I thought the same thing with creating a new product and patents. And here I am, 4 years in court later and down $150,000! Everyone said "no one will steal your idea, stop being paranoid, and just move forward".

Chances are: you're right. The songs will most likely cause ear pain and irritable bowel syndrome.

But I'm a believer in doing things right the first time. I'll be damned if I get jacked again for my hard work.

I don't care if chances are low. My intentions here are protecting my own work, in case it ever does go anywhere.

We need more artists to come out with their stories on how their songs were stolen. Because it happens a lot more than we hear about, it's just either those artists are silenced, or keep themselves silent out of embarrassment / pain / don't want to step on the wrong shoes and get blacklisted. I've heard a few anecdotes, but I'm confident @Mike Halloran has more stories.

I'm for the little guy protecting himself. Music Industry Corporate types want you to think it's a non-issue. If you're working hard at this, I saw it's worth paying a few bucks to protect yourself.

If doing it for fun... then sure, don't protect it. Depends on if you value your work or not.

At the end of the day it can be argued it's hard to prove infringement in the court of law and all that, but at least you give yourself a fighting chance. And prevent someone from blatantly ripping you off.