A correction to the above statement is required.
I never once mentioned the audio recording on the PG Music website.
I 'straight faced' suggested that this Demo and the loaded demo song sounded similar. See the next two screen captures for what I was referring to:
OK thanks again Audio Track.
I think we are both getting past the confusion now.
Up until a few days ago I never used (or even noticed) the 'demo feature' in the Styles list.
We are getting to the heart of the problem.
I believe we are on the same page now and can get to the bottom of this now.
This all goes back to Peter's first reply in this thread. In it, he gave a link to a PG Music webpage.
On that page there were many Band Demos.
I will re-post the three relevant ones again:
Vibes, Rhythm Jazz Sw 110 (#1217)
Vibes, Rhythm Jazz Sw 140 (#1218)
Vibes, Rhythm JazzBallad Sw 060 (#1219)
All three of these band demos sounded great to my ears and when I first heard them I smiled and said
to myself, "Problem solved!"
But little did I know that I wouldn't be able to get the sounds I was listening to into BIAB as styles I could use
with my song!
And so my problem still persists.
I would first like to know if the "Band demos" were made with BIAB (ie. chords typed in and Bingo, instant song)
If so, how I can I get these styles so I can do the same with my song?
If not, how can I get these demos made into styles so I can work with them?