Originally Posted By: Mike Halloran
Originally Posted By: Henry Clarke
Ray Parker Junior (Ghostbusters) said in a documentary "hell you know you got a hit when you get sued !! LOL" What he meant was that you can take almost any song and within the 7 notes probably come up with a similar song. As far as the question asked in this post I don't bother copyrighting my songs before showing it to producers. Hell, it's hard enough to get someone to listen to them. I definitely ain't worrying about someone stealing them. The songs I release are published through Tunecore Publishing and I am also a BMI member. If that's not enough protection then I'm out of luck. Plus if I wanted to go after someone for "stealing" my song I probably would need a load of cash in attorney's fees to even get close and if that person is connected to a major record company I'm pretty much out of luck. I would hope that if someone felt the need to "steal" my song they will come back to me for other songs and maybe I'd get some kind of deal. But as far as going the Government route and Copyrighting my songs I never bother.

So, you trust a Russian company to protect your songs? You shouldn’t because they don’t. In their own words.

TuneCore and Copyright
Does TuneCore copyright my songs?
The following information is regarding TuneCore's Publishing Administration service

No, TuneCore does not register songs with the Copyright Office.

According to copyright law, the composer owns the copyright to a composition as soon as it is fixed in a tangible medium (written down or recorded)

Pursuant to the US copyright act, once a work is in a fixed form i.e. recorded to mp3 or CD, or written down, you are protected under copyright laws. However, registering your copyright with the Library of Congress makes this ownership part of the public record. This formal record affords the composer/author additional benefits. In other words, if a work is registered with the copyright office the author/composer has a stronger claim against infringements and better damage compensation as a result of infringement.

You may complete the registration process online at https://www.copyright.gov/registration/

The PA form (Work of the Performing Arts) is the form used to register a composition (lyrics and music)

The SR form (Sound Recording) is the form used to register the master or audio/sound recording only

Let’s be very clear: Tunecore may be distributing your songs and collecting certain royalties on your behalf but they are clear that You are the Publisher, not they.

BMI does not protect you either and they don’t claim to.

Again, none of this matters if no one rips you off by a) claiming your work as theirs or b) covering your work without paying you.

Do what you want how you like — no one is stopping you. Offering this nonsense as advice to others is stup

First of all BOY this is my opinion and not advice. It's my personal view so don't call my opinion "STUPID". That [*****] ain't gonna work.