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Hi, Dave.

Originally Posted by BlueAttitude
Love the vocals, especially when you bring in the female. Harmonies are outstanding!
Heh. My "go to" move when using a male vocal is to add a female vocalist. The male vocalists aren't bad, they just aren't as good as the females.

Thanks for mentioning the harmony. That's always the most fun part for me - after the hard work of figuring out the vocals, it's easy to add the harmony parts. Sometimes I have a bit too much fun and overdue it. Oh, well. wink

Good pop song, nice hook. One of your best I think.
As long as it's not one my my worst, I'm happy!

I appreciate you stopping to comment! smile

-- David Cuny
My virtual singer development blog

Vocal control, you say. Never heard of it. Is that some kind of ProTools thing?
dcuny #800774 02/19/24 11:34 AM
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The timing differences in the vocals as they harmonize is Impressive and adds to the realism.
Terrific melody. The chorus is especially nice.
Some nice furniture.
The Backing is cohesive. Pleasant Pop.
Good mix.


B.D.Thomas #800775 02/19/24 11:35 AM
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Hi, B.D.

Originally Posted by B.D.Thomas
Sounds like something out of a Disney movie, but in a good way.
I love those harmonies and the arrangement in general.
Nice work.

I suspect the "Disney" effect is partly because of the vocal style (they've very theatrical, which I like), as well as the duet sound. But I'll take that as a win any day! smile

Oh: the photo on SoundCloud is a Damselfly, NOT a Dragonfly grin
Ha! laugh

I picked it more for the "summer" background than the damselfly. And the nice arrangement of the picture.

Thanks for all your insights! smile

-- David Cuny
My virtual singer development blog

Vocal control, you say. Never heard of it. Is that some kind of ProTools thing?
Chris37 #800776 02/19/24 11:43 AM
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Hi, Christian.

Originally Posted by Chris37
That's a very good song!

I never thought that a virtual voice could sound as well like a real voice.
I'm just happy to have a tool that makes it possible to write a song, even when I don't have any voice left... or it's too noisy in the house to record. It's been raining all weekend, and I've got a house filled with sick people. That doesn't make for ideal recording conditions!

Plus, it makes it easy to fix lyrics, and they don't complain when I decide that I want some notes longer or shorter. laugh

Thanks again for commenting!

-- David Cuny
My virtual singer development blog

Vocal control, you say. Never heard of it. Is that some kind of ProTools thing?
floyd jane #800780 02/19/24 12:02 PM
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Hi, floyd jane.

Originally Posted by floyd jane
The timing differences in the vocals as they harmonize is Impressive and adds to the realism.
Heh. I started "fixing" some of the staggered bits last night, and came to my senses.

But I did go back and make sure most of the ending /s/ landed in the same place. I've can still my choir director complaining that we sounded like a bunch of hissing snakes at the end of phrases. grin

Terrific melody. The chorus is especially nice.
Thanks! smile

Some nice furniture.
I was worried it would be a bit threadbare. Glad that's not the case.

The Backing is cohesive. Pleasant Pop.
Good mix.
Can't ask for more than that from a pop song!

Thanks for your kind words - I appreciate the positive comments.

-- David Cuny
My virtual singer development blog

Vocal control, you say. Never heard of it. Is that some kind of ProTools thing?
dcuny #800854 02/19/24 09:23 PM
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A very bright and crisp pop tune, that's very easy on the ears, and soothing to the nervous system.

I like the vocals, and everything seems to fit together pretty well.

If you were striving for crisp and bright and pretty you definitely achieved all of those goals!

Thumbs up from me!

P.S. If they come up with a showcase award category for the person who can write the longest song description explaining the position of every dial setting on every piece of equipment that was used in the recording process that person should definitely be you and it will be a crying shame if it's not and I will probably protest and go on a rampage. I have your back man.

dcuny #800857 02/19/24 10:33 PM
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HI David,

Man, this is just so terrific! You and a couple of other forum members amaze me with your use of the synth voices. I've come to expect that from all your tunes and you always come through so nicely.

What caught my attention almost as much as the vocals is the prosody between the lyric and the melody. This is such a soft, gentle tune - and the lyric supports that in spades. The image of dragonflies is airy and whispy, and you capture that so vividly.

The arrangement is relatively simple (though not simple to create as good as you have), and that keeps the emphasis on the grace of the song. In other words, a fabulous mix with the balances spot on.

As soon as you're feeling better, take a bow.


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Hi, David.
Originally Posted by David Snyder
A very bright and crisp pop tune, that's very easy on the ears, and soothing to the nervous system.
I'll take that as a win! laugh

If you were striving for crisp and bright and pretty you definitely achieved all of those goals!

Thumbs up from me!
Thanks! I appreciate the positive feedback.

P.S. If they come up with a showcase award category for the person who can write the longest song description explaining the position of every dial setting on every piece of equipment that was used in the recording process that person should definitely be you and it will be a crying shame if it's not and I will probably protest and go on a rampage. I have your back man.
Well, I see that we both managed to make it to the User Showcase awards, and I can only assume that I got there through heavy lobbying by you on my behalf. Hopefully that in bribe money I sent you greased the right palms at PG Music! Thanks for having my back, man! wink

-- David Cuny
My virtual singer development blog

Vocal control, you say. Never heard of it. Is that some kind of ProTools thing?
Al-David #801086 02/21/24 11:30 AM
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Hi, Alan.
Originally Posted by Al-David
Man, this is just so terrific! You and a couple of other forum members amaze me with your use of the synth voices. I've come to expect that from all your tunes and you always come through so nicely.
Thanks! smile

What caught my attention almost as much as the vocals is the prosody between the lyric and the melody. This is such a soft, gentle tune - and the lyric supports that in spades. The image of dragonflies is airy and whispy, and you capture that so vividly.
I'm glad the lyrics work.

It probably helps that the lyrics are written last, after the melody has already been worked out. I'll play the melody back with the singer performing "La" on each syllable, and try to figure out they're trying to say.

The arrangement is relatively simple (though not simple to create as good as you have), and that keeps the emphasis on the grace of the song. In other words, a fabulous mix with the balances spot on.
Thanks for that!

It feels like cheating not to add a lot of additional elements to the song, but sometimes it just works out that the arrangement doesn't seem to need much more. So I'll hold off adding an english horn part until the next song. wink

As soon as you're feeling better, take a bow.
I appreciate the kind words!

-- David Cuny
My virtual singer development blog

Vocal control, you say. Never heard of it. Is that some kind of ProTools thing?
dcuny #801419 02/23/24 09:30 AM
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Very nice pop song, lyrically beautiful: dragonflies and summer skies, lazy mornings and tangled silk nights, can romanticism get any better?
I very much enjoy the dueting, good work with the voices. Maybe Oscar doesn't sound that convincing (on lower notes), but I guess my ear is getting too sensitive for Synth V voices differences smile
The backing sounds bit thin and distant, but nothing wrong with that if it is intended for this type of a song.
The chord progression is very pleasant, there is something familiar in the chorus, I have to dig through my favorite music wink The chorus is very catchy, the pre-chorus works excellently and the bridge is pure magic, you are scooping from the spring of pop music perfection smile


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dcuny #801435 02/23/24 11:56 AM
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This is a sweet clean sounding track
Masterful use of the synth vocals, can't imagine trying to learn that!
It sure is a creative killer to have to deal with illness while having musical ideas laying around just waiting on you to get better
Great job here!

Thanks, TB

dcuny #801506 02/23/24 04:58 PM
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I love this song. It's cozy and comforting. Excellent work with the synths and the harmony line. So realistic. Nice build in the bridge.

dcuny #801508 02/23/24 05:15 PM
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Excellent listen, your passion showed up on this one for sure. Nicely done.

jannesan #801584 02/24/24 11:23 AM
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Hi, Janne.
Originally Posted by jannesan
Very nice pop song, lyrically beautiful: dragonflies and summer skies, lazy mornings and tangled silk nights, can romanticism get any better?
I very much enjoy the dueting, good work with the voices.
Thanks for the positive words! smile

Maybe Oscar doesn't sound that convincing (on lower notes), but I guess my ear is getting too sensitive for Synth V voices differences smile
I know the feeling! I could have transposed the song, but I liked the timbre in that register.

The backing sounds bit thin and distant, but nothing wrong with that if it is intended for this type of a song.
Getting voices to sit into the mix is still an issue for me. I'll keep your comments in mind!

The chord progression is very pleasant, there is something familiar in the chorus, I have to dig through my favorite music wink The chorus is very catchy, the pre-chorus works excellently and the bridge is pure magic, you are scooping from the spring of pop music perfection smile
Thanks again! When I come up with something that sounds good, I'm sure that it's derivative of something I've heard. I just hope I didn't accidentally copy something too closely. blush

That's the nature of pop - to sound familiar, but not too familiar!

-- David Cuny
My virtual singer development blog

Vocal control, you say. Never heard of it. Is that some kind of ProTools thing?
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Hi, Torrey.
Originally Posted by Torrey Bliss
This is a sweet clean sounding track
Masterful use of the synth vocals, can't imagine trying to learn that!
The good news is that you don't need to - you've got an awesome voice, even when you're recovering from an illness. smile

It sure is a creative killer to have to deal with illness while having musical ideas laying around just waiting on you to get better.
Thanks, I appreciate that. smile

-- David Cuny
My virtual singer development blog

Vocal control, you say. Never heard of it. Is that some kind of ProTools thing?
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Hi, Scott.

Originally Posted by Ezekiel's Storm
I love this song. It's cozy and comforting. Excellent work with the synths and the harmony line. So realistic. Nice build in the bridge.

My old choir director had commented that I had been avoiding bridges in my songs, so I've been working on getting them in. And after listening to Dan's songs, I'm reminded that I need to start adding modulations, too.

-- David Cuny
My virtual singer development blog

Vocal control, you say. Never heard of it. Is that some kind of ProTools thing?
DonnyGee #801587 02/24/24 11:26 AM
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Hi, Donny.

Originally Posted by DonnyGee
Excellent listen, your passion showed up on this one for sure. Nicely done.
Thanks! smile

-- David Cuny
My virtual singer development blog

Vocal control, you say. Never heard of it. Is that some kind of ProTools thing?
dcuny #801988 02/28/24 07:13 AM
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What a great 70’s laid back vibe with a fine lead vocal and standout harmonies.

The somewhat upbeat vibe is nicely juxtaposed with the sad lyric.
An effective way of presentation that we have learned over the years.

The mix is excellent and the open airy soundstage is right in our wheelhouse.
Sounds like a live performance.

Well done!


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New! XPro Styles PAK 7 for Band-in-a-Box 2024 for Windows!

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