Here is some more additional info about the situation before and after the error. This info is shown below in the ASIO Setup Dialog of RealBand :

[BEFORE ERROR] - Driver Info:
Input channels 10
Output channels 6
Allowed sample rate 44100 <yes>, other rates <no>
Input data format : Int32LSB
Output data format : Int32LSB
Buffer sizes in samples: min=256 max=5376 pref=256 granularity=256
actual ASIO buffer size in MS: 5.80
actual ASIO sample rate used: 44100 (Resampler NOT in use)

[AFTER ERROR]- Driver Info:
Input channels 0
Output channels 0
Allowed sample rate 44100 <no>, other rates <no>
Input data format : Int16MSB
Output data format : Int16MSB
Buffer sizes in samples:
actual ASIO buffer size in MS:
actual ASIO sample rate used:

Obviously also the data format is changed from Int32LSB to Int16MSB. Does anybody know what this relates to and what may have causes this change? Maybe this leads to a new clue?

greetings and thanks in advance,
