(?) route:

1. Register a group of unregistered works (up to 10 songs). Melody + Lyrics (sheet music) + MP3 sound recording of each demo.

2. Work with producers on songs, shop them around to publishers, show them around to industry people, etc etc.

3. Once the song is ready, (if you as the artist end up recording it), individually register each Sound Recording (Master). In the Sound Recording (Form SR) copyright registration, you can also include the Composition (Performing Arts = Form PA = lyrics and melody) together, and just pay for the 1 registration.

The questions I still have are:

1. Should I register a group of unregistered works individually, to maximize benefits in case a song is infringed? Or would that only really matter once the Sound Recording (Master) is registered as a copyright.

2. Should the final master (Sound Recording) be registered separately from the Composition (form PA), to maximize benefits in case of infringement, and make it easier to administer your catalog?

(eg. if you wanted to sell the publishing rights to your Composition, but not give up rights to the master?)

3. Do any short-term timelines (or deadlines) play into this? I remember reading something along the lines of "you have 3 months to publish the songs you copyrighted as unregistered works, otherwise you lose the right to litigate on them, if someone infringes them". I've heard conflicting things on this subject.

@Mike Halloran, would it be possible to get your insight on this?

I think what I'm beginning to gather is (legally) it is best to register everything separately (Form PA and Form SR, once you have the master and final song finished).

This is to make managing one's catalog in the best way (ie. in case you want to sell rights to your master, but not your songwriting. If you registered them together, it will be difficult (or impossible?) to sell/license one without having to sell the other.

The more reasonable way for the everyday artist is to do group registrations of 10 songs at a time... and if they really have faith in a particular song, they can register the master individually, with the form PA (songwriting) attached within the same Form SR registration (while only paying for 1 SR registration).

Are those correct assumptions? Or is there a better approach to it would you say?

Thank you in advance for any insight.

Last edited by QuestionAsker; 02/21/23 10:03 AM.