To Herb's point (along with my posts), everything about Copyright and IP centers around one word:


Licensing — you get permission from the rights holders

Ownership — you don't have permission because someone else owns a work and you haven't obtained a license

Public Domain — you do have permission because there is a time limit and the rights of the holders have expired

and so on…

Some day, I may write about being on one of the Intel vs AMD juries over 'microcode'. If I can ever figure out how to fit it onto one page, I will. All I will say for now is that it took an army of Intel lawyers to totally screw up a simple 12 page license written in plain English that allowed AMD to make $Bs without paying Intel a royalty on a second-source license.

BIAB 2023 Audiophile, 24/60 Core M2 Mac Studio Ultra/8TB/192GB Sonoma, M1 MBAir, 2012 MBP
Digital Performer 11, LogicPro
Finale27.4, Dorico5, Encore5, SmartScorePro64, Notion6, Overture5