For my next gig, I created ~50 song files (*.SGU), all with different styles (*.STY). I batch rendered these files to .wav files using settings:

Format: .wav
Channels: mono
Bit Depth: 16 bit PCM
Sample Rate: 44.1 kHz
Normalize mix
Include 2-bar lead-in
Include drums lead-in
Render using highest quality tempo stretching
Delay at start (seconds): 0
Delay at end (seconds): 0

The resulting .wav files were transferred to an iPad to be played through my PA as backup.

The issue I'm having is that there is a remarkable difference in perceived volume level between the files, depending on the styles used. I would like to have the perceived volume levels consistent, which I think would require a "mastering" step somehow. I could of course change the styles if necessary, but I like the ones I have chosen.

As an example, one file uses _CSWINGA.STY, and another uses _WILDS.STY; the latter is (to my ears) disconcertingly louder than the former.

Any help, suggestions, thoughts, prayers gratefully received...

Update 7/31/2024: I've given up on this particular avenue in favor of tweaking the "offensive" volume differences by adjusting mix levels in the individual files, as further listening and analysis convinces me that individual instrument levels are the cause of my volume perception. Hence I'm marking this as resolved.

Last edited by PSUnderwood; 07/31/24 07:16 AM. Reason: Update