Band-in-a-Box for iOS Version 2.0.2 is available* for download from the App Store (*by end of day Feb 7)

Note: V2 is a major new release for the app, and is different from the previous app that required you to connect to your desktop version.

  • Create, generate, and play songs on iPhone or iPad (both MIDI and RealTracks). Generates and plays MIDI directly on the device, and RealTracks are generated using an internet connection to
  • High quality music notation/tab display and printout.
  • On-screen guitar fretboard and piano.
  • Full function StylePicker to choose from 12,000 available styles.
  • Import your existing songs (by emailing/Dropbox/etc.) within a .zip or as standalone Band-in-a-Box songs.

Here is a link to the support page:

Release notes for Version 2.0.2 (since 2.0.1)
  • Fixed: Saving a song wasn't storing or opening track volumes correctly.
  • Fixed: Track buttons now display as active when an m4a render is present or a RealStyle is loaded.
  • Fixed: Inactive tracks were not displaying their mute status.
  • Fixed: Score options 'Auto Mode' switch wasn't coloured properly in dark mode.
  • Fixed: Volume popup 'RealTracks Vol' text was partially obscured.
  • Added: Generate button renamed to 'Play +', and 'Play - No Generation' added to popup menu. Added padding for Server and MIDI generate items.
  • Fixed: Chord keyboard text and state getting out of sync when opening a song or toggling the keyboard.
  • Fixed: Opening a song wasn't checking if the app was still starting.
  • Added: Generate from server now includes track volume and mute settings.
  • Added: Opening a song will now sync the stored volume and mutes to the app mixer.
  • Added: 'Reset Mixer' option to long-press Mute/Solo popup.
  • Added: Chord keyboard shots and holds buttons now display a checkmark if active on current chord.
  • Added: Play button label now displays a blue dot which indicates the need to regenerate the song after a structure or mixer variable is changed.
  • Added: Song title label now displays a blue dot which indicates the need to save the song after one of the information fields is changed.
  • Added: Style selection now persists when starting a new file, or reopening the app.
  • Fixed: Tapping to play from notation might clear captured melody or soloist events.
  • Fixed: Notation wasn't updating correctly after recording a melody.
  • Fixed: MIDI patches weren't being set on app start.
  • Fixed: Piano was showing when starting app.
  • Fixed: Style picker text field wasn't applying when any other filter option was selected, if it hadn't been confirmed yet.
  • Fixed: Style picker text field filter now includes all songs which contain a match for any of the components.
  • Fixed: Chord keyboard hold buttons were setting to the wrong color when dragging out of the button area.
  • Fixed: Style detail string was showing for another style if the current style didn't have one.
  • Fixed: Fixed slow / unpredictable behaviour of chord sheet page flipping.
  • Fixed: Reduced font size of chord text for held instruments.
  • Updated: Styles database to latest version.
  • Fixed: Shots and Rests sometimes not displaying, transposing, or saving correctly.
  • Fixed: Connection of MIDI instruments and crashing when sending a note.
  • Fixed: Record Melody was not saving notes.
  • Fixed: Songs without Melody events now save as .SGU ans songs with Melody events save as .MGU
  • Fixed: Fretboard channelizes recorded melody events.
  • Fixed: Startup crash that was occurring sometimes.
  • Fixed: StylePicker filters not applying additively.
  • Fixed: Popup informing of a required server RealStyle generation will now dismiss and request a generation automatically.
  • Fixed: Spurious 'Likely 3rd party style' message no-longer shows.
  • Fixed: Rounded corners of Export view Close Button.
  • Added: Style Picker 'Suggestion' mode. Accessible for relevant (150 demo) styles from Generate dialog, or style picker detail buttons. Reset button will clear the setting.
  • Added: Export view cells now have share and delete icons, changed from the swipe reveal gesture.
  • Fixed: Lyrics (note-based) are displayed on the Notation Window.
  • Fixed: Chords view was not setting font color for rest and push characters.
  • Fixed: Added more checks to enable app audio after idle or in background for a long time.
  • Fixed: Disabled tap-to-play on chords view when chords keyboard is open.

Last edited by Andrew - PG Music; 4 hours ago.

PG Music Inc.