I suggested having a Direct Input guitar by name Fender Strat then record all different patterns/solos for it so you can change from one pattern in a song to another at any bar using partial regen so you get the same tone to give seamless changes from one pattern/solo to another and being able to add any FX you like to it.
RealTracks A Different Way

You can make a usertrack easy enough with the same repetitive pattern all the way through.

I just look at what SFZ RealTrack 1831 is using for Playable RealTracks and just dropped SN0714.sfz into Sforzando VST in the DAW that is following the chord track using MusicLab RealStrat with the same arrpegio pattern all the way through sending midi only out to Sforzando. I can copy the Biab RC and create the same pattern for RealStrat.

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