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#777705 10/05/23 09:23 PM
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Deej56 Offline OP
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HI, all:

Okay, so here’s the thing . . . I’m having somewhat of an existential crisis, wondering why I invest the time to do this recording thing. As you all know, it’s not easy and it’s time intensive, and I just find I’m increasingly disappointed with the outcomes of my recordings from a production perspective . . . to the point I need to change my approach or just stop messing with it.

So here’s try number one—and a bit of a different genre for me . . . dunno . . . pop/funk? Anyway, I’m just going to let this fly despite knowing there are flaws here. I’ve skipped doing some of the tedious things I do to clean a recording up. There are no BGVs. The lead guitar is far from perfect (but I’m not going to agonize over a dozen or so regenerated RTs). I haven’t layered in backing instruments. I haven’t de-essed the vocal; and I haven’t listened to this thing dozens upon dozens of times in a lame attempt to achieve some level of mixing perfection.

Yeah, I know . . . that’s where I am, LOL--sorry. So, anyway, here it is. Your comments and feedback are, as always, appreciated . . . but if I’m being honest, I’m not sure I’ll do more with this. Hope it’s worth the listen as it stands.

My best to all of you talented folks,


Here’s the song:


Here are the lyrics:

Baby, give a long look
Read me like an open book
Lay on out your love hook
Baby won’t you let me bite
Won’t you let me bite

Call me on my cool bluff
Sway me with your smooth strut
Give my love a sweet shove
Baby, I can be so shy
I can be so shy

You know I ain’t so no go
Ask me now I’ll tell you everything you want to know
And let you take me to the other side
I want to hold you, breakthrough
Tell me how, I’ll do it just the way you want me to
Make you melt like ice
Baby, just tell me what you like

Give me what I ask for
Shake me on the dance floor
Take me out the back door
Baby, can you get me high
I want to get so high

Put me on your wish list
Pull me close by both wrists
Just another wet kiss
And baby, you can make me fly
You can make me fly

You know I ain’t so solo
Take me now, I’ll go anywhere you want to go
And let you take me to the other side
I want to hold you, breakthrough
Tell me how, I’ll do everything you want me to
Make you melt like ice
Baby, just tell me what you like

I want to play with danger
Some artful stranger
Who’ll turn my insides out
You’re a pretty young thing
Come make my heart sing
Reveal my eyes
With no disguise, no doubts

Show me how the heart quakes
Thunders as the room shakes
Love me till the dawn breaks
And never never say goodbye
Never say goodbye

And here’s the band:

RealTracks 2609: Bass, Electric, ClassicFunkRootFiveAlex
RealTracks 4004: Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModPopFunkySingle
RealTracks 4166: Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RockNewWave80sHeldArpChorus
RealTracks 4185: Guitar, Electric, Soloist BluesFunkyJohnny
RealDrums: AltRockSlowSteady8ths^4

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Hi Deej,
I like your song ! smile
There's so much energy in it!
And your voice is always so good...
I've always thought you could be one of the best professionnal singers I've ever heard.
It would be a shame to deprive the public of your talent.
I'm always ready to collaborate with you in any style you want.

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Well, this really, REALLY works. Nicely conceived song with great lyrics and melody. Wonderful vocals. The guitar solo is the only real weak spot. The noodling nature of the licks may or may not improve with regeneration, so another soloist (or live performance) may be in order. Well done!

DC Ron
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Too many guitars (is that a thing?)
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Hey Deej, I had to read your post twice, before I realized you are having at least 'a dip'.
Well, the good thing is, it happens often to creative people.
Their creativity can also become their pitfall, but the good news here is mostly they find a way out because of their creativity.
And you most certainly! But enough of these psychiatrist-things.

The song is eccentric and attractive at the same time.
I didn't know what to think for a moment
It is a great song, but somewhat uncommon to hear you singing this style.
But that is probably because I am so used to hear your 'sweeter' songs.
Very clever lyrics by the way, but you always have good lyrics.
And don't mind the vocals, they are great!


Hans Berkhout
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Wow - this is a killer song... Your production is raw and perfect. Love your vocal - it's the complete star of the show.

You are a talent. I wouldn't change a thing. This has it all.


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Definitely not wasting time, Deej. Creating things is ingrained in us, and it makes the rest of life better --so much better when the results are this well done. To answer your musical question, I like songs like this --actually all the songs you produce. Mixing and mastering to perfection is an art that I can't do well, but I understand the creativity others see in it. This song is so well written and your vocal never needs fixing.

Enjoy whatever happens!

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I really liked that song. Cool groove. Nothing there that just a bit of tweezing won't polish up nicely.

The guitar solo part was actually not as bad as you made it out to be in your comments. Maybe you could trim it up a bit. Trim it and drop the run time below 4 minutes. The guitar solo could easily be cut in half or less. There's a bit of repetitive noodling in it that can be eliminated by creative editing. Turn it up a few dBs and shorten it. That will make it sound much better and you really won't lose anything by doing that. Then, you can also clean up the ending as that doesn't need to have 4 tags with ad-lib. One tag is probably going to finish it nicely and button the ending.

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Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.
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"My mama said, there'll be days like this".
Do it because you enjoy it, Deej. Is there anything else you'd rather be doing?

I think this one has good energy. Could you make it sound better? Sure you could.
When it started I liked the drum sound but as the song went on my ears were waiting for something different.
If you wanted to continue with it that's where I'd start.
Never give up.


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What else am I to say? This is a "virtuoso" piece from you. The vocals shine, they are the "centre" of this song. The lyrics are excellent; different, yes, from some of your other songs ... so? Absolutely brilliant. Love it how you go into the falsetto once or twice. The backing track is great, too.

I'm glad you're back. That's the catch, when you have talent; it's a pity, perhaps, not to share it with others. It's your call, of course, because it's your talent; but everything you share, whether it's mixed to your satisfaction or not, is - to my ears, at least - absolute top notch. I'm always so happy when I see you've posted a new song.

And you know me; I never cared much for artificial, mixing "perfection"; my ears can compensate for the odd mixing "problem", if there is any; but, if the song lacks life ... nothing will compensate for that. And your songs certainly do NOT lack life, nor musical talent. So: if the effort of mixing is what's too much for you, forget working on the mix; just share "as is", and we'll see through any supposed mixing "deficiencies" ... if not, we'll let you know wink What I'm trying to say is this: it's much worse for someone like me, at least, not to hear your songs at all - than to hear them ever so slightly worse for wear in the mix ... I can live with the latter, easily; not as easily with the former ... that's my take on that, at least. So yes: please keep sharing, whenever it feels good to you to do so smile

One last thing: I've always said it, and this song - for me - proves it once more: you're so darn versatile smile There are many, many amazing artists around, of course ... but you can sing something like this AND slow, sad, sensitive, stuff - AND humorous stuff, too (like "I've Got The Moon"), etc. Too many artists can do just the one thing (although many do it very well, yes) ... you are equally at home in so many musical styles, by contrast, I feel.

So: BRAVO. SUPERB effort ... hope to hear more.

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Very original. And very well written.
The production is interesting. In a really good way.
And, of course the vocals are excellent.

Drop the solo. The song doesn't need it.
The chorus needs just a bit of differentiation. Add a synth pad. That is all it needs. A Flowing instrument juxtaposed against the beat/rhythm of the rest of the track.

This is well worth caring about...

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Deej, after reading your message I thought that I was going to hear a song with lots of warts and one that in its infant stage.
I was wrong. I liked the entire song. I agree that you should shorten or even eliminate it completely. Great vocal and backing band. The mix was spot on.

I think we all go into "writer's block depression" and ask ourselves why am I doing this? Well for me it is because it is the only hobby (music) that I have had since I was very young. I do it because I enjoy doing it even though it is very time consuming. You are way to talented to stop recording and sharing your songs so please do not stop.

Yeah, I've got O.C.D, Old, Cranky, and Dangerous.

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Cool rocker Deej!! Band sounds great, and I always love your vocals!! Take care. Greg

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It works - it's not raw but it's not overcooked.
We often get into the downward spiral of diminishing returns.
It's hard to know when to stop but you stopped at the right time with this one.
Sibilant sounds aren't any sort of issue with this - & I'm the one who complains the most about that stuff.
The solo? well most rock songs have 'em and most don't do more than fill the space. This one works well enough - besides the vocal is the focus of this & the vocal is ACE!
If you're in a rut - do something out of the box, change the M.O., rather like this song...

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Really Cool song DJ.

Your usual energy, passion, performance and some very emotive lyrics.

Great rock. Well done!

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Christian, DC Ron, Hans, Bob, Marty, Herb, Vic, James, Floyd, Mario, Greg, Ray, and David:

Really appreciate the listens and kind words of encouragement. My challenge these days is not so much the songwriting itself, but finding the motivation to do the production/recording . . . so again, the idea will be going forward to keep it simple, give a feel for the song, and be content with that. A few specific comments on the feedback:

Christian: I’m alway open to collaboration with anyone at anytime. Appreciate the support.

DC Ron: I did try out a few other soloists (though not as thoroughly as I normally would) and while I did regenerate a couple of times, also not to the extent I’ve done so in the past. Based on the comments, I’m inclined to shorten the solo and maybe regenerate it a couple times more, but I do generally like the feel and sound of this one in the mix.

Hans: Appreciate the support. Stay tuned for my usual heartbreak ballad. I have one at the ready but will wait a week or so before posting. It will be somewhat stripped in line with my new production philosophy, but seems to be sounding OK as of now.

Herb: If I dive back into this, I will cut back on the solo. I also think your suggestion to fade the ending out a bit sooner is a good one, and I’d do that as well. Thanks much!

Vic: Drums have always been a challenge for me. The “b” side of this drum track had way too much high hat, and it just wasn’t working . . . so I kept it the same throughout the mix. I get what you are suggesting . . . but I’m not sure I’m up to tackling a solution.

Floyd: Good suggestion on the synth pad. I’ll definitely try that if I get back to this one. I’m inclined to keep the solo, but trim it per Herb’s suggestion above. Easy enough for me to do.

Ray: Every time I do a mix I also check the sibilance with the goal of making sure I get it past your ears, LOL! I didn’t do it here, so am relieved it sounded OK as is.

Again, thanks all. Stay safe and be well!


Last edited by Deej56; 10/10/23 08:05 AM.
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You do “pop funk” very well, Deej. This is so full of energy in every aspect.

We were reminded of the groove from the music from Fitz and the Tantrums - it gives Janice happy feet. smile

I think lots of us get in those funks where we fret too much over production and forget that we’re trying to have fun. Hey, and as Bud has said before, “mixing is never finished but simply abandoned.”

We wouldn’t change a thing about the song. Kudos!


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Deej...this is a long way from any genre I do or should comment on with any credibility but...I loved it and though it's not your regular fare either, you nailed it...I think for me it's the "bounce" in the lyric and the "snap" of the instrumentation that grabs me and keeps me engaged to the end...a lot of words with great phrasing and the energy...your vocal fits it to a tee (your vocals are always great...da!)...I endorse it wholeheartedly!
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Hi Deej.

This is incredible! It's what I can only describe as power-songwriting at its very, very best. You really have the knack for making outstanding music.

The lyrics and melody mesmerized me, and your arrangement and production astounded me. Everything about this song sat perfectly with me. I sincerely admire what you've created and produced.

Honestly, and without any hint of exaggeration, this is first class music from start to end.

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Hey Deej,
Originally Posted by Deej56
...I’m having somewhat of an existential crisis, wondering why I invest the time to do this recording thing. As you all know, it’s not easy and it’s time intensive
My simple rule of thumb is that when the mixing process (or, ANY process) reaches a point where it's no longer fun, I either release the song as is or abandon it. There is no point in having a hobby that is no longer fun.

Now about your song:
Technical feedback:
  • Your mix is pretty good, no matter what YOU think about it.
    Don't overvalue individual tracks too much, so they don't have to sound or be perfect when soloed.
    A good mix is more than just the sum of the individual tracks.
  • Perfect vocals, excellent lyrics

Artistic feedback:
  • Original and interesting, both in the most positive way. I listened to it a few times, just for fun.
  • By far my new favorite of yours! Well done!

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Nice change of style, disco rock of the 80's. That funky guitar is cool and building on it makes this song recognizable and unique.
Lyrics are sweaty and hot, perfect fit for the intensive rhythm.
I missed perhaps bit different bass to be better dancefloor rocker, but it was just first impression, this songs grows on every listen.
I like the guitar solo, but I thought a possibility to have a slower/smoother instrumental section for more intimate moment just to calm down before the beat goes on.
Although it is self-evident, I have to mention that I really enjoyed your emotional vocals smile
The less is more approach works here and if there are any "raw" parts, they belong to the song or are hidden behind the energy.
Keep on experimenting, with your talent you surely manage to create more magical things from new rhythms and instruments.


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