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#826281 10/20/24 07:39 PM
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Look Up

For the last couple of years my family has been plagued with some serious health issues, quite a lot of it on my wife's side of the family. A while back we were driving down the road when she told me she was sad for all of the trouble the family had been going through, and concerned I would eventually lose patients because of the burdens and effects of these illnesses. I pulled to the side of the road and reminded her of a short time ago, when I was so ill I was expected by many to die. Trying to start to walk again was very difficult. Even with the assistance of a walker each step took concentration and effort, so I developed a habit of looking at my feet as I went, which the doctors didn't want. She moved into the hospital with me, and walked with me, keeping me steady with every step and continually encouraging me to "look up." And now I felt very lucky to be the the one she can lean on every step of the way and encourage her to keep looking up. That began the idea for the song.

Musically, I reached back to years ago when a band I was in got booked for a church in California. When we got there we discovered it was an all black church filled with very musical worshipers, whose style of music was very different from ours. Their house band opened and we closed, but there was never really a closure. The crowd got very into it, and instead of closing we had the house band come back up and we went into an hours long jam session! I think they enjoyed it as much as we did because they had us back several times over the years. One of them was a great organist, which is why I used these rather eclectic instruments on this recording. Not sure it worked.

Because of time constraints this was put together in small bits and pieces as I got the time. I'm not sure the mix or the instruments are right. I think it may have come out a little too busy, and something just sounds off to me. If you decide to give 'er a listen, feel free to pick it apart and let me know.

Look up, no matter how you feel. Look up. The Lord is with you still.
When things get tough, you feel like giving up, remember where your help comes from
And look up, look up to the hills. Let the Lord be your strength, your shelter and your shield.
‘Cause the gates of hell will not prevail when you're walking in his will. So look up.

When troubled seas surround you and the wind blows like a gale,
though the waves will crash, let the lightning flash, his promises will not fail.
In the middle of the darkness, you can still walk in the light.
Hold on to hope, you know you’re not alone. Walk by faith and not sight, and

Look up, no matter how you feel. Look up. The Lord is with you still.
When things get tough, you feel like giving up, remember where your help comes from.
And look up, look up to the hills. Let the Lord be your strength, your shelter and your shield.
‘Cause the gates of hell will not prevail just keep walking in his will, and look up.
Just look up.

So remember that you’re not alone 'cause the Lord you serve’s still on the throne
And everything’s in his control, so rejoice oh my soul.
And though the battle rages on, the war is already won
Through Jesus Christ, God’s risen son, to whom we belong … So, look up.

Just look up, no matter how you feel. Look up. The Lord is with you still.
When things get tough, you feel like giving up, remember where your help comes from.
And look up, look up to the hills. Let the Lord be your strength, your shelter and your shield.
'Cause the gates of hell will not prevail when you’re walking in his will.
No, the gates of hell will not prevail so keep walking in his will, and look up.
Just look up.

... And here's the band:

Drums: Pat Steward, _PROXY.STY
Bass: Mark Hill, _PROXY.STY
Fingerpick Giutar: Jason Roller, FPKE120.STY
Electric Rthym Guitar: Mike Durham, _PROXY
Electric Rthym Guitar 2: Brent Mason, _PROXY.STY
Organ: Donyea Goodman, _DELIGHT.STY
Dobro: Rob Ickes, _MUG.STY
Fiddle: Andy Leftwich, _RISE.STY
Back Vocal: Brit Savage, _DELIGHT.STY

I played the lead guitar using my Spirit prototype solid body through an 11 rack processor. Recorded at 145 BPM on Protools 12, Mastered on Ozone.

Brad Williams #826300 10/21/24 02:32 AM
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Hi, Brad. Wow, that's quite an inspirational story. Sorry for the health issues in your family, and happy for your recovery.

Cool rockin' song! Love your energetic vocals and lead guitar. Nice use of BGVs, too. I can never get them to fit this well. THANKS for sharing!

DC Ron
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Too many guitars (is that a thing?)
Brad Williams #826331 10/21/24 08:15 AM
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Hi Brad,
I love the background on the love that inspired this piece. I also really appreciate the uplifting lyrics of faith and trust. But to me, the song sounds rushed, and probably not to your surprise, a bit busy though I can't comment further on that because my ears don't know why, musically speaking. Lyrically speaking, you could probably prune the lyrics a bit and still say what you want. But I think there's a super potential here for an inspiring, moving song. I look forward to hearing its evolution.

Brad Williams #826345 10/21/24 11:34 AM
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Hey thanks for stopping by for a listen DC. This is the first time I've used this particular BGV track with Brit Savage and wasn't sure it would come off well.

Thanks a bunch for the comment BYO - yeah, I thought so. I'll probably take a little bit of a break from it, and come back later to see if I can hear a fresh perspective and try to clean it up a little. There are some great ears on this forum, so hopefully I'll get some good ideas.


Brad Williams #826346 10/21/24 12:11 PM
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A good rocker.
The opening organ is cool. I wanted it to continue. Since this is a Rocker, the organ could handle the fills that you've given to the fiddle guy (and sound more appropriate - opinion)
A solid vocal. Again, since this is more of a rocker, I think the vocal should sit in-the-mix more (it is solidly up-front).
The guitars are low - could use some volume.
Cool BGVs.
Good to see you back around.
Wishing you and your family the best...

Brad Williams #826347 10/21/24 12:14 PM
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Hey Brad...I haven't got to be around the forum much lately since my wife suffered her stroke...I didn't realize that being the caregiver for someone would be so taxing physically and especially mentally and emotionally...I kinda got to feeling like the music was dying in me...I've haven't sat down at the piano for weeks and can't make it to church right now to play and I opened my computer and it came on to a website that I had not pulled was Bible and a verse was staring me in the was Psalm 51:12 "Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me."...I then came to the forum and looked for an uplifting title that would catch my attention..."Look Up" caught my eye...I just want to say thanks for posting this just now and I want you to know that you are a part of a small but needed miracle today for me...thanks for the encouraging song and the inspiring words you wrote to give us the background...please know you made my day today!
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Brad Williams #826375 10/21/24 04:51 PM
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Brad, an outstanding song
Great vocal and an outstanding message - loved that
Great instrumentation and arrangement
super mix

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Brad Williams #826393 10/21/24 07:25 PM
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Mix wise the vocal sits way over the top of the backing...maybe try some common reverb to tie them together.
The fiddle accent parts are a little too could be my ears but the extra instruments that feature for a moment or two on the left seems loud er than the rest.
Cool package though.

"What's so funny about peace, love & understanding?" - N.Lowe
Brad Williams #826422 10/22/24 06:11 AM
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Hi Brad.
Our family have our health issues too so I understand your situation.
Some days are good, some not so good.

Re your song, I agree with others that the vocal is too far forward of the mix.
I also thing that the sound would improve by a word trim. You seem to be rushing the lyrics out.
Just an example in the 2nd and 3rd lines: "When life's tough, and you're giving up, remember where help comes from
And look up, up to the hills. The Lord's your strength, your shelter and shield".
Just a little trimming required imho.


Brad Williams #826427 10/22/24 06:36 AM
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HI, Brad!! You were surely missed, brother. Thanks for all of your comments. Chills run through me right from the moment you pulled the car to the side of the road. Your backstrory brings even more love and beauty to this song. It's great that you were able to replay your wife's great advice for her too. Let it be. Look up. All is good when we're together and the best of living looks after us. Well done. Welcome back.

Enjoy whatever happens!

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Brad Williams #826498 10/23/24 03:13 AM
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Hi Brad, good to see you back here!

Very inspiring back story, thanks for sharing.

You have received some solid advice from others on the technical details, but the bottom line is you have written an excellent song!

Brad Williams #826525 10/23/24 08:49 AM
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You got a very "LIVE" sound out this one. Cool Rocker!! like the lyrics positive messages.

Elliott Kayne

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Brad Williams #826644 Yesterday at 04:27 PM
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Thanks for the comments Floyd. I don't know if I can pull it off due to some computer problems (and lack of talent), but I'll give it a shot. I'd be crazy not to take your thoughts seriously!

Wow Dan, I'm so sorry to hear about your wife and sure hope she makes a full recovery. I've not been able to spend the time on the forum that I'd like to either, so I was unaware of her stroke. Hang in there, caregiving can take a lot out of you. I'll be praying for both of you.

Thanks for listening Mario. I've been considering taking the banjo out of the lead part - not sure it fit well with the organ.

Thanks so much for the suggestions Ray. You've got ear like no others. As much as I dislike singing, I may have to just put an entirely new vocal on it. I tried the reverb trick, but I couldn't get it right without it becoming too much and getting muddy. Maybe more organ in those fiddle parts will help too.

I'll give it a shot Vic, thanks for the suggestions. Too many words seem to be a consistant problem for me. I didn't feel rushed when I put the vocal down, but I'm not a very experienced singer, and like I said it seems to be a consistant problem for me.

It's so good to hear from you Marty. I've caught up with a couple of your posts lately, and man you are still putting out some great stuff!

Thanks for the encouragement Dave. I'm also looking forward to hearing more of that guitar playing of yours!

Great to hear from you Elliott. I'm afraid that "Live" feeling was purely by accident. Hopefully it doesn't disappear completely while tinkering around with it. Thanks for stopping by,


Brad Williams #826652 Yesterday at 07:58 PM
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Hi, Brad.

Good to see you! smile

And a good song.

I agree that it's a bit too frenetic, like you've thrown in everything and the kitchen sink. Sort of like a band doing the initial run through of the song, and they're still working it out.

But it's all there - now it's just a matter of finding out where the song - and you! - are going to breathe, and paring it back a bit.

Nice work!

-- David Cuny
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Vocal control, you say. Never heard of it. Is that some kind of ProTools thing?
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Good song with a good message. This drives along at a good pace.... wow.... that banjo (1:50) really was unexpected but it worked.

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Inspirational and delivered with a country rocking vibe.
Cool vocals and guitar chops.

Welcome back and we wish the very best to you and yours.

Enjoyed it!


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