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Well the story just got complicated.

Musician's Friend sent the wrong guitar. I got a Fly instead. I called and they said I have 45 days to decide if I like it or not.

To get a deal on a more expensive guitar would sound like a good thing, but I like the looks of the DF and the pickup configuration of the DF better. And they no longer have a light colored DF in stock.

So now I don't know what to do.

I'm bummed. I'll sleep on it.


Bob "Notes" Norton smile Norton Music

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You want what you want. Don't settle, even if it is for a "better" instrument. (Do you really think it was an accident?)


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My thoughts too Bob. Unless the guitar exceeds your expectations in all forms: sound, playability, ease of use, and aesthetics, I would tend to, at that price, get what you really want. Parker builds a quality instrument so that part isn't an issue.DennisD

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Wrong guitar?? Wow, MF is unbelievable!!!

Of course, if this was happening to me, I would be elated, because I like the fly better, but only because of the neck. I would also be the first to state that the switching and pickup configuration on the DF is slightly more versatile than the fly, qualities that you have stated as being very important to you. The question now becomes, will you like the neck on the fly so much better that you will actually prefer it? Some folks do, some folks don't. Another thing to keep in mind is that the neck on the fly tends to keep it's "slick" feel regardless of temperature and humidy. Sometimes, this can make a big difference on open air gigs.

Anyways, sound samples please.


I'd be completely happy if I had just one more guitar.
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Which model of the Fly did they send you? Here's a quick list at MF:

Considering the HUGE price difference, you would think MF would be insisting that you return it, so that part of your situation is kind of weird.

But since they're giving you 45 days to decide, I'd play it for a few weeks and make sure before I sent it back. You could have just lucked out big time, ................ but if it's not what you want, you won't be satisfied even with a guitar that costs over twice as much as what you ordered.

I just wouldn't rush my decision.

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I'm not going to rush my decision. I immediately told MF what they sent me (it's a "do unto others" thing with me) so they know I have a more expensive guitar. I am shocked that they didn't offer to send me a postage paid return shipping label and ask for it back. I also e-mailed them this morning.

I played the FLY for about 5 minutes unplugged (I haven't unwrapped anything so that if they come to their senses, they can still sell it as new) and the neck is indeed like butter. But the pickup configuration isn't what I wanted and the color is too dark.

So now I'm in a wait and see hold for a while. I have other guitars to play, and although I had my heart set on playing the DF this weekend, it isn't going to happen no matter what I do, so this morning I'm feeling more rational about the entire ordeal.

If they want it back, they are more than welcome to send me a return shipping label. If they don't perhaps I'll put it up for sale. I haven't made any permanent decisions yet.

This is the first time anything like this ever happened to me. I immediately did the ethical thing and informed them of their mistake. Now it's up to them. I can wait.

What would you do?

(I'm still bummed that I can't play the DF this weekend)


Bob "Notes" Norton smile Norton Music

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Costs way more than what you ordered?

They gonna let you keep it at the lesser price?

No brainer in my book.



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Which Model did they send you? I'd keep it if it works well for you. You haven't tried the one you wanted yet so, maybe this was fate.
(maybe post a picture)

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The probable reason why they let you keep this guitar is that the Fly is a special order item. I think they had it made for a customer, but somehow ordered the wrong configuration or color. So they're kind of stuck with it. Better to sell at a lower price than a complete write-off.

Personally I like the Fly better (judging on looks only; we don't get too many Parker guitars here, so I have never had one in my hands...)

You have spent a reasonable amount of money to get a certain instrument you desire. If you have set your mind on a DF and you really want that instrument, then you'd better make sure you get a DF. If you want a Parker guitar and have settled for the DF because a Fly is simply too expensive....... you lucky son of a ..: you've got one now!!!

BTW: we expect pictures of your new axe!

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Get what you want . . . period! Just my opinion but I think the fly looks like something from a Harry Potter's movie. As rharv says, "now get off of my lawn!"


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It's a real dilemma.

I've done the right thing and let them know of their mistake. So if I keep the guitar, my conscience is clear. So I'm in a wait and see mode right now. I'm not playing the Fly so if they want it back, it will be in like-new condition.

The Fly is unquestionably a better guitar. It is truly state-of-the-art. It's like ordering a Celica and getting a Lexus. I should be thrilled. On the other hand, with my present guitar skills it's like owing a Ferrari to drive to the grocery store and back (which I wouldn't mind doing).

On the other hand,
  • I like the pickup configuration of the DragonFly better, it seems more versatile
  • I like the fact that I can swap pickups on the DF - I might want to swap the humbucker for a P-Rail down the road to give me the choice of single coil, humbucker, or P90 sounds
  • Unless I'm doing an outdoor gig, I ususally wear black on stage. I also play sax, flute, wind synth, vocals, guitar, parcussion controller and sometimes keys on stage. Swapping instruments is good "show-biz" and the dark walnut guitar with no inlays on the fretboard will just not be obvious on stage

I have 44 more days to make the decision. In the meantime I'm trying to find another DF/Nat.

If I sell it, I think it would pay for most or all of what I bought the DF for. So it might be "manna from heaven".

I'm still undecided.


Bob "Notes" Norton smile Norton Music

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I respect your decision to notify them and keep everything honest.

I've read that in the past some unscrupulous mail order companies would send more expensive items than people ordered, then try to charge them the difference, so a law was created to protect the consumer. If what I've heard is true, they can't charge you more or even ask for the more expensive product back. (if they could it would put the consumer in a perpetual limbo of never being able to sell the item for fear that the seller would want it back).

If they sent it in response to your payment, it's yours if you want it. You can, however, elect to ask for your money back and return it.

I suppose you could also sell it, buy the guitar you really want and pocket the difference. It would be more hassle than the transaction you wanted to make, but at least you would be "compensated" for the hassle. As a professional musician you probably know a number of people who would be interested in a boutique instrument.

All this is hearsay... you may want to research consumer law to make sure of the rights you have in Florida. But I feel pretty sure that the ball is in your court on how to move forward. By sending you the more expensive guitar, they implicitly agreed to take a hit in order to process your order. Your move.

Not a bad position to be in.. much better than if they had sent you a cheaper instrument by mistake (or on purpose)

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how much does it cost to have a guitar refinished?

or better yet, you're a businessman.. here's an idea for a niche market:

how about inventing and selling a line of fabric guitar covers that can be changed to allow performers to match their instruments to their outfits?

I notice somebody has created the "car bra" which is a fabric cover for the front of autos to keep the bugs from messing up the finish.

You could call your product the "Guitar Bra" or the "gui-tarp" or the "LeoTar" or something else that contains the word "Norton" ;-)

Fabrics can be anything, the possibilities are endless. Find a local seamstress, give her a template of your guitar, and see what she comes up with. If you like it, maybe you can work out a business plan.

From a distance, all the audience sees is color, they don't know or care if it is paint, stain, plexiglass, polyurethane, formica or fabric. AS you've said in the past, "It's show business"... color is a part of the visual show

It might take off. You've expressed a valid consumer need that nobody else addresses. It's too expensive to buy guitars in the color of every outfit. A velcro slipcover for guitars... hmmm It's just trendy enough, different enough and useful enough to pique consumers' interest. Musicians are a creative group, and creative types tend to accept new ideas more readily than other consumer demographics

You could be your own poster boy by using your product onstage. Every performance would be an advertisement. You already have a website in place to take orders.

High school kids playing in garage bands could buy a Norton LeoTar and paint ther band's name on it without ruining the guitar for resale.

It would also serve as a protective covering, which would appeal to people who like to keep their instrument's finish looking like new.

You could probably brainstorm a hundred reasons why everyone who owns a guitar should also own your product. The potential market (ie. "everyone in the world who owns a guitar") is a very large market indeed.

Totally untapped.



Last edited by Pat Marr; 11/23/10 11:35 AM.
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Bob, this is a very sweet deal, I agree with others to give it a try. But, if as I stated earlier it does not meet or exceed your expectations, let it go. You have three excellent guitars in your stable right now, so I don't feel it is a question of needing a quality, playable instrument. I still kick myself for either selling or not acquiring a guitar I found to be a really, really good fit for me. For example I have always wanted a Gretsch Hollow Body or Tennessean but I haven't found the right fit (feel) and price range. I don't need one, I just want one but I can wait. Good Luck in your enviable position!DennisD

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I respect your decision to notify them and keep everything honest. <...>

Thanks, Pat. It's the way I would want to be treated.

And thanks for the tip to check consumer law.

Although it is probably a good idea, I don't want to get into manufacturing "guitar-bras" or anything like that. The software business is great because the sales and shipping happen automatically by the shopping cart (with the exception of PayPals) and I can spend my time writing new styles.

I remember the early days when I would burn a floppy disk, put it in a purchased mailer, run off an address label, drive to the post office, wait in line, and ship out the day's orders. Ah, e-delivery has spoiled me

I found another dealer that has the guitar I want, at a good price so I bought it. After hearing my tale of woe with MF, they are even throwing in free 2 day shipping!

I have 44 days to decide. I've both called and written an e-mail to them. Phone operator says keep the guitar, I got an auto-responder so they got my e-mail. If they don't answer, I'll consider the Fly mine to do with as I please. I'll give them plenty of time to respond though. I want to be fair with them.

I know that everybody makes a mistake sooner or later. If a company makes a mistake, it has the opportunity to either make a friend for life or lose a customer forever. When I make a mistake (for example, send out fake disk 10 instead of style disk 10) I tell the customer to keep the wrong disk, and then immediately send out the correct disk. Giving them two disks for the price of one. Of course, I didn't pay for the software I created with the exception of royalties for fake disks. Perhaps this is my good "karma" times a thousand?

Last night I was bummed that I didn't get the guitar that I wanted. You know how it is, you pull the trigger, wait for the shipping, and when it finally comes, it's like Christmas. Well I opened the present and didn't get what I wanted, and I had my heart set on playing the new guitar at our gig at the Yacht Club this weekend.

Of course, these feelings pass, and today I'm looking at it as a possible opportunity. If MF doesn't want it back, I can sell it and recoup part or all of my investment in the DragonFly. And since I both phoned and e-mailed them, I can do it with a clear conscience -- which is very important to me.

I have 44 more days to decide.


Bob "Notes" Norton smile Norton Music

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Wouldn't the MIDI function of that guitar come in handy for your shows and making fake discs?

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Wouldn't the MIDI function of that guitar come in handy for your shows and making fake discs?

Perhaps, but from what I have read, there is some latency involved in the MIDI guitar, and that would absolutely drive me crazy. But I have to admit, I haven't thought about that until you mentioned it, and now I'm seriously thinking about it.


Notes ♫

Bob "Notes" Norton smile Norton Music

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Hi Bob,

I bought a Casio MIDI Guitar back in the 80s. It was the greatest. The latency wasn't that bad and was easy to get a handle on. Also MIDI Guitar has to have come a long way since then.
That old Casio was hard to set up for six string to six channel, but single note playing with all six strings on one channel was super.
I loved using a piano patch and I used to play endless piano solos.
You do have to be a very accurate picker.
Alas, it was lost in a flood here also.
I looked at a buch of youtubes of MIDI guitar players. They just seemed to like making noise. You can do some really good stuff with it.
(my personal opinion, based on old technology)
Give it a try. If it works for you, you'll have a ball.

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Wouldn't the MIDI function of that guitar come in handy for your shows and making fake discs?

Perhaps, but from what I have read, there is some latency involved in the MIDI guitar, and that would absolutely drive me crazy. But I have to admit, I haven't thought about that until you mentioned it, and now I'm seriously thinking about it.


Notes ♫

regarding the making of styles and fake disks:

I have noticed a difference in the realism of a midi guitar patch depending on which controller I use to record the notes. If I play the notes on a keyboard, then apply a guitar patch, the end result does not sound like a guitar to my ears. But when I record the notes with my midi guitar, THEN apply the guitar patch, I do hear a difference... It sounds more like a real guitar to me. Apparently the guitar controller picks up MIDI nuances that are not generated by a keyboard.

In fact, after doing it both ways, when I download a midi file I can usually tell what controller was used to record the guitar part... it's that obvious . (You may want to conduct your own comparison test)

I have seen the same thing reported in various music forums by others when they first get a MIDI guitar and start applying patches to the tracks created with it. Part of what you sell is realism. Depending on how your comparison works out, creating styles with guitar parts recorded on a midi guitar could be value-adding.

Regarding latency... that's come a long way in recent years. If the midi signal is created in the same way as in the Godin guitars, it's probably pretty good. What I read about your guitar leads me to believe it probably is.

Last edited by Pat Marr; 11/24/10 09:20 AM.
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Although it is probably a good idea, I don't want to get into manufacturing "guitar-bras" or anything like that. The software business is great because the sales and shipping happen automatically by the shopping cart (with the exception of PayPals) and I can spend my time writing new styles.

I totally understand. I never really expected you to embrace the idea. I'm just one of those people who delights in thinking up things for other people to do.


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