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over a looong time ive read various posts about odd time sigs.
and it seems to me that this is a 'big hot button' for some users.
and its cropped up recently again.
(NOTE>>>i'm not trying to offend anyone...just as an outside
observer i'm wondering if solutions can be found that keep
everyone happy).
thus maybe an open discussion is needed as to ways to keep
everyone happy....cos i like a happy world.
can compromises be reached ??

so i'll start things off with my 2 cents fwiw and what some might deem maybe i'll get egg on my face..
but so be it.

i keep on asking myself the question what can do pg re this
issue ? and why does this issue keep on coming up in the user
community ? and why do odd time sigs and their handling in bb
irk some users ??

i keep on coming up with the same answer...
ive found with pg that if they can do something at the codeing
level...they order to keep users happy.
the various features implemented in bb over the years are
testament to that....all driven by various user input.
BUT (as happens daily in various industries)...sometimes
what users want..though simple looking on the surface from a user
viewpoint might actually be darn difficult to implement
at the technical level. we had exactly the problem in tech what seemed quote from a ceo 'doable in five
minutes'...actually couldnt be done without a huge re-write of code.
my ceo never troubled
me again once i showed him the manpower/budget

in summary, and i dont know the internal codeing of bb...
but i suspect from the pg coders perspectives that the
'devils in the coding implementation details'.
like we used to get in industry. drove our users nuts...till we explained why...
then it was cups of tea for everyone...and peace once again
came about in the valley.

in summary i suspect if pg could make things easier re odd
time sigs i'm sure they would have done it.
lets be fair for a moment. yes i get my irksome moments
with bb...BUT...then i remind myself of the big picture.
ie...its remarkable how far pg have brought bb over the years.
its unique in the market.
as ive said before the only way to appreciate bb (or rb)...
is for someone to take tech courses in C++, win api's, dsp
programming and lets throw in asm programming too.
in summary this stuff isnt trivial.

so...if its difficult for pg to solve users hot buttons re
odd time sigs what to do ??
so lets have a discussion.

a time sig is basically two values...the numerator and the
denominator i believe ? eg 6/8.
so how about these ideas...?? include in bb various different 'odd time sig templates'...
one for each odd time sig with arrange examples.
maybe an expansion of the current styles examples/demos ?
2..when a user wants to change the standard time sig in a
song to an odd time sig...a hotkey is presssed...
and user selects a template related to the odd time sig...
PLUS how many bars. and voila...even though the base time sig
shows maybe as 4/4 in actual fact each bar will be shown to be
visually different so as to avoid confusion.
maybe its a question of visually adding more fancy graphics
to each bar ? sooo a bar in 12/8 (eg _SWANK) looks visually
different than a straight 4/4 ?

if anyone says i'm full of it...please offer a better solution
cos i cant think of any without probably involving lots of
programming. yes in some respects its a 'fake workaround'..
but will it assuage some users frustrations ??
maybe also have song examples/vids that explain the 'fake
workaround' ?? would this be usefull to new users ??
sometimes due to limitations of the technology one just has to
make compromises.

and please dont jump all over me as i'm just putting it out there
for discussion. for example lets take 12/8 _SWANK style..
visually in the bar if you listen to the demo as i did with the
template idea you would see in one bar...

1 2 123 <<< visually rhythm accents for 12/8 within the standard paradigm versus
1 2 3 4 for 4/4.

would the template idea make things clearer for new users ?

have at me...throw rotten eggs...i can take it.
in summary i'm suggesting approaching the issue from a different angle
useing some sort of graphics in a bar to delineate say 12/8
or another odd time sig versus straight 2/4 or 4/4 or 3/4 etc etc.



Last edited by justanoldmuso; 07/25/24 11:31 AM.

my songs....mixed for good earbuds...( vocs on all songs..)
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RB is light years ahead of BiaB in this aspect, just sayin'
There's a working Delphi example in house .. RB even uses BiaB generating engines, so it can be done.
Not sure why it hasn't.
Then again I always worry about a slow merger of RB & BiaB .. I like the workflow in RB, myself, so resist it becoming more like BiaB

Went and pulled up a SEQ file as an example below
Details are in the picture, but it is drums correctly rendered in 7/4 in RB with no 'gimmicks', just rendered.
5 or 6 tracks in this song were rendered in 7/4 without issue
pics or it didn't happen, right?

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OddTimeGen.jpg (95.42 KB, 280 downloads)

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thanks for posting your on.

yes rb will do things that bb cant as you and i often point out.
sometimes i feel you and i and some others are the flag wavers
as to rb

but sadly i feel even if rb was the best thing since sliced
bread that some users want it all done in bb...because they
just dont want to learn another daw. thus they miss out on
some neat rb features and tricks.

this is why i started in the tips forum a thread attempting
to show its not rb versus a users fav daw they are used to but creating
a powerhouse song creation solution useing both their fav daw
'and' plusses of each.
i would love it if you could contribute to that thread as you
must have some neat tricks of your own useing rb...
so feel free to do so.

i feel that actually a lets call it 'advanced features of rb'
video is badly needed...
as well as a comparison chart on the pg site showing the features
that rb has viz bb. both the vid and chart might help new users.

i didnt mention rb re time sigs in this thread because i just didnt want
to get jumped on like a couple of times in the past.
it irks me frankly. so i kept it strictly bb.
between you and i it still baffles me why some users call rb c**p frankly.
particularly with the new features in 2024 rb.
but each to his own i guess.

ps...if you notice in tips forum is another rb thread re interesting
vst plugins ive tested in rb. many have cranked me up big time.
the aim being to find ones that will run on modest pc processors and not need
threadrippers and xeons etc..and pc's costing a small

jeff was good enough to let me include the list of vst's he uses...
AND i would really like it if you allowed me to list the plugins you
use in rb. the aim being to help new users.
so feel free to add to the vst // vsti list etc etc i started in tips forum.
imho if you cant do a hit record with the plugins ive listed so far
in conjunction with the pg dx plugins one wont with anything.
there are some amazeing freebies out there...check out the list
ive tested so far. (more to come.)

great respect and happiness.


my songs....mixed for good earbuds...( vocs on all songs..)
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The end result of above song.
Only lead guitar and horns are played; drums, bass, keys, funk rhythm guitar all generated in 7/4 ..
if it was wanted by more people I suspect it would be included in BiaB eventually

/I'm just glad to have RB's ability to accomplish this

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Often, I'll consider the numbered 'slots' in the matrix cells instead of bars.

So for 5/4 I'll man the first cell 3 beats, and the second 2 (or vice versa). Then the 2 cells equal one bar of music. Same for the next two cells and so on.

The advantage here is you can put a chord on any of the 5 beats in the bar of music. The disadvantage is that it won't work well if you want to export notation.

I don't know if it's possible for PG to change it and still remain back compatible. I commend PG for the back compatibility, and if it means I need a few work-around methods, it's OK with me.

Notes ♫

Bob "Notes" Norton smile Norton Music

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excellent post.
what i'm basically suggesting is an updated bar graphic so users have a visual guide showing the 'cels' (useing additional vertical lines ?) and how the cel divisions
visually change depending on chosen odd time sig.
ie a picture is worth a thousand words kinda idea.

thanks for your comments. appreciate any other ideas you have.
cos the aim of this thread is to explore ways to keep users of odd time sigs happy
without a major rewrite of bb code. maybe its easy to do the updated cel graphics ?
only pg can answer that.



great stuff rharv.

given your in depth skills i'm sure users new to rb would
find very usefull a vid covering such rb aspects as how to..

1..mix different tempos in one song.

eg lets say 7/4 morphing into another different tempo then back to 7/4 kind of idea.
and then another tempo change for the solos and another for the coda ?
or some advanced ways to do changeing jazz tempos in a jazz song.
at various time points. i am not a jazz expert...but some users really
into the jazz genre might find this very usefull....
includeing an example song showing 'freeform' and 'improv.'
ie...'how to do a jazz song in rb with varying tempos' kind of idea.
because there are many pg users into the jazz genre.
and pg content offers lots of different jazz styles.

2..use of fractional tempos in above in conjunction with pg

3..other advanced ways of doing neat tricks in rb.

i'm lousy at doing vids and also vision impaired even though the
surgeons have done a great job recently improving my vision
which i'm obviously ecstatic about.
so if you could do a you tube vid showing creating a mixed tempo
song ...i'm sure people would find it usefull.
ie real world case including also fractional tempos.

as you and i know rb has some very interesting tricks up its sleeve.
but its sad that often new users dont dig into them and thus miss
some very usefull features that would help a user create songs.
fyi...recently i looked at a very high end but costly daw.
though it had some neat tricks itself it didnt have some rb
features...and...thus...i would miss certain rb features if i
switched to it.

in conclusion it would be grrrreat if you did a vid...and maybe
the icing on the cake might be includeing midi tricks due to rb's
great strength in midi features.
feel free also to include rb tips ive posted in the tips forum.
with the rb 2024 update things are getting very exciting...
yippee 256 tracks and i can now do vocal comping more easily.
poor jeff must get fed up with my
but its all about makeing rb fantastic for users. imho rb needs just a bit more 'finessing'
and thus 'magnifico'.



Last edited by justanoldmuso; 07/26/24 07:18 AM.

my songs....mixed for good earbuds...( vocs on all songs..)
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Not up to doing video at this point .. would be a ton of work trying to capture all the things involved. With no net gain for me, and my time is better spent elsewhere for now.
But for Giggles, the Chord Cells in the above 7/4 song look like below image
For the Bars with 3 chords, the chords were on 1, 5 and 7 of the bar .. and the Chord Sheet seems to imply that ..
/Edit -Now that I've examined the Chord sheet closer, what exactly is an F5 chord?
//OK, Googled it; it's F no 3rd ..
///F5 seems kind of confusing as a label

Attached Files (Click to download or enlarge) (Only available when you are logged in)
oddTimeCells.jpg (70.06 KB, 229 downloads)
Last edited by rharv; 07/26/24 09:51 PM. Reason: italized question I am interested in knowing

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In all honesty, time signature is complicated.
For instance, what time is Satellite in?
Lots of correct answers, but very difficult to structure for generating,
and your time signature decision affects the tempo ..and generating success, so 'time' becomes ambiguous

/I'd assume 12/8, but I could definitely see 6/8 or even 4/4 (triplet) working, and in some spots even 5/4
// generating/composing is complex and involves math and effort
///and lots of experimenting!

Last edited by rharv; 07/26/24 10:19 PM.

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re your time....yeah i get it.
i think pg needs to do vids showing advanced aspects
of rb...because there is sooo much to like.
and thus might get more users realising various advantages of
rb over even expensive daws like the one i looked at recently.

as to odd time sigs...i agree....its a very complex subject,
and i wonder how much can be done in programming code to keep
users happy.
which probably explains why pg programmers chose the current
implementation route they did in bb.
the added complication being auto accompany
versus a straight daw that doesnt have auto accompany.
only pg can comment as its their code...but...maybe if pg
explained to bb users why they took the route they did...
ie the existing paradigm bar wise..maybe it would help users
to understand its not a trivial topic as you pointed out.
the devils in the programming details i suspect.
i also suspect that its easier to program for odd time sigs
where all tracks are midi rather than a mix of midi and audio
tracks. the audio tracks and track generation introducing
another level of complexity as well as time stretching and
fractional tempos ?

what i'm getting just cant say
well 'xyz daw' can do why cant bb ??
because...a traditional daw doesnt have to do what bb does behind the
scenes in the background. its a simpler programming environment
for daw programmers than bb i would suggest from my tech background.
a basic daw paradigm is filling audio buffers before they are needed
cos win isnt a real time os. whereas bb has added tasks to do also.

i hope pg read this and comment why users needs for odd time sigs
introduces various challenges re low level programming code.

maybe i'm wrong...but sometimes in the past in systems development
ive found there are no perfect solutions to make users happy.
only sometimes compromises. this case maybe more detailed bar graphics showing cel
divisions per the way notes does things in his mind.?
i'm the same...for me on screen improved bar cel graphics would
help me also.'m testing out an el cheapo fits in your hand minisforum 140 buck fanless pc currently.
has surprised me. win boots fast after some tweaks plus its working grrreat for normal
apps like net/office that dont need lots of cpu power.
i wouldnt use it for serious music production due to the low single thread count etc.
but...imho...the writing is on the wall i reckon and apple had better be carefull much as i like their M serious processors...cos if these little mini pc's get 'souped up' to say 4ghz watch out world.
for such a low price. next 5 yrs gonna be interesting.



Last edited by justanoldmuso; 07/27/24 06:07 AM.

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I tried making a 7/4 style once, but the problem was that with the 4 major chord divisions in BiaB cell, I couldn't get the chords to fall on the actual beats, except for the first one. That's OK if there is only one chord per measure, but only if there is no more than 1 chord per measure that falls on the first beat of that same bar.

That's why I don't necessarily consider the cells in the BiaB matrix bars or measures.

And as rharv pointed out, sometimes it's difficult to even know what the time signature of a piece.

Is it 12/8 or 4/4, triplet based? Or 6/8? Or 3/4? I could write the same song in each of those, and it would sound the same.

I have written scores of fake e-disks for BiaB and for many of the songs I've had to get quite creative to get the song to have the right feel, often not using the assigned time signature.

But almost all rhythms can be subdivided into 2 or 3 at the most basic level. 4/4, 6/4, 2/2, etc. breaks down in to 2's. If it's triplet based, it also uses 3s in the subdivisions. So 12/8, 6/8, and 3/4 can be subdivided into 3s. But often, 6/8 is taken in two and the subdivision is in 3s. You can do 6/8 but making two 3 beat cells equal one 6/8 bar. I've even used waltz styles to make 6/8 that way (depending on the song).

It sometimes takes some creative thinking to get things to work out in BiaB, but the more you do it, the easier it gets.

So cells can be assigned 1, 2, 3, or 4, and the subdivisions can be broken down into 2 or 3 (EV or sw). From there, you can get just about anything to fit.

Additionally, how the cells built makes a difference. Example: For a 5/4 song if the cells are 3-2 the feel is different from 2-3. That depends on the song.

Getting further advanced. Sometimes the 3 measure needs to be a tad quicker than the 2. An example of that is Jethro Tull's “Living In The Past”. If the 3 part of the 5 is rushed a bit (or the 2 part dragged) the 5/4 is smoother sounding.

Once you forget about each cell equalling one bar of music, you can expand what BiaB will do quite a bit.

Insights and incites by Notes ♫

Bob "Notes" Norton smile Norton Music

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(OTS = odd time sigs).

this is brilliant stuff you posted.

please clarify something for me.

1..are you saying different daws/music apps might implement OTS
differently ?
2..lets take the case of two orchestra conductors in different
parts of the world leading different orchestras.
are you saying each might have their own different implementation
of a particular OTS ?

if so this reminds me of how some midi gear manufacturers implemented
the midi spec differently....

am i correct or wrong ?

from what your saying it would seem that for OTS there is no
common standard ? as there are different interpretations ?
this is an aspect i'm confused about. i'm a simple soul that
normally does songs in the standard time sigs.

if there is no standard agreed in the world music community re
OTS then of course it makes the job exceedingly difficult
for pg programmers. cos if they do things one way for one group
of musos other muso groups might disagree ?
or am i out to lunch ??

i'm just trying to understand and get to the meat of why the OTS features in
bb seem to be an issue for some users....
in relation to their daw apps they are used to ?
for example if different daw apps interpret OTS differently then this would be
a technical quagmire trying to keep all users happy.

please correct me if i'm wrong regarding the above.

finally i'm curious about what you feel needs to be implemented in bb
(if technically possible at the programming level) to make some musos that use OTS
a lot happier ? so this topic becomes less of an issue for them ?
do you feel there is a solution ? if so what do you think would work from a user perspective ?

once again kudos for your post.



Last edited by justanoldmuso; 07/27/24 11:50 AM.

my songs....mixed for good earbuds...( vocs on all songs..)
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Originally Posted by justanoldmuso
i'm just trying to understand and get to the meat of why the OTS features in
bb seem to be an issue for some users....
in relation to their daw apps they are used to ?
for example if different daw apps interpret OTS differently then this would be
a technical quagmire trying to keep all users happy.

OM, when I use another program to generate a track(s) and the said track(s) is in 6/8, or 5/4, etc, when imported into my DAW they import at 6 beats per measure, 5 beats per measure, etc. When I import a 6/8 or 5/4 track(s) from BiaB they import as 3 beats per measure or 4 beats per measure. That makes them incompatible with my other programs.

As I have said previously if one works entirely in BiaB or imports those other time signatures into a DAW and play instruments along with said BiaB tracks then no problem.

I hope this helps clear this up for you.

Yeah, I've got O.C.D, Old, Cranky, and Dangerous.

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(good info mario...thanks for clarifying.)

ok...i just ran a series of tests useing mission1 style demo
which is 5/4. i set tempo 140.
i hope the following is usefull.
i genned it in bb and then imported m1 into both reaps
and rb....both set to 5/4 time sig....and tempo 140.

heres what i found.
1..both reaps and rb showed correct 5 cel divisions per bar
2..both reaps and each the main music started in cel 9.
so it looks like reaps and rb are in agreement.
3..looking in bb piano roll and tracks window the cel divisions didnt match
either rb/reaps. ie... 4 in a bar....even though bb played
the demo correctly. but not 5 cels in a bar graphically.

hopefully the above is of interest.
please do your own tests useing the demo of missile1 styles demo 5/4.
so we are all working with the same 5/4. and tempo.
if i get a chance i'll dload the s1 demo and see what the prob might be.
ie does s1 set to the same paradigm ie...main body music starting at cel 9
and 5 cel divisions per bar or say 10 if useing zoom ?

you guys tell me if my tests were interesting or am i barking up
the wrong tree....?
it would seem to me that both bb piano roll and tracks window graphically
should reflect the this case 5/4....but those views in bb dont.
whereas graphically both reaps and rb do as expected.

can i assume that reaps and rb are doing things correctly ?
but bb isnt graphically ??

feel free to critique my testing methodology.
now i'm gonna go off and create a song titled 'the mission position'

happiness to all...


ps...mario...although i'm an old are obviously more capable than i
as evinced by your wonderfull soundscapes. in showcase.
also i tend to work more with rt's these days to do my songs and dont use midi
as extensively as i once did.

Last edited by justanoldmuso; 07/27/24 04:57 PM.

my songs....mixed for good earbuds...( vocs on all songs..)
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BiaB simply doesn't handle 5/4 as expected .. it squeezes 5 beats in a 4 four bar measure, so I suspect your test was doomed to fail from the git-go,
at least historically that has been my result.
RB & Reaper are *probably correct (I didn't try your test).

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Originally Posted by rharv
BiaB simply doesn't handle 5/4 as expected .. it squeezes 5 beats in a 4 four bar measure...
Hmm ... When creating a 5/4 song, my BiaB uses two bars to get 5/4; One three beats and one two beats.
Maybe that's a difference between BiaB created and imported?

I wrote something in response to a post by Andrew in another thread on a similar subject that might shed some light here, or may elicite a "That's not right" from someone. Andrew didn't reply but was likely focussed on the specific MIDI file, which the OP has sent him.
Originally Posted by Gordon Scott
Originally Posted by Andrew - PG Music
Band-in-a-Box does support 6/8. From the OP's screenshot, I can see that it says, in Guitar Pro, "quarter note = 204". This is what I'm going on. It should really be "dotted quarter note = 136". Are we in agreement?
Hmm, this probably highlights the problem.

Unless I'm mistaken, the MIDI specification defines set-tempo as microseconds per quarter-note, so I think it does not have offer the dotted-quarter-note option. Do please correct me if I'm wrong.

I think it gets more complicated still in XML, where tempo for the sound element is specified in "quater notes per minute", but there is a separate "tempo type" for the performer. That may be where the dotted-quarter is handled, but I don't actually know and I couldn't quickly find a clear explanation.

There's also another issue. Dotted quarter note implies the rhythm has downbeats on the 1 and 4 of the six, which is pretty usual, but not always true. It can certainly vary with some other time signatures.

Jazz relative beginner, starting at a much older age than was helpful.
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(mario please read my last post before this one.)

Rharv and Gordon...thanks for commenting.

its only a suspicion but i created mission1 style demo midi in bb.
ie..type 0 midi....which i then imported into rb event editor.
i noticed lots of bb created control info at front of the test midi type 0 mission mid..

(dont ya love detective work ? just fun to

SOOOO...i am wondering how things would turn out IF after exporting
the midi from bb IF THEN one used an event editor to strip out the control header
control info before the first note on...IF THEN on import to the daw eg s1...
set to 5/4 for the song...all was copacetic.
in summary i'm wondering IF its the front end midi header settings that are causeing confusion for the daw ? rb midi monitor is also usefull for analysing data before the first note on.

NOTE...its very important to ensure after import of the 5/4 midi that INDEED the daw is set to 5/4 and NOT 4/4 default. because all is pear shaped otherwise.

i may be totally out to lunch rharv...but i find it TELLING that the piano roll
in rb showed the correct 5/4 bar divisions BUT not bb...i guess as you said cos
the way 5/4 is handled bar wise in bb per your comment.

mario uses s1 right ?

if i'm correct i would love to know if the mission 5/4 stripped of its front end control
info was then imported into s1 set to 5/4...if then all was copacetic in s1 and matched what i got in rb and reaps viz correct cel divisions.

guys...i'm certainly willing to get egg on my face. it comes with the detective work be it....but it looks like to me that importing from bb to reaps or rb
one gets the 5/4 results one expects PROVIDED reaps and rb are set to 5/4 time sig.

NOTE >>> might have hit on something important.
is there any chance that different daw vendors/creators might interpret the midi spec differently ??
if so...this might explain things.

this is


downloading s1 trial right now. will report back.
had to create an account/palava...sigh.

i would be highly interested if a user with both apple and pc would import into
logic pro for example the 5/4 mission midi style from bb...
ie do things in logic pro look as expected ?



Last edited by justanoldmuso; 07/28/24 05:42 AM.

my songs....mixed for good earbuds...( vocs on all songs..)
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I was talking about when I use a 5/4 style (unless that has changed)
I should have been clearer

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OM "
i may be totally out to lunch rharv...but i find it TELLING that the piano roll
in rb showed the correct 5/4 bar divisions BUT not bb...i guess as you said cos
the way 5/4 is handled bar wise in bb per your comment.

mario uses s1 right ?"

I have used RB for 5/4 and you are correct in that it shows 5 beats per measure. But when I imported it into Studio One Pro it was still in 4/4. And yes I set S1 to 5/4 prior to the import. Note this was a couple of years ago but I doubt it has changed.

Yeah, I've got O.C.D, Old, Cranky, and Dangerous.

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Sorry for a confusing explanation. I'll try to clarify.

  1. The first thing I need to stress is that you must forget about BiaB doing odd time signatures. Actually, it doesn't do time signatures at all, it just has cells that can hold from 1 to 4 beats. That means anything with more than 4 beats per bar can't be done in a single cell. So you need to think about the hacks I described.
  2. Time signatures themselves are flexible. Example: a 6/8 time signature is often taken "in two". Two beats per bar with a triplet pattern on each beat. You could do the same song with a 12/8 meter, but taken "in four". Or a 3/4 time signature. Cut time (2/2 or ala breve) can be thought of as 4/4 time takin "in two". Often when I read cut time music, that's how I approach it.
  3. If 5/4 time had never been invented, you could write the music by alternating 3/4 and 2/4 bars of music. But having a new time signature ever bar would be a PITA. Similarly, alternating 3 beat cells with 2 beat cells will get the job done. Or you could start with 2 followed by 3 - or even 4 and 1. Which sounds best for the song and your chosen style.
  4. Since BiaB can't support more than 4 beats per cell, you can emulate longer than 4 beat time signatures by combining more than one cell in BiaB to make one bar of music.

Frequently when making a Fake e-disk for BiaB I'll come across a 6/4 bar. So I split it up, one cell with 4 beats and the next one with 2, and there is my 6/4 bar of music. It doesn't only apply to odd time signatures. After all, 3/4 is an odd time signature and BiaB does 3/4 fine because it doesn't exceed the 4 beat limit per cell.

When you think about BiaB as cells, instead of bars, it gets very flexible. It depends on the chosen style and what it sounds like. Examples:
  • Change the beats to 2 (F5), use a "sw" style, and you get a 6/8 bar of music. Leave the cell with 4 beats and it's a 12/8 bar.
  • A waltz can be half of a 6/8 bar per cell. Especially if the 6/8 is taken in 6.
  • One 3/4 cell + one 4/4 cell = one 7/4 bar
And so on.

As long as you don't intend on printing notation, these hacks work just fine.

One more point. Time signatures are guides, not arbitrary rules. In doing my fake disks, I have found many songs that were not in the time signature that I would have guessed. It may have sounded like a waltz but was written in 6/8, with each ♪ equaling one beat. Or one I figured was 4/4 was actually written in 2/4.

So think beats and sub beats, try to figure out how to get that to work in BiaB's cells, and most time signatures are available to you.

Insights and incites by Notes ♫

Bob "Notes" Norton smile Norton Music

100% MIDI Super-Styles recorded by live, pro, studio musicians for a live groove
& Fake Disks for MIDI and/or RealTracks
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wow !! great info.


could you do the following test please ?
my analysis of the 5/4 mission demo is there is various header or control info
before the midi notes start. you can see it in rb event list or midi monitor..
could you delete this front end control info...set s1 to 5/4
import the bb 5/4 mission demo stripped of the front end control info...and post back if still a prob ?

i tried dloading s1 trial to test but my prob is studio computer is not connected
to the net. so i tried the activate offline option...then it wants me to dload another file.
lifes too short....i really wish daw trials were as simple as the reaps approach.
sorry. mario...s1 certainly has a plethora of nice features...but...they gotta make the trials easier.

btw...again love your sig.


correct me if i'm wrong but i read into notes brilliant post there is a 'possibility'
that each daw maker might interpret things midi differently ?
ie the use of the words ' not arbitrary rules' ?

all i can suggest at this point is a standard 5/4 file is posted on the net that various daw users with different daws can import and test. and see which daws dont agree with each other. for me it looks like rb and reaps agree...
rb piano roll is correct. but bb piano roll doesnt match the rb piano roll as to divisions.

to ALL thanks for making this discussion very interesting.
maybe pg should test 5/4 and other OTSigs in various daws also.


i decided to activate s1 trial on another pc this time a pc connected to the net.
installed s1 after dload.
but 'then' i was met with s1 needing some licence file which hadnt been dloaded with
the s1 installer. ...i couldnt find such on presonus account.
this trial activation is just too up....too many steps.
ive uninstalled s1 useing the uninstaller in win program files.

i'm a pretty patient guy...but this is too complex a install and verify of s1 trial.

maybe someone else can give s1 a import the mission 5/4 midi into s1 after stripping it of front end control data.



Last edited by justanoldmuso; 07/28/24 08:38 AM.

my songs....mixed for good earbuds...( vocs on all songs..)
(90 songs created useing bb/rb.)
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New! Xtra Styles PAK 18 for Band-in-a-Box 2024 for Windows!

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Note: The Xtra Styles require the UltraPAK, UltraPAK+, or Audiophile Edition of Band-in-a-Box®. (Xtra Styles PAK 18 requires the 2024 UltraPAK/UltraPAK+/Audiophile Edition. They will not work with the Pro or MegaPAK version because they need the RealTracks from the UltraPAK, UltraPAK+, or Audiophile Edition.

New! XPro Styles PAK 7 for Band-in-a-Box 2024 for Windows!

We've just released XPro Styles PAK 7 with 100 brand new RealStyles, plus 50 RealTracks and RealDrums that are sure to delight!

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Video - Band-in-a-Box® DAW Plugin Version 6 for Mac®: New Features for Reaper

Band-in-a-Box® 2024 includes built-in specific support for the Reaper® DAW API, allowing direct transfer of Band-in-a-Box® files to/from Reaper tracks, including tiny lossless files of instructions which play audio instantly from disk.

We demonstrate the new Reaper features in the Band-in-a-Box® VST DAW Plugin 6.0 in our video, Band-in-a-Box® DAW Plugin Version 6 for Mac®: New Features for Reaper

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