thanks for responding to my two scenarios upthread.
I appreciate your response..and the example of your experience you gave.

possibly i wasnt clear in the 2 scenarios i presented so let me explain further.
(yes having worked in tech for many years, i'm aware of patterns etc.)

i was trying to get at the following scenario…(sorry if i wasnt clear)...

lets consider a dirt poor musician in a very poor country who studies music in the only music school, and said muso creates a fab song.
now lets consider by 'fate' or 'karma' that someone with 'influence' visits the country and hears the fab song and sends it to a friend working at a small radio station in a wealthy country who plays the song…
and suddenly the word gets around and the song makes a ton of money.
(note at this point the song hasnt been on the net or input to pattern tech.)

in the above scenario how is the poor muso who created the fab song originally expected to check the previously created zillion of songs ?
maybe the poor muso isnt even aware of net sites that host songs for example.

in addition what about people who innocently post their creations in the pg user showcase ?
should these folks be submitting the appropo paperwork to the appropo authorities and get their blessing before posting on the showcase ?. this would be highly expensive for many musos who possibly cant afford the outlay of money…like the dirt poor muso example i gave.

frankly the whole topic baffles me…it sounds like a case of a no winner for the poor muso cited..
cos even if the poor muso has all the appropo sign offs
still a well funded entity making a claim has deep pockets for advisors etc…etc.



Last edited by justanoldmuso; 03/26/23 04:13 AM.

my songs....mixed for good earbuds...( vocs on all songs..)
(90 songs created useing bb/rb.)