Originally Posted By: David Snyder
This is not a strange question for a BIAB forum since this place is crawling with songwriters and producers, some of them famous, who occasionally pop up but otherwise stay in the background bemused I assume.

There are legitimate, award-winning, multi-hit songwriters using BIAB for their demos now and they have admitted it, even though they live in Nashville.

One key marketing target for the product is SONGWRITERS.

So why does it not make sense to ask questions about song copyright here?

There are entire forum threads dedicated to random youtubes that make about as much sense sometimes as "look at my cat video."

Intellectual property law and copyright should be among the most important things on any songwriter's mind.

No question is too stupid. Ask away.

As for responders, and so-called "experts": try to be polite. Please. And don't talk down to people if you have NO visible track record of ever having done anything or written anything yourself.

That is to say, some of the posturing and hostility and boasting on this thread (no names, but three wild guesses) is absurd.

If you have a doctorate from Julliard, fine, boast away, but if not, you may want to back off the condescending, bragging, swaggering, attacking, mocking and hostility trip.

Thanks David, I appreciate your viewpoint.

I also don't understand the hostility.

As a little guy I'm just trying to figure out how to protect myself from the big players.

What's wrong with that?

It's a topic everyone can benefit from - small time artists/songwriters get screwed all the time on copyright.

I've already lost $150k (my life savings), and was left with $20k debt, in a separate IP issue outside of music (not even my IP, a friends IP whom I was helping to promote, and a bad actor wanted to steal - it's a long story). I'm not 18 anymore, and I don't think I can survive another disaster like that. So just want to make sure I'm covered from an IP standpoint.

Last edited by QuestionAsker; 02/23/23 12:05 PM.