Band-in-a-Box® Playable RealTracks

“Playable RealTracks” Hi-Q sounds, which match many of our RealTracks, so you can easily switch from RealTracks parts to MIDI notes while maintaining the instrument sound!
You can now customize the RealTracks performance by adding your own notes. You will then hear those notes using a MIDI sound created from the RealTracks recording. This means you can get the RealTracks to play the notes you want at key parts of the performance, either augmenting or replacing what the RealTracks is playing, for any sections in the song.
Band-in-a-Box® 2022 introduced a new feature "Playable RealTracks," and this set of new "Hi-Q" sforzando sounds gives you the tools you need to use it! This cool feature allows you to add MIDI notes to the same RealTrack that is playing, either at the same time, or alternating back and forth. And these sounds were all made to correspond with specific RealTracks, and in most cases were created using the same instrument, and by the same RealTracks artist. This means you can get the RealTracks to play the notes you want at key parts of the performance, either augmenting or replacing what the RealTracks is playing, for the section you want to change. This set adds OVER 300 new sounds to your collection, giving you more control over your music than ever before!
Included in the 2022 49-PAK!
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