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My initial prompt to which I add questions about specific tasks or features is

I’m a new user to band in a box
I’d like guidance in how to use it Efficienty and effectively taking advantage of the latest features when possible

I also found the 18min podcast that it created from the 2 sources interesting
From it I learned about among other things

intelligent guitar styles in band-in-a-box

the sources explain that intelligent guitar styles in band-in-a-box offer realistic midi guitar performances that accurately emulate strumming, picking, and fret fingering. [1] these styles go beyond basic midi guitar tracks by employing sophisticated algorithms to generate authentic-sounding guitar parts. [1]

identifying intelligent guitar styles
you can identify intelligent guitar styles by the exclamation point (!) in the style name. while not a strict requirement, this naming convention generally indicates that the style features intelligent guitar parts. [1, 2] for instance, the style !freddie.sty is an intelligent guitar style, as indicated by the "!" in the filename. [2]

how intelligent guitar styles work
intelligent guitar styles utilize several techniques to produce realistic guitar performances:

accurate guitar voicings: these styles play guitar chords using realistic voicings that a human guitarist would typically use. [2] you can choose between different voicing styles, such as jazz, pop, folk, and country. [2]
walking chord patterns: some intelligent guitar styles can play walking chord patterns, similar to the comping style found in big band jazz music. [2, 3] for example, on an f7 chord, the guitar might play a sequence of voicings like "f7, gm7, abdim, and f7/a" over the duration of the chord. [3]
strumming and picking: intelligent guitar styles can realistically simulate both strumming and picking patterns. [1] this adds to the authenticity and expressiveness of the generated guitar parts.

fret fingering: the midi data in intelligent guitar styles includes information about the specific frets and strings used to play each note. [1] this allows the virtual guitar performance to be displayed accurately on the on-screen guitar fretboard, making it a valuable learning tool for guitarists. [1, 2]
viewing intelligent guitar parts on the fretboard

you can view and hear the guitar performance of an intelligent guitar style on the virtual guitar fretboard in band-in-a-box:

load a song that uses an intelligent guitar style. [2]
open the guitar window (using the [guitar] toolbar button, the windows | guitar window menu item, or the ctrl+shift+g keystroke). [2, 4]
select the track that contains the intelligent guitar part using the track selector in the guitar window. [2, 3] the title window of the fretboard will indicate "[guitar voicings]" after the track name if it is a guitar style track. [2]
as the song plays, you'll see the notes highlighted on the fretboard, indicating the strings and frets used, along with the corresponding audio playback. [3] you can even see walking chord patterns visualized on the fretboard, showing the different voicings used for each beat. [3]
customizing guitar voicings

the sources mention that you can adjust some aspects of guitar voicings within intelligent guitar styles:

show muted note: for 3-note jazz voicings, you can choose to display the muted note on the fretboard. [3] this allows you to see the full 4-note chord voicing even when only 3 notes are actually played.
guitar settings dialog: the guitar settings dialog offers options to customize the appearance and output of the guitar window, including fretboard type, octave, note display options, and more. [5] however, the sources don't specifically detail which settings might directly affect guitar voicings within intelligent guitar styles.

using intelligent guitar styles
intelligent guitar styles function like any other style in band-in-a-box. [2] you can:

select them from the stylepicker: use the stylepicker window to browse and select intelligent guitar styles. [2]
use them for playback: once you've loaded an intelligent guitar style, band-in-a-box will generate the guitar parts automatically based on the chords you've entered. [2]
learn from the fretboard display: observe the fretboard display in the guitar window to see how the guitar parts are played. [2] this can be a valuable tool for learning guitar voicings, strumming/picking techniques, and fret fingering.

Overall, intelligent guitar styles provide a powerful way to incorporate realistic and expressive guitar parts into your band-in-a-box compositions.

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