So i know the newer ACW was introduced in 2018. Back then you could still access the older version. Now the button for the old one calls up the new one. Here is the issue i see the new one does a great job on rather simple stuff, but it no longer has the tap to set bars feature so when you go to get the bars working in time or tempo to the song you have to rely on the AI to give the correct response by lining up bar lines with rather unclear transients. Very tedious at best. Being able to tap out the tempo was super effective. Oh where is the question. Here is it. Is there still a way to do this or can it be brought back somehow as a button in the new ACW.
HP Win 11 12 gig ram, Mac mini with 16 gig of ram, BiaB 2025, Realband, Reaper 7, Harrison Mixbus 9 32c , Melodyne 5 editor, Presonus Audiobox 1818VSL, Presonus control app.
I'm not confident I fully understand your issue but can say it's still possible to tap and set the bars. One also must accurately set bar one. Set bar one and then count and tap the - L- key at each bar as the song plays. Purple lines are displayed when manually entering bars.
I wrestled with the exact same issue a couple months ago, as the old ACW was absolutely brilliant and had dozens of parameters and fine tuning functions that made it a million times more accurate once you "tuned it in." For a couple of years of so after the new one was introduced, I was still able to access the Legacy version, but even when I managed to locate and launch the utility (AudioChordWizard_bb under bb > AudioChordWizard) I could not get it to load a file :-(
I would be absolutely thrilled if they brought that back!
Last edited by DeaconBlues09; 07/14/2401:06 AM.
Band-in-a-Box 2024. Custom Build Desktop PC W/ Windows 10 Home 64-bit. CPU: Intel Core i5-9600k @ 3.7GHz (6 core x 6 threads) RAM: 16GB DDR4. Storage 238GB SSD + 2.7 TB HDD. GPU: ZOTAC NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 4GB
Thanks DB. I would be happy with the newer one if I had a clue how it works. And felt positive about the results
Charlie I tried the tap the “L” thing and it worked for about 20 bars then started over at the beginning bar. I tried four time on two different wave files. It would start and start over. I thought it may be learning going forward but the rest of the track was not done. I can analyze the track but it gets it slightly wrong and requires hour of frustration that yield unsatisfactory results. So far this is a bust.
Fortunately I can do this work in RB with better results.
HP Win 11 12 gig ram, Mac mini with 16 gig of ram, BiaB 2025, Realband, Reaper 7, Harrison Mixbus 9 32c , Melodyne 5 editor, Presonus Audiobox 1818VSL, Presonus control app.
How the audio file gets into BIAB makes a difference with BIAB settings and what the ACW will analyze.
Importing audio files do not adjust the number of bars of the Chord Sheet to match the length of the audio file. If audio file is 20 bars then that's all the bars that will be analyzed by the ACW even if there are more bars to the length of the imported audio file. Scroll to the end of the WAV form in the Audio Edit Window will show how many bars to set the Chord Sheet to.
The default number of Chord Sheet bars is 32 (unless you've changed the default in preferences) The number of bars of the Chord Sheet is what will be analyzed by the ACW regardless the length of the imported audio file is imported and by not adjusting the Chord Sheet bars will give the results similar to your post of the ACW ending early. When you import an audio file, you must check the audio file length and manually adjust the bars of the Chord Sheet to the audio file length plus ending bars. In the new ACW, the Chord sheet, Mixer and Audio Edit Window are integrated with each other.
File | Open audio and File | Open audio with chords and Open (F3)
Opening audio files with any of these commands does adjust the number of bars of the Chord Sheet to match the length of the audio file displayed in the Audio Edit Window. If audio file is 80 bars then that's the bars that will be analyzed by the ACW.
Thanks for the information. This to me is a bad workflow. The system should be able to see that the audio is longer than the 32 bars and remind you or just analyze it. Just another example of a really cool feature that is not really completely thought out. When you import an audio file the whole file is visible in the Audio Edit window. If it intends to only do 32 bars then the 32 bars should be highlighted, or the rest of the bars greyed out. Anything so the customer knows what the issue actually is.
HP Win 11 12 gig ram, Mac mini with 16 gig of ram, BiaB 2025, Realband, Reaper 7, Harrison Mixbus 9 32c , Melodyne 5 editor, Presonus Audiobox 1818VSL, Presonus control app.
Thanks for the information. This to me is a bad workflow. The system should be able to see that the audio is longer than the 32 bars and remind you or just analyze it. Just another example of a really cool feature that is not really completely thought out. When you import an audio file the whole file is visible in the Audio Edit window. If it intends to only do 32 bars then the 32 bars should be highlighted, or the rest of the bars greyed out. Anything so the customer knows what the issue actually is.
The important thing you are missing is how the audio file gets into BIAB makes a difference.
BIAB knows the difference between the length of the audio file and the Chord sheet and it does display the appropriate bars.
BIAB will either open a file or import a file. You open an audio file for a new BIAB project started based on that audio file. You import an audio file for the audio to add to your existing BIAB project.
BIAB displays the number of bars based on how the audio file gets into the BIAB project. If a project is opened with an audio file, the audio determines the number of bars. If audio is imported, the BIAB project has determined the number of bars.
Thanks for the information. This to me is a bad workflow. The system should be able to see that the audio is longer than the 32 bars and remind you or just analyze it. Just another example of a really cool feature that is not really completely thought out. When you import an audio file the whole file is visible in the Audio Edit window. If it intends to only do 32 bars then the 32 bars should be highlighted, or the rest of the bars greyed out. Anything so the customer knows what the issue actually is.
The important thing you are missing is how the audio file gets into BIAB makes a difference.
BIAB knows the difference between the length of the audio file and the Chord sheet and it does display the appropriate bars.
BIAB will either open a file or import a file. You open an audio file for a new BIAB project started based on that audio file. You import an audio file for the audio to add to your existing BIAB project.
BIAB displays the number of bars based on how the audio file gets into the BIAB project. If a project is opened with an audio file, the audio determines the number of bars. If audio is imported, the BIAB project has determined the number of bars.
I was just typing up something similar but your explanation is much better than what I had.
For what it's worth, my understanding of BIAB and RB is that anytime "import" is mentioned, it means "add to the currently opened project". For this reason, the existing project controls the outcome. On the other hand, whenever "open" is used, it means "create a new project based on what I'm loading in" thus whatever is opened controls the outcome.
Just to be clear import or open the functionality is poor. Bar number issue aside it is sketchy as how one aligns the bars.
HP Win 11 12 gig ram, Mac mini with 16 gig of ram, BiaB 2025, Realband, Reaper 7, Harrison Mixbus 9 32c , Melodyne 5 editor, Presonus Audiobox 1818VSL, Presonus control app.
Just to be clear import or open the functionality is poor. Bar number issue aside it is sketchy as how one aligns the bars.
Indeed... I was just wrestling with getting it to work for a recent song. I had issues with the tempo of the import being changed drastically. The ACW should be re-coded so that it will import the audio and not change the tempo. It should also have a much easier way to set the first bar and beat of the song. The current window is absolutely confusing.
I've tried to use it simply by dragging the audio in, and hoping it lines up....and then just going measure by measure typing in the chords manually as that was actually easier, faster, and more accurate than trying to get the ACW to do it's job like one would expect it to do.
You can find my music at: Add nothing that adds nothing to the music. You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.
The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.
Just to be clear import or open the functionality is poor. Bar number issue aside it is sketchy as how one aligns the bars.
Well, I'm bailing on this discussion. It's the same level of understanding and misunderstanding it was seven months ago in a previous ACW discussion.
<< The ACW should be re-coded so that it will import the audio and not change the tempo.>>
The new ACW was re-coded and replaced the old ACW specifically to import or load audio synchronized to the BIAB chord sheet and populate the Chord Sheet with chords and change the tempo and chords for accuracy in real time. The new ACW is integrated with BIAB's Audio Edit Window, the Mixer and the Chord Sheet. (The old ACW was an external program. - see screen shots)
How pre-recorded audio is chosen how it's loaded into a BIAB project is similar to if you're wanting Brent Mason to play a solo to your song or if you want Carol Kaye to develop a bass line for you to develop your song idea around.
Not to get off the subject, but "if you want Carol Kaye to develop a bass line for you to develop your song idea around.", well, that would be a winner, no question about that. There are few better
Sorry about the minor derailment, Carol is a legend. Now, back to the main program...
BIAB & RB2025 Win.(Audiophile), Sonar Platinum, Cakewalk by Bandlab, Izotope Prod.Bundle, Roland RD-1000, Synthogy Ivory, Kontakt, Focusrite 18i20, KetronSD2, NS40M Monitors, Pioneer Active Monitors, AKG K271 Studio H'phones
For anyone who is interested in understanding BIAB's ACW (Audio Chord Wizard), I encourage you to have a look at PG Music's 2020 New-Features video (from timestamp 25:06).
PG Music have included a tutorial file in "bb\documentation\Tutorials\Tutorial - BB2018". I found it very valuable to open "Shenandoah" in BIAB (using "Open Special | Open Audio) and to follow along, step-by-step, with the video tutorial in the 2020 new-features video. I'm presently running a pre-release version of build 1112 and ACW worked easily and flawlessly for me as described in the video.
P.S. When working with ACW, I always disable the style (right-click in the Style window and uncheck "Style enabled"). I also prefer to use the multi-window display that shows the chordsheet and the audio file.)
EDIT: Cerio has pointed out to me that the ability to disable the style is not working at the moment. I have reported this PG Music. In the meantime, soloing the track on which "Shenandoah" is loaded works fine and does the job.
Some users may not be familiar with how to access the import audio or open audio commands from the menu bar. The audio import command has two menu bar locations while there are two open audio menu commands.
The two menu bar import audio into an existing song project command locations are: (1) File > Import > Import Audio (WAV, WMA, MP3, WMV) and (2) Audio > Import Audio (WAV, WMA, MP3, WMV). Both locations bring up the same Import Audio dialog window where the user can select the audio mixer receiving track, choose if the incoming audio replaces or merges with any existing track audio and what chorus, bar, beat and tick to place the beginning of the incoming audio. The screenshot blue highlight shows the Import Audio dialog window notice that "No tempo is detected".
The two different open audio commands are: (1) File > Open Special > Open Audio (WAV, WMA, MP3, WMV) and (2) File > Open Special > Open Audio with Chords (WAV, WMA, MP3, WMV, CDA). (1) When Open Audio (WAV, WMA, MP3, WMV) is used you can playback the audio file at normal, 1/2, 1/4 or 1/8th speed. Open Audio (WAV, WMA, MP3, WMV) has the pc keyboard shortcut of: S S 10 Enter. (2) Open Audio with Chords (WAV, WMA, MP3, WMV, CDA). attempts to figure out chords and bar lines. Open Audio with Chords (WAV, WMA, MP3, WMV, CDA) has the pc keyboard shortcut of: S S 14 Enter.
Jim, Noel, Charlie, while I appreciate where you are coming from, pointing out the very videos we have all watched and the manual re have all read does not help with the issues here. Let's be real. It does PGM no good what's so ever to defend a functionality that does not work up to expectations. They deserve better. Many of us work hard every year to Learn and use the newer features. Some are dead on beautiful and we acknowledge that. Some are near misses and PGM needs to know what we are experiencing out here. Sometime bugs and workflow issues that are not apparent to them are found in the field. Respectfully you guys are great members of the forum, and huge contributors, but defending features that still need more work is counter productive.
We are not bring this up to bash PGM we are big fans we are discussing it to point out ways to make the program better. The ACW is a near miss, it is difficult to use and causes frustrations. DR./LT. Dan it right there are better options out there. Maybe that is the right tool for now, but I hope PGM take a closer look at their tool at some point and refines it again.
So thanks again for trying to help, but it is not help I am looking for. It is refinement I am hoping for. It looks like I am not the only one who sees the limitations to this tool. yes in the video it worked great, but not every song it that easy. I tried setting the first 2 bars as per instruction. When I tried moving marker to realign it kept throwing other areas off badly and I had to dump it and start over three times before giving up.
Last edited by Rob Helms; 07/16/2406:50 AM.
HP Win 11 12 gig ram, Mac mini with 16 gig of ram, BiaB 2025, Realband, Reaper 7, Harrison Mixbus 9 32c , Melodyne 5 editor, Presonus Audiobox 1818VSL, Presonus control app.
My apologies. When I read your opening post where you said...
Originally Posted by Rob Helms
Being able to tap out the tempo was super effective. Oh where is the question. Here is it. Is there still a way to do this or can it be brought back somehow as a button in the new ACW.
...I took it at face value and in my mind, I heard your post as a genuine request for help. Then in your most recent post, you said...
Originally Posted by Rob Helms
So thanks again for trying to help, but it is not help I am looking for.
From this, I can only guess that there were some other reasons behind your initial post that I was unaware of, and you weren’t really seeking help. Rest assured that I'll keep this mind next time I read a post of yours and interpret it as seeking assistance.
With the added benefit of hindsight, I now see that I misread the signs throughout your comments in this thread. When I read what I thought was your lack of knowledge about “L” to tap out timing when in manual mode, and then later when I read about an apparent confusion between ‘importing’ something into BIAB and ‘opening’ it, I thought I would find something to help clarify those aspects of the program and ACW. I found myself wondering if maybe your knowledge needed a refresher in the same way that I need to refresh my own understanding of BIAB from time to time.
Now when I read...
Originally Posted by Rob Helms
Jim, Noel, Charlie, while I appreciate where you are coming from, pointing out the very videos we have all watched and the manual re have all read does not help with the issues here.
...I see that I was wrong, and I am sorry for stating the obvious. Maybe some others who read this thread will find my post useful.
I didn’t mention it before, but your comment about only being able to tap out around 20 bars before the program returned you to the start made me wonder if maybe you were running automatic marking (adding bars) as well as automatic analysis (adding chords) while you were setting things manually. I’ve never done this because working manually and automatically simultaneously seemed like a recipe for disaster to me.
For anyone reading this post who might find it useful information, the way I use ACW is given below. This a straightforward process that works easily and flawlessly for me in BIAB 2024 (1112).
1) I load the audio using “File | Open Special | Open Audio” and solo the track that contains the audio. (I don’t use ‘Open audio with chords.)
2) I select the view that allows me to see both the audio waveform and the chordsheet.
3) Next, I double-check that ‘Auto marking’ and ‘Auto analysis’ are not selected.
4) I set the first bar by positioning the cursor and tapping “L”.
5) I then start playback and tap L to set the first 10 or so bars to create a solid foundation for BIAB to interpret the average tempo information. (In the documentation and the videos, PG Music usually set 4 bars. I like to be a little more thorough because the way I see it, the better I prepare audio for BIAB, the better my ultimate results.)
6) I manually adjust the barlines that I’ve tapped in so that they are as accurate as possible.
7) After that, I activate “Auto marking” and let BIAB do it’s work.
8) Then I play through the song to check that the bars are reasonably well aligned. I adjust any that are not. I’ve found that if the first 10 bars are well-timed, I only have to make an adjustment here and there for most audio unless there are areas of free/ad-lib tempo in the audio file.
9) When I’m satisfied with the barlines, I activate “Analyze” to determine the chords. I usually have the chord-type set to “No preset” but occasionally I use ‘Diatonic Triads’.
EDIT I have just tried the above process using the audio for the opening theme from the Chinese drama, "The Untamed" (see the video clip below). This sounds like it's mostly based around a pentatonic scale to me. There was a 2/4 bar (bar 5) and a 1/4 bar (bar 32) in amongst the 4/4 bars, some ad-lib regions, and a couple of key changes. Everything went well for me. An image of the chordsheet (including tempo map) I created is attached. Even though they are analysed for chords on the chordsheet, bars 18 – 25 are an orchestral interlude for which I did not bother creating an accurate section. (This is the first attached file below.)
You'll probably notice that I settled on a tempo of 45 bpm. This happened because I mistakenly ended up counting "4" and tapping the barlines in across what was really two bars. The tempo should be 90 bpm. Fortunately, that problem is easily solved in BIAB simply by: (a) deleting the tempo map; (b) using "Edit | Song Form | Expand duration of chords by 2"; (c) setting the tempo to 90 bpm. (This is the second attached file below.)
Regards, --Noel
P.S. As others have already pointed out, there are issues with some aspects of ACW in builds 1111 and 1112 of BIAB 2024. PG Music are aware of these.
Update your Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows® Today!
If you’ve already purchased Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows®, great news—a new update is now available! This update introduces a handy new feature: a vertical cursor in the Tracks window that shows the current location across all tracks, and more.
Video: Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows®: Boot Camp: The AI Lyrics Generator
With Band-in-a-Box 2025® for Windows®, we've introduced an exciting new feature: the AI Lyrics Generator! In this video, Tobin guides you step-by-step on how to make the most of this new tool.
Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows®: Boot Camp: The AI Lyrics Generator video.
Video: Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows®: Using VST3 Plugins
Band-in-a-Box 2025® for Windows® now includes support for VST3 plugins, bringing even more creative possibilities to your music production. Join Simon as he guides you through the process in this easy-to-follow demonstration!
Video: Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows®: Using VST3 Plugins
Video: Band-in-a-Box 2025 for Windows: Using The BB Stem Splitter!
In this video, Tobin provides a crash course on using the new BB Stem Splitter feature included in Band-in-a-Box 2025® for Windows®. During this process he also uses the Audio Chord Wizard (ACW) and the new Equalize Tempo feature.
Video: Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows®: Using the BB Stem Splitter
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Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows is here, packed with major new features and an incredible collection of available new content! This includes 202 RealTracks (in Sets 449-467), plus 20 bonus Unreleased RealTracks in the 2025 49-PAK. There are new RealStyles, MIDI SuperTracks, Instrumental Studies, “Songs with Vocals” Artist Performance Sets, Playable RealTracks Set 4, two new sets of “RealDrums Stems,” XPro Styles PAK 8, Xtra Styles PAK 19, and more!
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