Originally Posted by Matt Finley
Assuming you are comfortable copying files, you could do what I do. I have two machines, a production machine that has everything, but also a backup machine in another location. Onto that backup machine, each year I copy only the new RealTrack folders that I know I will use. Just omitting almost all of the guitars alone saves over half the space.

I use a file manager that sorts folders by date, so it’s easy to review the newest RealTracks by instrument and date.

Thanks Matt for your reply. I'm not sure I understand what you are doing exactly.
It seems you install everything on your 'production machine'. What is the purpose of the backup machine?
I do have a second computer that I could install stuff on, if necessary, but with it I also keep installations to a minimum because of limited disk space.

A BIAB user for more than 30 years (if you can believe it) !