RealTracks Sets (467 Sets with over 4,900 RealTracks!)
What are RealTracks? RealTracks replace the MIDI track for that instrument, and can be controlled just like the MIDI instrument (volume changes, muting etc.). They follow the chord progression that you have entered, so you hear an authentic audio accompaniment or solo.
RealTracks are not "samples"... They are full recordings, lasting from 1 to 8 bars at a time, playing in perfect sync with the other tracks. Choose from pre-made Band-in-a-Box® Styles, or combine RealTracks instruments to make your own band.
You'll want to use RealTracks in all of your projects... and you can! Adding REAL instruments played by TOP MUSICIANS to your compositions brings an exciting human element ... and that's just the beginning!
Wow! Over 4,900 RealTracks in the UltraPAK, UltraPAK+, and Audiophile Edition! Over 4,300 hours of studio musicians recordings!
PG Music offers 467 RealTracks Sets, with over 4,900 RealTracks for Jazz, Country, Rock, Pop, Metal, Blues, Bluegrass and more!
We've made it easy to get RealTracks Sets - ALL of the RealTracks Sets are included in the UltraPAK, UltraPAK+ and Audiophile Editions of Band-in-a-Box®. New RealTracks Sets 449-467 are included in the PlusPAK.

RealTracks Set 267 : More Blues: Blues with Brent and Mike Video Demo
It's all about the Blues with RealTracks Set 267. What else would you expect when you put Brent Mason and Mike Rojas in a room together? Brent solos over the Blues in every which way – he swings, he shuffles, he plays it straight. Several of these RealTracks are in 12/8, and because of Brent and Mike's versatile playing, this means you now have a huge variety of guitar solos at your fingertips, not to mention piano rhythm tracks that run the gamut from gentle acoustic piano accompaniments to dirty and distorted organ licks. This is a huge set of fifteen RealTracks – any Blues musician would do well to add these killer recordings into their collection.
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2017 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm Blues12-8Brent Sw 065 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm BluesFunkySwBrent Sw16 075 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm BluesShuffleBrent Sw 130 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm BluesStraightBrent Ev 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm BluesSw16GrooveBrent Sw16 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Soloist BluesShuffleBrentSimple Sw 130 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Soloist BluesSlow12-8BrentSimple Sw 065 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Soloist BluesSlowEvenBrentSimple Ev 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Organ, Rhythm BluesShuffleMike Sw 130 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Rojas ]
- Organ, Rhythm BluesSlow128Mike Sw 065 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Rojas ]
- Organ, Rhythm BluesSlowSwingMike Sw 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Rojas ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm BluesShuffleMike Sw 130 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Rojas ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm BluesSlow128Mike Sw 065 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Rojas ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm BluesSlowSwingMike Sw 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Rojas ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm FunkySwingBluesMike Sw16 075 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Rojas ]
RealTracks Set 266 : Jazz & Funk Potpourri Video Demo
RealTracks Set 266 features a wide variety of great jazzy & funky RealTracks. It includes such diverse RealTracks as jazz waltz soprano sax, rockabilly jive guitar soloing, and dixieland banjo! There are also exciting funk RealDrums, and tango piano. And, to top it off we're including 2 "12-key" jazz guitar comping styles. These RealTracks were recorded in all 12 keys, so there is no digital pitch shifting of the audio, which means the audio quality will be pristine no matter what key your song is in!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2017 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Banjo, Tenor, Rhythm DixielandRazzmatazz Sw 165 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Quinn Bachand ]
- Drums, FunkRock^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Pat Steward ]
- Drums, FunkRockSync^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: PG Music Artist ]
- Drums, FunkSanFran Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Michael White ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm JazzBalladCompOlly12-key Sw 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Oliver Gannon ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm JazzSwingCompOlly12-key Sw 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Oliver Gannon ]
- Guitar, Electric, Soloist RockabillyJiveBrent Sw 190 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Tango Ev 100 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ]
- Sax, Soprano, Soloist JazzWaltzJack Sw 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jack Stafford ]
RealTracks Set 265 : Crooner Ballad Big Band! Video Demo
Crooner styles are back by popular demand in RealTracks Set 265! This Big Band Ballad influenced set will soothe your soul. Included are a grand range of smooth horns such as alto saxophone, flugel horns, tenor saxophone, trumpets, and more! Float away with all twelve tracks, each of them played in traditional Jazz swing. RealTracks Set 265 is excellent for any project, listen to our demos and find out for yourself!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2017 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Flugelhorn, Background CroonerBalladHigh Sw 060 (1TrackHornSection) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jim Clark ]
- Flugelhorn, Background CroonerBalladLow Sw 060 (1TrackHornSection) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jim Clark ]
- Flugelhorn, Background CroonerBalladMed Sw 060 (1TrackHornSection) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jim Clark ]
- Flute, Background CroonerBallad Sw 060 (1TrackHornSection) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jim Clark ]
- Horn Section, Background CroonerBallad11-Part Sw 060 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jim Clark ]
- Sax, Alto, Background CroonerBalladHigh Sw 060 (1TrackHornSection) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jim Clark ]
- Sax, Alto, Background CroonerBalladLow Sw 060 (1TrackHornSection) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jim Clark ]
- Sax, Baritone, Background CroonerBallad Sw 060 (1TrackHornSection) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jim Clark ]
- Sax, Tenor, Background CroonerBalladHigh Sw 060 (1TrackHornSection) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jim Clark ]
- Sax, Tenor, Background CroonerBalladLow Sw 060 (1TrackHornSection) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jim Clark ]
- Trumpet, Background CroonerBallad Sw 060 (1TrackHornSection) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jim Clark ]
- Trumpet, Muted, Background CroonerBallad Sw 060 (1TrackHornSection) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jim Clark ]
RealTracks Set 264 : Crooner Bossa Big Band! Video Demo
Our popular Crooner styles are back and are included in RealTracks Set 264! These smooth background Bossa RealTracks help set the mood for a sophisticated evening. This includes a stylish variety of elegant Jazz horns including tenor, alto, baritone, muted trumpets and more! RealTracks set 264 is played with an Even feel style. Shaken or stirred, get these Classy Crooner Bossa Horns in your collection!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2017 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Flute, Background CroonerBossa Ev 110 (1TrackHornSection) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jim Clark ]
- Horn Section, Background CroonerBossa10-Part Ev 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jim Clark ]
- Sax, Alto, Background CroonerBossaHigh Ev 110 (1TrackHornSection) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jim Clark ]
- Sax, Alto, Background CroonerBossaLow Ev 110 (1TrackHornSection) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jim Clark ]
- Sax, Baritone, Background CroonerBossa Ev 110 (1TrackHornSection) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jim Clark ]
- Sax, Tenor, Background CroonerBossaHigh Ev 110 (1TrackHornSection) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jim Clark ]
- Sax, Tenor, Background CroonerBossaLow Ev 110 (1TrackHornSection) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jim Clark ]
- Trumpet, Background CroonerBossaHigh Ev 110 (1TrackHornSection) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jim Clark ]
- Trumpet, Background CroonerBossaLow Ev 110 (1TrackHornSection) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jim Clark ]
- Trumpet, Background CroonerBossaMed Ev 110 (1TrackHornSection) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jim Clark ]
- Trumpet, Muted, Background CroonerBossa Ev 110 (1TrackHornSection) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jim Clark ]
RealTracks Set 263 : Songwriter's Guitar and Cello Toolkit Video Demo
Looking to add more variety to your collection? Look no further! The Songwriters Guitar and Cello Toolkit is here! This versatile set offers eleven new RealTracks including rhythms, backgrounds, finger-picking, resonators, and even a soloist! The diversity of this RealTracks set is phenomenal for any genre including Classical, Folk, Soft-rock and more! Get inspired, pick up your copy of this incredibly well rounded collection today!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2017 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Cello, Background SlowSwing Sw 065 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Matt Nelson ]
- Cello, Background SlowWaltz Sw 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Matt Nelson ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking Songwriter16ths Ev16 075 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Joe Robinson ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking Songwriter16thsHigh Ev16 075 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Joe Robinson ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm Pop16thsJoe Ev16 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Joe Robinson ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm Songwriter8thsBrent Ev 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm SongwriterSwingBalladBrent Sw16 065 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Background DreamyPopBalladFillsBrent Ev 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Soloist CountryBalladBrentSimple Ev 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Resonator, Background CountryWaltzRandy Sw 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Randy Kohrs ]
- Guitar, Resonator, Rhythm Folk8thsRandy Ev 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Randy Kohrs ]
RealTracks Set 262 : Great Country Drums with Shannon Forrest Video Demo
Add the sound of one of Nashville's finest session drummers to your studio! If you listen to country radio, there’s a good chance you've heard of drummer, Shannon Forrest. Shannon has built a reputation as a session ace, and is constantly in demand by chart-topping artists! This exclusive set includes five RealTracks in various rhythms including driving pop 8ths, modern styles, pop 16ths, and more! Add Shannon Forrest to your collection today and get access to one of the best session drummers in the industry!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2017 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Drums, DrivingPop8ths^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Shannon Forrest ]
- Drums, ModCountry16ths^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Shannon Forrest ]
- Drums, PopCountry16ths^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Shannon Forrest ]
- Drums, TrainBeat Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Shannon Forrest ]
- Drums, TrainBeatBrushes Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Shannon Forrest ]
RealTracks Set 261 : Sounds of Hawaii Video Demo
Aloha! Discover paradise with the Hawaiian sounds of RealTracks Set 261! This collection of Hawaiian swing Realtracks features traditional ukelele and pedal steel, which are perfect for that laid-back island vibe. The pedal steel also comes with a Direct Input option so you can create your own tones! Sit back with the soothing Sounds of Hawaii!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2017 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Pedal Steel, Rhythm HawaiianBallad Sw 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Eddy Dunlap ]
- Pedal Steel, Rhythm HawaiianSwing Sw 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Eddy Dunlap ]
- Pedal Steel, Rhythm HawaiianWaltz Sw 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Eddy Dunlap ]
- Ukulele, Rhythm FolkSwingBallad Sw 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Quinn Bachand ]
- Ukulele, Rhythm FolkWaltz Sw 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Quinn Bachand ]
RealTracks Set 260 : Celtic Harp Video Demo
Become entranced listening to thecaptivating, and magical serenades of Sharlene Wallace, one of Canada’s most influential harpists! You'll lose yourself in the symphonic melodies of the Celtic styles, Waltzes, even 16ths, and classic jigs in this elegant RealTracks set. Add this golden award winning harpist to your RealTracks collection today!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2017 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Harp, Rhythm Celtic16ths Ev16 075 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Sharlene Wallace ]
- Harp, Rhythm CelticJig Sw 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Sharlene Wallace ]
- Harp, Rhythm CelticWaltz Ev 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Sharlene Wallace ]
- Harp, Rhythm CelticWaltzSlow Ev 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Sharlene Wallace ]
RealTracks Set 259 : Old Time and Celtic Video Demo
Enjoy the hearty sounds of Celtic instrumentation with RealTracks Set 259! This includes 6 diverse Realtracks with influences in Polka and Folk! The different rhythms include Ev16s, Swing, and Triplets shuffle. The tempos range from slow ballad-type to galloping upbeat rhythms. This Celtic RealTracks set also includes acoustic guitars, piano, and even an auto harp! Be sure to add this to your collection today!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2017 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Autoharp, Rhythm OldTime Ev16 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Quinn Bachand ]
- Autoharp, Rhythm OldTime Ev16 110 (8ths@220) [Half-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Quinn Bachand ]
- Autoharp, Rhythm OldTimeSlowWaltz Sw 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Quinn Bachand ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm CelticPolkaFastReelQuinn Ev16 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Quinn Bachand ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm CelticPolkaFastReelQuinn Ev16 140 (8ths@280) [Half-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Quinn Bachand ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm CelticPolkaFastReelQuinn Ev16 140 (Simple) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Quinn Bachand ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm CelticSlideFastJigQuinn Sw 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Quinn Bachand ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm Fast4toBarQuinn Ev 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Quinn Bachand ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm FolkySwing Sw 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ]
RealTracks Set 258 : Latin America Video Demo
Take a trip to the island of Puerto Rico with this traditional Latin American RealTracks Set! These 9 RealTracks are dedicated to exploring traditional Latin American music! A variety of styles are available from sweet 16th picking on nylon guitar to genuine walking bass lines that will keep you tapping your toes! Featuring instruments like Maracas, Guiros, Chajchas, Charango, Bongos, and more! Add these authentic sounds to your RealTracks collection - Don’t miss this fiesta!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2017 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Bass, Electric, AndesHuaynoA-B Ev16 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Oscar Stagnaro ]
- Bass, Electric, AndesHuaynoOffbeat Ev16 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Oscar Stagnaro ]
- Bass, Electric, AndesHuaynoTriad Ev16 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Oscar Stagnaro ]
- Bass, Electric, PuertoRicoAguinaldo Ev16 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Oscar Stagnaro ]
- Charango, Rhythm AndesHuayno Ev16 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Ramon Stagnaro ]
- Cuatro, Rhythm PuertoRicoAguinaldo Ev16 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Ramon Stagnaro ]
- Guitar, Nylon, Rhythm AndesHuayno Ev16 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Ramon Stagnaro ]
- Guitar, Nylon, Rhythm PuertoRicoAguinaldo Ev16 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Ramon Stagnaro ]
- Drums, PercAguinaldo^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Alex Acuna ]
- Drums, PercHuayno^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Alex Acuna ]
RealTracks Set 257 : A Taste of Peru Video Demo
Straight from the streets of Peru, these ethnic Peruvian RealTracks styles are the worldly sounds you're looking for! These RealTracks include a wide range of authentic instrumentation including ethnic percussions such as Cajon, Cowbell, Quijada, and Castanets! his RealTracks set also features nylon, and bass guitars, played traditional Latin American rhythms! Get your ticket and explore these new Peruvian sounds today!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2017 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Bass, Electric, PeruFestejo68 Sw 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Oscar Stagnaro ]
- Bass, Electric, PeruValsCriollo Ev 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Oscar Stagnaro ]
- Guitar, Nylon, Fingerpicking PeruFestejo68Melodic Sw 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Ramon Stagnaro ]
- Guitar, Nylon, Rhythm PeruFestejo68 Sw 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Ramon Stagnaro ]
- Guitar, Nylon, Rhythm PeruValsCriollo Ev 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Ramon Stagnaro ]
- Drums, PercFestejoPeru^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Alex Acuna ]
- Drums, PercValsCriollo^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Alex Acuna ]
RealTracks Set 256 : Brent Mason Nylon Guitar Video Demo
Named one of the "Top Ten Session Guitarists of All Time," Brent Mason takes the spotlight on this RealTrack set! Featuring warm tones and clean picking rhythms, this easy to listen to collection of nylon guitar will be a classic set for years to come. Each RealTrack contains sweet picking tones to Classic Country riffs and more! There are a total of 8 RealTracks included with this set, each with their own unique playing style. The performances in RealTracks Set 256 are diverse ranging from ballads, contemporary Country, and Waltz styles. Add Brent Mason to your collection today!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2017 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Guitar, Nylon, Background SlowSwingBrent Sw 065 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Nylon, Background SwingBrent Sw 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Nylon, Background WaltzBrent Sw 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Nylon, Background WaltzBrent Sw 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Nylon, Fingerpicking CountryBrent Ev 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Nylon, Fingerpicking CountryBrent Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Nylon, Fingerpicking SlowSwingBrent Sw 065 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Nylon, Fingerpicking SwingBrent Sw 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
RealTracks Set 255 : Amazing Modern Pedal Steel Video Demo
RealTracks Set 255 adds 4 new pedal steel RealTracks to your library, with exciting modern sounds! These RealTracks will sooth your soul! With Eddy Dunlap performing on each RealTrack, this collection ranges from warm, sunny sounds to cool breezy passages. There is a "dreamy" Country ballad, and a "George" style that will mellow your mood, and a spacious and somber sounding RealTrack that's great for a relaxing day. Finally we have an upbeat jam with crunchy and crisp tones that is perfect for those long drives! These RealTracks contain many slower riffs and long pedal steel passages, excellent for accompaniments! Each RealTrack was recorded with the artists unique tone, but each one also has a "Direct Input" option, allowing you to create your own sound! Combine these with other styles to get some incredible results!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2017 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Pedal Steel, Background CountryRockBoogie Sw 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Eddy Dunlap ]
- Pedal Steel, Background DreamySingleNote Ev 075 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Eddy Dunlap ]
- Pedal Steel, Background WestCoastBallad Ev 065 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Eddy Dunlap ]
- Pedal Steel, Rhythm LushChordsSlow Ev 075 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Eddy Dunlap ]
RealTracks Set 254 : 12-key Hi-Q-Tab Brent Guitar, 12-key Eddy Pedal Steel and 12-key Mike Piano Video Demo
We are excited to introduce two new features in this RealTracks set - 12-key instrumentation and Hi-Q notation! This one-of-a-kind set features the talents of Mike Rojas, Brent Mason, and Eddy Dunlap! 12-Key instrumentations are recordings of all instruments in all twelve keys! This improves the quality of audio by removing the need to transpose these RealTracks digitally. What you hear is exactly what was recorded in the studio! Hi-Q Notation offers improved notation functionality for the Guitar and Pedal Steel RealTracks, which provides accurate transcriptions of bends, slides, hammer-ons, pull-offs and more! This also allows transcriptions that are easier to read and learn! Including Brent Mason on Guitar, Mike Rojas on Piano, and Eddy Dunlap on Pedal Steel, each suitable for any genre! These Tracks also include Direct Input for both Guitar and Pedal Steel so you can sculpt your own tones! Add this definitive set of RealTracks to your collection today!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2017 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Guitar, Electric, Soloist CountryPopBrent12-key Ev 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Soloist TrainBeatBrent12-key Ev16 090 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Soloist TrainBeatBrent12-key Ev16 090 (8ths@180) [Half-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Pedal Steel, Background TrainBeatEddy12-key Ev16 090 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Eddy Dunlap ]
- Pedal Steel, Background TrainBeatEddy12-key Ev16 090 (8ths@180) [Half-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Eddy Dunlap ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm TrainBeatMike12-key Ev16 090 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Rojas ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm TrainBeatMike12-key Ev16 090 (8ths@180) [Half-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Rojas ]
RealTracks Set 253 : Country Fingerpicking with Joe Robinson Video Demo
There is an incredible collection of acoustic guitar RealTracks bythe amazingly talented Joe Robinson in RealTracks Set 253! All of the different styles have a high and a regular performance, which are selected as separate RealTracks. The first style is a slow swinging waltz acoustic guitar with a high and a regular RealTrack. The next style of playing is a Nashville swing style at a medium slow tempo, both high and regular versions. Also included is a BoomChick style that has an even 16 feel at a medium tempo and these also come in a high and regular. Finally, there is a slow BoomChick swing style that has both a high and regular part; you can select "Simple" versions of the BoomChick RealTracks in the RealTracks picker. This removes any embellishment from the playing when the RealTrack is generated. All of these RealTracks include RealCharts which can be viewed in the notation window or the lead sheet window. Plus, you can follow along on the fretboard in the guitar window. Joe Robinson is such a skilled guitar player, and we are incredibly fortunate to capture his performances for RealTracks set 253!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2016 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking BoomChickHighJoe Ev16 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Joe Robinson ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking BoomChickHighJoe Ev16 110 (Simple) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Joe Robinson ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking BoomChickJoe Ev16 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Joe Robinson ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking BoomChickJoe Ev16 110 (8ths@220) [Half-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Joe Robinson ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking BoomChickJoe Ev16 110 (Simple) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Joe Robinson ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking BoomChickSlowHighJoe Sw16 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Joe Robinson ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking BoomChickSlowHighJoe Sw16 085 (Simple) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Joe Robinson ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking BoomChickSlowJoe Sw16 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Joe Robinson ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking BoomChickSlowJoe Sw16 085 (Simple) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Joe Robinson ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking NashvilleSwingHighJoe Sw 090 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Joe Robinson ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking NashvilleSwingJoe Sw 090 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Joe Robinson ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking WaltzJoe Sw 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Joe Robinson ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking WaltzJoeHigh Sw 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Joe Robinson ]
RealTracks Set 252 : Modern Country Pedal Steel Video Demo
RealTracks Set 252 includes an amazing assortment of Pedal Steel playing a variety of Modern Country background styles. The first RealTrack in this set is a "Dreamy" even 16 pedal steel playing at a slow tempo. The next RealTrack is a "Pop Country" style with an even feel at a medium tempo. Next we offer a ballad "Atmosphere" pedal steel played with an even 16 feel; A "Crossover" swing 16 pedal steel, which is at a medium to slow tempo, depending on the other instruments you accompany with. The final RealTrack included is an up-tempo waltz style with a swing feel. All of these RealTracks include RealCharts which can be viewed in the notation or lead sheet window. The included Direct Input (DI) versions can be selected in the RealTracks picker. Since all of these pedal steel RealTracks are "background" styles, they sound best when added to a song when another layer of sound is required that won't distract from the overall song. Start experimenting with RealTracks Set 252 and you will truly be amazed at the sound possibilities!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2016 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Pedal Steel, Background ModernBalladAtmosphere Ev16 065 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Eddy Dunlap ]
- Pedal Steel, Background ModernCountryDreamy16ths Ev16 075 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Eddy Dunlap ]
- Pedal Steel, Background ModernCrossover Sw16 090 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Eddy Dunlap ]
- Pedal Steel, Background ModernPopCountry Ev 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Eddy Dunlap ]
- Pedal Steel, Background ModernWaltz Sw 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Eddy Dunlap ]
RealTracks Set 251 : Traditional Celtic Percussion Video Demo
RealTracks Set 251 is all RealDrums! That's right… an entire set of RealDrums playing all traditional Celtic percussion utilizing the bodhran and the spoons! Each RealDrums groove is included on both bodhran and spoons. These include the Polka, Slide, Reel, Slow Reel, Jig, HornPipe and Slip Jig. Each of these styles of music has its own unique feel, like the Polka which is a two beat style, or the Slide which is in 12/8 time. Try combining these RealDrums with other Celtic RealTracks and you will have your own Celtic group before you know it! If you want to create some traditional Celtic music and you need your own personal rhythm section, look no further than RealTracks Set 251.
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2016 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Drums, BodhranTradHornpipe Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Andrew Morris ]
- Drums, BodhranTradJig Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Andrew Morris ]
- Drums, BodhranTradPolka Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Andrew Morris ]
- Drums, BodhranTradReel Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Andrew Morris ]
- Drums, BodhranTradReelSlow Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Andrew Morris ]
- Drums, BodhranTradSlide Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Andrew Morris ]
- Drums, BodhranTradSlipjig Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Andrew Morris ]
- Drums, SpoonsTradHornpipe Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Andrew Morris ]
- Drums, SpoonsTradJig Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Andrew Morris ]
- Drums, SpoonsTradPolka Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Andrew Morris ]
- Drums, SpoonsTradReel Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Andrew Morris ]
- Drums, SpoonsTradReelSlow Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Andrew Morris ]
- Drums, SpoonsTradSlide Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Andrew Morris ]
- Drums, SpoonsTradSlipjig Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Andrew Morris ]
RealTracks Set 250 : Rockabilly Swing Video Demo
With RealTracks Set 250 we offer a swinging Rockabilly electric guitar, acoustic piano, and drums like you have never heard before! The electric guitar is a rhythm style from the amazing session artist Brent Mason. It’s an up-tempo swinging Rockabilly style with a classic Rockabilly tone, echo and reverb, with some amazing licks played as well. There is also a direct input RealTrack available in the RealTracks picker which will load the Amplitube plugin to create a unique amp sound for the electric guitar. The acoustic piano plays a swinging Rockabilly style with lots of classic Rockabilly phrases of 8th notes and triplets. You can see the RealCharts for these RealTracks in the notation or lead sheet window. You can also watch what’s being played on the piano in the Piano Window and see the guitar on the fretboard in the Guitar Window. The RealDrums in this set are playing a swinging BoomChicha style which fits perfectly with the RealTracks in this set. There are six RealDrums variation made into 15 different substyles to choose from in the RealDrums picker. Get ready to use RealTracks Set 250 to create some vintage sounding songs in a Rockabilly style!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2016 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RockabillySwingBrent Sw 165 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RockabillySwingBrent Sw 165 (CustomFX) [Direct Input] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm RockabillySwingKevin Sw 165 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Kevin McKendree ]
RealTracks Set 249 : Old Time Folk Video Demo
RealTracks Set 249 includes some down home "Old Time" Folk RealTracks like the banjo, acoustic guitar, and fiddle. These RealTracks sound amazing when combined in a song and some of them, like the acoustic guitar "Folk Sorrow," stand out on their own. The first RealTrack is the banjo clawhammer playing and even 16 "Old Time" style at a medium tempo; the clawhammer refers to a unique style of picking used on the banjo. Also included are three acoustic guitars, one a "Groovin' Folk" swing 16 style , another an even 16 "Old Time" style, and then the "Folk Sorrow" style also with an even 16 feel. The final RealTrack is a soloist fiddle playing a Celtic Reel style with an even 16 feel at a medium tempo. All three of the acoustic guitars and the fiddle have RealCharts available which will show you the exact notation for each RealTrack. You can view the notation in the notation window or the lead sheet window or see what is being played on the guitar in the guitar window. RealTracks Set 249 has such a variety of instruments and grooves, there is no doubt that you'll be having hours of fun creating your own "Old Time" Folk songs!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2016 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Banjo, Clawhammer, Rhythm OldTime Ev16 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Quinn Bachand ]
- Banjo, Clawhammer, Rhythm OldTime Ev16 110 (8ths@220) [Half-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Quinn Bachand ]
- Fiddle, Soloist CelticReelAndy Ev16 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Andy Leftwich ]
- Fiddle, Soloist CelticReelAndy Ev16 110 (8ths@220) [Half-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Andy Leftwich ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm FolkSorrow Ev16 090 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Quinn Bachand ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm GroovinFolk Sw16 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Quinn Bachand ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm OldTime Ev16 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Quinn Bachand ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm OldTime Ev16 110 (8ths@220) [Half-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Quinn Bachand ]
RealTracks Set 248 : Oberkrainer! Folk Music From the Alps Video Demo
For the first time ever we are bringing you Oberkrainer RealTracks! The Folk music of the Alps! The Oberkrainer sound originated in Austria but since has moved to many different areas of the Alps where this unique style of music is immensely enjoyed. The instruments included in this folk style of music include the accordion, acoustic guitar, and a horn section made up of baritone horn, clarinet, and trumpet. The first seven RealTracks all have the same feel, starting with accordions playing an "Old World 2 Beat" style, and an "Old World 2 Beat Held Plus" style. Next we have an acoustic guitar playing the "Old World 2 Beat" style; the horn section playing in this style can be selected as a RealTrack with all three instruments at once or you can select the baritone horn, trumpet, or clarinet to play as a single instrument track. All of these RealTracks are at a medium fast tempo and are played with an even 16 feel. The next seven RealTracks are an "Old World Waltz" style and are played at a fast tempo. These instruments include two accordions, one playing the style straight and one playing a held plus style. Also played in this style is an acoustic guitar and a horn section of clarinet, baritone horn, and trumpet. This horn section can be played all together or each instrument individually. When all of the separate instruments are combined into a classic Oberkrainer chord progression you will be blown away by the accuracy of the sound and your ability to control your own band with your keyboard and mouse.
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2016 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Accordion, Rhythm OldWorld2Beat Ev16 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Christian Pfeifenberger ]
- Accordion, Rhythm OldWorld2BeatHeldPlus Ev16 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Christian Pfeifenberger ]
- Accordion, Rhythm OldWorldWaltz Ev 180 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Christian Pfeifenberger ]
- Accordion, Rhythm OldWorldWaltzHeldPlus Ev 180 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Christian Pfeifenberger ]
- Baritone Horn, Rhythm OldWorld2Beat Ev16 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Philip Santner ]
- Baritone Horn, Rhythm OldWorldWaltz Ev 180 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Philip Santner ]
- Clarinet, Background MelodicOldWorld2Beat Ev16 140 (1TrackHornSection) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Thomas Oberreiter ]
- Clarinet, Background MelodicOldWorldWaltz Ev 180 (1TrackHornSection) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Thomas Oberreiter ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm OldWorld2Beat Ev16 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Stefan Wagger ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm OldWorldWaltz Ev 180 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Stefan Wagger ]
- Horn Section, Rhythm MelodicOldWorld2Beat2Part Ev16 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: ]
- Horn Section, Rhythm MelodicOldWorldWaltz2Part Ev 180 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: ]
- Trumpet, Background MelodicOldWorld2Beat Ev16 140 (1TrackHornSection) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Peter Leitner ]
- Trumpet, Background MelodicOldWorldWaltz Ev 180 (1TrackHornSection) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Peter Leitner ]
RealTracks Set 247 : Country Brushes and Percussion Video Demo
RealTrack Set 247 is all RealDrums! A versatile selection of brushes, shakers, and tambourines laying down a simple beat are included! There are four different brushes styles, all just a simple brushes and snare, no full kit used here! The first two styles are Boom Chick styles; one an even 16 style, the other a slow swing 16 style. The next two brushes play a folk style; one an even 16th style, the other a swing style. All of the brushes styles include an A and B section with separate grooves for each. These are great for laying down a simple rhythm track in a stripped down Folk song. Next we have three shaker RealDrums: one a Celtic even 16 style, one a Folk even 16 style, and finally a Folk swing 16 style. Also included are two tambourine styles: one a Celtic even 16 style, and another train even 16 style. All of these RealDrums can be used through an entire song or they also sound great when added to a breakdown section of a song. With RealTracks Set 247 you get a wide range of sounds and grooves which you can experiment with whenever you feel like creating your own sound!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2016 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Drums, BrushesBoomChickEv16 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Vince Ditrich ]
- Drums, BrushesBoomChickSlowSw16 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Vince Ditrich ]
- Drums, BrushesFolk16ths Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Vince Ditrich ]
- Drums, BrushesFolkSwing Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Vince Ditrich ]
- Drums, ShakerCelticEv16 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Vince Ditrich ]
- Drums, ShakerFolkEv16 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Vince Ditrich ]
- Drums, ShakerFolkSw16 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Vince Ditrich ]
- Drums, TambourineCelticEv16 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Vince Ditrich ]
- Drums, TambourineTrainEv16 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Vince Ditrich ]
RealTracks Set 246 : Classic Country Piano with John Jarvis Video Demo
RealTracks Set 246 includes four unique Country "Bent-Note" acoustic piano RealTrack from legendary player John Jarvis. "Bent-Note" refers to the style of playing which frequently uses grace notes into the third of the chord, closely as possible emulating the sound of a guitar bending notes. This style of playing was made popular by the great Nashville pianists of the '50s & '60s and it's performed expertly by John Jarvis. The first RealTrack is an acoustic piano Country ballad even style; this is a laid back style which sounds amazing when combined with similar RealTracks. The next three RealTracks are all Country "Bent-Note" swinging acoustic piano styles but at slightly different tempos. The tempo range starts at a slow ballad but increases all the way up to a fast tempo. You can view the RealCharts for all of the included acoustic piano RealTracks in the notation window or the lead sheet window. These acoustic piano RealTracks all sound amazing when combined with other Country RealTracks and have a playing style which has not been available before as a RealTrack. Choose RealTracks Set 246 today, and you can have the amazing John Jarvis play your song while you sit at your computer!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2016 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm CountryBentNoteBalladJohn Ev 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: John Jarvis ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm CountryBentNoteJohn Sw 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: John Jarvis ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm CountryBentNoteJohn Sw 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: John Jarvis ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm CountryBentNoteJohn Sw 165 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: John Jarvis ]
RealTracks Set 245 : Brent Mason - Country Blues Rock and More Video Demo
You'll find an amazing collection of electric guitar and baritone guitar rhythm and soloist Country Blues and Rock styles all from the talented session great Brent Mason in RealTracks Set 245! The first two RealTracks are electric guitar rhythm styles; one is played high up on the guitar fretboard, and the other is played in a more standard position - together they make a powerful rhythm section! Add to this rhythm section a superb soloist playing a Country Blues and Rock style and you have three talented guitarists playing along with your song. The soloist guitar has notation available in the notation window. These three guitars have Direct Input (DI) options available in the RealTracks picker. Also included in RealTracks Set 245 are two baritone electric guitars: one is a Pop Country style with an even feel at a medium tempo and the other is a Country Workin' style with an even 16 feel at a slightly slower tempo. Both of the Baritone guitars have Custom FX RealTracks that can be selected in the RealTracks picker. This will load up the direct input version of the baritones along with the Amplitube plug-in which allows you to craft your own amp sound. RealTracks Set 245 offers some amazing playing from Brent Mason which you can enjoy when you create your next Country, Rock, or Blues song!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2016 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Guitar, Baritone Electric, Rhythm PopCountryBrent Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Baritone Electric, Rhythm PopCountryBrent Ev 120 (CustomFX) [Direct Input] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Baritone Electric, Soloist CountryWorkinBrent Ev16 100 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Baritone Electric, Soloist CountryWorkinBrent Ev16 100 (CustomFX) [Direct Input] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountryBluesRock Ev 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountryBluesRockHigh Ev 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Soloist CountryBluesRock Ev 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
RealTracks Set 244 : Jazz Background Horns with Jack Stafford Video Demo
Looking for a smooth background Horn section playing either a ballad or a medium tempo swing from the super talented Jack Stafford? RealTracks Set 244 is your answer! Both of the two part horn sections included in this set are made up of tenor and alto sax. The first RealTrack is a medium tempo horn section playing a background swing style; the background refers to the fact that these styles are not busy and do not stick out in a song. They are nice harmonies between the two saxophones and blend into the background of a song. The next RealTrack is a slow ballad two part horn section with a swing feel. The individual instruments in each of these horn section RealTracks is also available as a RealTrack in the RealTracks picker. If you want to hear just a background ballad tenor or alto you can select that RealTrack and add it to your song. Each of these RealTracks also includes RealCharts which can be viewed in either the notation window or the lead sheet window. Try out RealTracks set 244 and you'll be adding a swinging horn section to as many Jazz songs as you possibly can.
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2016 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Horn Section, Background JazzBallad2PartJack Sw 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jack Stafford ]
- Horn Section, Background JazzSwing2PartJack Sw 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jack Stafford ]
- Sax, Alto, Background JazzBalladJack Sw 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jack Stafford ]
- Sax, Alto, Background JazzSwingJack Sw 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jack Stafford ]
- Sax, Tenor, Background JazzBalladJack Sw 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jack Stafford ]
- Sax, Tenor, Background JazzSwingJack Sw 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jack Stafford ]
RealTracks Set 243 : Blues Baritone and Resonator Guitars Video Demo
With RealTracks Set 243 there are some amazing Baritone and Resonator guitars RealTracks playing some real low down blues. The first RealTrack is a baritone electric guitar playing a blues shuffle with a slow tempo; the baritone guitar plays a bass part as well as blues licks at the same time. The second baritone guitar also plays bass and licks together, but this time slightly faster with an even feel. Both baritone guitars have a Direct Input (DI) version available in the RealTracks picker. The next guitar is a shining resonator guitar that plays an even feel blues based on 8th note phrases. The final RealTrack is another incredible resonator guitar, this time played with a funky swing 16 feel at a ballad tempo. You'll be sure to find the right RealTrack to take a previously made or a brand new blues song to the next level with RealTracks Set 243.
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2016 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Guitar, Baritone Electric, Rhythm BluesBoogieBassAndLicks Ev 100 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Baritone Electric, Rhythm BluesShuffleBassAndLicks Sw 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Resonator, RhythmPlus Blues8thsRandy Ev 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Randy Kohrs ]
- Guitar, Resonator, RhythmPlus BluesFunkyRandy Sw16 075 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Randy Kohrs ]
RealTracks Set 242 : Praise Break! Video Demo
RealTracks Set 242 is powerful! This Set includes 7 different RealTracks and 3 different Drum styles. First you get a basic electric bass that plays long held chords with a slight pick-up played before the chord change. Second is an electric bass playing walking style on a 5 string bass. The third RealTrack combines these two separate RealTracks into one RealTrack with the basic style playing the 'A' section and the walking style playing the 'B' section. Next is the Organ, with its awesome whirling sound at sharp attack with the right hand, and long held chords with the right. The acoustic piano has two separate parts, a basic style with long held chords and soft melodic passages before the chord change, and another where the attack is heavier - after the held chords there is a poppy transition to the next chord. You can use these different pianos as individual RealTracks or you can use the RealTrack which has the basic style in the 'A' section and the busier style in the 'B' section. The 3 different RealDrums are PraiseBreak, PraiseBreakHat and Praise BreakHeavy. The first two have 5 substyles to choose from, and PraiseBreakHat has 6 substyles to select from. When all of these RealTracks are combined into a song it's like you're standing in a church listening to one of the best bands you have ever heard lead you in an uplifting song that brings out the praise!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2016 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Bass, Electric, PraiseBreak Ev 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Donyea Goodman ]
- Bass, Electric, PraiseBreakA-B Ev 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Donyea Goodman ]
- Bass, Electric, PraiseBreakBasic Ev 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Donyea Goodman ]
- Organ, Rhythm PraiseBreak Ev 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Donyea Goodman ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm PraiseBreak Ev 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Donyea Goodman ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm PraiseBreakA-B Ev 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Donyea Goodman ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm PraiseBreakBasic Ev 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Donyea Goodman ]
RealTracks Set 241 : Swingin' Funk! Video Demo
RealTracks Set 241 adds a Swingin' Funk band with exciting new electric bass, electric guitar, organ, electric piano, and Funk RealDrums to your library! The electric bass, electric guitar, organ, and electric piano are all playing a swinging sixteenth Funk style at a medium tempo. The electric bass lays down a smooth groove while the electric guitar adds a wahwah effect to the chords it plays in the middle of the fretboard. Both the electric bass and electric guitar include Direct Input (DI) versions which can be selected in the RealTracks picker. The electric piano has a warm, classic tone and the organ plays swirling held chords. All of the RealTracks include RealCharts which can be viewed either in the notation or lead sheet window. The RealDrums are all swinging Funk, and include such styles as Funk New Orleans, Funk Swing, Funk Swing Tambourine, Funk Swing 16, and an even 16 Funk style with a slight swing. All of the RealTracks and RealDrums in Set 241 add up to one amazing swinging funk ensemble ready to play whatever you have in mind!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2016 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Bass, Electric, FunkSwing16ths Sw16 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Freddie Washington ]
- Drums, FunkNewOrleansSw16 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Michael White ]
- Drums, FunkSlightSwingEv16 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Michael White ]
- Drums, FunkSwing^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Michael White ]
- Drums, FunkSwing16 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Michael White ]
- Drums, FunkSwingTambo Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Michael White ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Swing16WahWah Sw16 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Greg Moore ]
- Organ, Rhythm FunkSwing16 Sw16 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jeff Young ]
- Piano, Electric, Rhythm FunkSwing16 Sw16 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jeff Young ]
RealTracks Set 240 : Straight Ahead Funk! Video Demo
RealTracks Set 240 includes an amazing collection of Funk RealTracks, including electric guitars, electric basses, organ, electric piano, and drums! The first two RealTracks are a Funk Half Note Pulse and a Funk Half Note Pulse Syncopated electric bass style both played at a medium tempo. The next three electric bass RealTracks are Funk Pumping styles, one playing quarter notes, one playing 8th notes and one playing 16th notes - all with an even feel at a medium tempo. Next we have electric guitar wahwah with one a rhythm style, a single note background style, a chording style, and another with just the sound of strings being scratched and effected with the wahwah. All of these wahwah electric guitar styles have an even 16 feel and are at a medium tempo. The electric bass and electric guitar RealTracks also include Direct Input (DI) versions which can be accessed in the RealTracks picker. The final two RealTracks in this set are organ and electric piano tremolo, both playing with an even feel at a medium tempo. All of the RealTracks in this Set, excluding the electric piano, include notation which can be viewed in the notation window. Also included in Set 240 is a large collection of Funk RealDrums! The Funk RealDrum names include Half Note Syncopated, Half Note Pulse, Half Note Pulse Tambourine, Funk16ths, Funk ‘70s Pop, Funk Disco, Funk Georgia, Funk Upbeat, Funk Upbeat Tambourine, and Funk Syncopated Snare. With all of the instruments included in RealTracks Set 240 you'll have no problem creating an amazing Funk band which can groove out with you anytime you want.
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2016 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Bass, Electric, FunkHalfNotePulse Ev 100 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Freddie Washington ]
- Bass, Electric, FunkHalfNotePulseSync Ev16 100 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Freddie Washington ]
- Bass, Electric, FunkPumping16ths Ev 100 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Freddie Washington ]
- Bass, Electric, FunkPumpingOffbeat8ths Ev 100 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Freddie Washington ]
- Bass, Electric, FunkPumpingQuarters Ev 100 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Freddie Washington ]
- Drums, Funk16ths^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Michael White ]
- Drums, Funk70sPop Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Michael White ]
- Drums, FunkDisco Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Michael White ]
- Drums, FunkGeorgia Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Michael White ]
- Drums, FunkHalfNotePulse Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Michael White ]
- Drums, FunkHalfNotePulseTambo Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Michael White ]
- Drums, FunkHalfNoteSync Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Michael White ]
- Drums, FunkSyncSnare Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Michael White ]
- Drums, FunkUpbeat Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Michael White ]
- Drums, FunkUpbeatTambo Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Michael White ]
- Guitar, Electric, Background FunkSingleNoteWah Ev16 100 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Greg Moore ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Funk16thsMutedWahWah Ev16 100 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Greg Moore ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Funk16thsWahWah Ev16 100 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Greg Moore ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm FunkWahWahChords Ev16 100 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Greg Moore ]
- Organ, Rhythm Funk Ev 100 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jeff Young ]
- Piano, Electric, Rhythm FunkTremolo Ev16 100 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jeff Young ]
RealTracks Set 239 : Great Funk Bass with Alex Al Video Demo
RealTracks Set 239 adds an amazing collection of electric bass Funk RealTracks from the amazing Alex Al to your collection, ready to lay down the groove in your next song! The first electric bass is playing a Modern Slap Funk with an even 16 feel at a medium tempo. The second bass is a Modern Disco style with an even feel played at a medium tempo. The next RealTrack is a Classic Funk playing a Root Five style. The Root Five means the playing starts on the root and moves to the fifth note of the chords scale. The next electric bass Funk RealTrack is a Soul Funk swing style at a medium tempo. The final electric bass RealTrack in this set is an amazing even 16, up-tempo Soul style. All the RealTracks in this set come with a simple version which can be selected in the RealTracks picker and a Direct Input (DI) version which can also be selected in the RealTracks picker. You can also view the notation for each RealTrack in the notation window. When you need to add a little Funk to the rhythm section of your next composition be sure to reach for RealTracks set 239 for all your Funky bass needs.
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2016 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Bass, Electric, ClassicFunkRootFiveAlex Ev 130 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Alex Al ]
- Bass, Electric, ModernDiscoFunkAlex Ev 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Alex Al ]
- Bass, Electric, ModernSlapFunkAlex Ev16 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Alex Al ]
- Bass, Electric, SoulFunkSwingAlex Sw 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Alex Al ]
- Bass, Electric, UptempoSoul16ths Ev16 100 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Alex Al ]
RealTracks Set 238 : Danny Gottlieb Jazz Drums Video Demo
We have all RealDrums in RealTracks Set 238 from the amazing drummer Danny Gottlieb. These Jazz and Fusion RealDrums styles are played on a full kit, and each of them has an A section and a B section. The first two styles are Jazz Swing styles, one with sticks and one using brushes. These RealDrums have a wide tempo range. The next two RealDrums are up-tempo Bebop styles, one played with sticks, the other with brushes. These RealDrums are way up there in tempo, so we hope you can keep up! Next we have a Jazz Soul even style which has a medium to fast tempo range. Also included is a Fusion Fast Latin which is an excellent style to have in the RealDrums collection. The final RealDrum in this set is a slow Fusion with an even feel. All of these RealDrums are expertly preformed by the amazing Danny Gottlieb. Pick up RealTracks Set 238 today, and play along with one of the greatest Jazz drummers of our time!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2016 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Drums, FusionFastLatinDanny Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Danny Gottlieb ]
- Drums, FusionSlowEvDanny^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: PG Music Artist ]
- Drums, FusionSlowEvDanny^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Danny Gottlieb ]
- Drums, JazzBebopDannyBrushes Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Danny Gottlieb ]
- Drums, JazzBebopDannySticks Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Danny Gottlieb ]
- Drums, JazzSoulDannyEv Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Danny Gottlieb ]
- Drums, JazzSwingDannyBrushes Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Danny Gottlieb ]
- Drums, JazzSwingDannySticks Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Danny Gottlieb ]
RealTracks Set 237 : Jon Herington Jazz-Rock Guitar Video Demo
For the first time, Jon Herington lends his hand (and guitar) in creating some superb electric guitar Jazz Rock soloist and rhythm RealTracks. With such an amazing guitar style and incredible tone, you will surely want to be adding one of these 4 RealTracks to your next composition! The first RealTrack Jon Herrington plays is a Jazz Rock even 16 soloist style, at a medium-slow tempo with some gain added to the tone; the second RealTrack is more up tempo. Played with an even feel, this soloist has gain added to its tone and can play with either Jazz songs or Rock songs. The final soloist RealTrack is a swinging Jazz Rock shuffle with an upbeat feel playing at a medium tempo with a little distortion added to the tone. The last RealTrack is a rhythm style played with an even feel at a medium tempo. This clean sounding RealTrack can also play in both the Jazz and Rock genres. All of these RealTracks have exact notation available which can be viewed in the notation window as well as a Direct Input (DI) version which you can access in the RealTracks picker. With 4 electric guitar RealTracks that stretch over Rock and Jazz, there are endless songs that can only be strengthened with one of these amazing Jon Herrington RealTracks.
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2016 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm JazzRock8thsJon Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jon Herington ]
- Guitar, Electric, Soloist JazzRock16thsJon Ev16 090 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jon Herington ]
- Guitar, Electric, Soloist JazzRock8thsJon Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jon Herington ]
- Guitar, Electric, Soloist JazzRockShuffleJon Sw 130 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jon Herington ]
RealTracks Set 236 : Cocktail Jazz Horns! Video Demo
In RealTracks Set 236 we have an incredible 9-Part Horn Section playing a Big-Band background swing style. Each of the 9 instruments in the horn section are also available as separate RealTracks. The instruments in the horn section include a flute, two alto saxes, two tenor saxes, three trumpets and a baritone sax, all playing a medium tempo swing part in harmony. You can combine each individual RealTrack into your own grouping and create your own horn section. All of these RealTracks have RealCharts which can be viewed in the notation or lead sheet window. Once you hear the horn section in RealTracks set 236 you'll want to immediately start creating some classic Big Band swing tunes!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2016 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Flute, Background CroonerBigBand Sw 110 (1TrackHornSection) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jim Clark ]
- Horn Section, Background CroonerBigBand9-Part Sw 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jim Clark ]
- Sax, Alto, Background CroonerBigBandHigh Sw 110 (1TrackHornSection) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jim Clark ]
- Sax, Alto, Background CroonerBigBandLow Sw 110 (1TrackHornSection) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jim Clark ]
- Sax, Baritone, Background CroonerBigBand Sw 110 (1TrackHornSection) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jim Clark ]
- Sax, Tenor, Background CroonerBigBandHigh Sw 110 (1TrackHornSection) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jim Clark ]
- Sax, Tenor, Background CroonerBigBandLow Sw 110 (1TrackHornSection) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jim Clark ]
- Trumpet, Background CroonerBigBandHigh Sw 110 (1TrackHornSection) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jim Clark ]
- Trumpet, Background CroonerBigBandLow Sw 110 (1TrackHornSection) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jim Clark ]
- Trumpet, Background CroonerBigBandMed Sw 110 (1TrackHornSection) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jim Clark ]
- Trumpet, Background CroonerBigBandMuted Sw 110 (1TrackHornSection) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jim Clark ]
RealTracks Set 235 : Punk! Video Demo
It has finally happened! We have created a complete set that has all the RealTracks you could possibly need to create your own Punk band, all in RealTracks Set 235! There are 3 different electric guitar RealTracks: one is a straight ahead Punk rhythm style, the second is a muted Punk rhythm style, and the third is a Punk soloist style. All of these RealTracks are played at a fast tempo. The electric bass guitar comes with 2 different sounds, a fuzz and a rock sound. They both have A and B substyles, picked quarter notes, and picked 8th notes, which can be used separately or within one single RealTrack, using the A and B part markers to change the RealTrack from quarter notes to 8th notes. All of these RealTracks also include a Direct Input (DI) version and simple versions which can be selected within the RealTracks picker. With the different combinations of RealTracks in Set 235 you can now perform Punk music, safely, in your own home while wearing headphones.
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2016 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Bass, Electric, PunkFuzzPicked8ths Ev 165 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Doug Elliott ]
- Bass, Electric, PunkFuzzPickedA-B Ev 165 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Doug Elliott ]
- Bass, Electric, PunkFuzzPickedQuarters Ev 165 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Doug Elliott ]
- Bass, Electric, RockPicked8ths Ev 165 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Doug Elliott ]
- Bass, Electric, RockPickedA-B Ev 165 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Doug Elliott ]
- Bass, Electric, RockPickedQuarters Ev 165 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Doug Elliott ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Punk Ev 165 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Murray Atkinson ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PunkHeldPlus Ev 165 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Murray Atkinson ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PunkMuted Ev 165 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Murray Atkinson ]
- Guitar, Electric, Soloist PunkMurray Ev 165 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Murray Atkinson ]
RealTracks Set 234 : Acoustic Bass, Back To Basics Video Demo
In RealTracks Set 234 you will find a wide range of Acoustic Bass Held RealTracks. There are 8 bowed acoustic bass RealTracks playing from a ballad tempo to a medium tempo with either a slight swing feel or an even feel. A bowed acoustic bass uses a bow across the bass strings, which allows the note to sustain for a longer time. There is also a simple version RealTracks for each of these which is just a single note held for the entire time, without any pickup before the chord change. The 8 acoustic bass held RealTracks are also a combination of swing and even feel from a ballad to a medium tempo. These are played conventionally and also include a simple version of the RealTrack which has any pickup before the held note removed. With over 16 separate RealTracks in Set 234 you will definitely find an acoustic bass, regular or bowed, that can add a new sound to your latest composition or a previous number that was missing that certain quality.
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2016 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Bass, Acoustic, Bowed Held Ev 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Craig Nelson ]
- Bass, Acoustic, Bowed Held Ev 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Craig Nelson ]
- Bass, Acoustic, Bowed Held Sw 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Craig Nelson ]
- Bass, Acoustic, Bowed Held Sw 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Craig Nelson ]
- Bass, Acoustic, Bowed HeldSimple Ev 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Craig Nelson ]
- Bass, Acoustic, Bowed HeldSimple Ev 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Craig Nelson ]
- Bass, Acoustic, Bowed HeldSimple Sw 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Craig Nelson ]
- Bass, Acoustic, Bowed HeldSimple Sw 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Craig Nelson ]
- Bass, Acoustic, Held Ev 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Craig Nelson ]
- Bass, Acoustic, Held Ev 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Craig Nelson ]
- Bass, Acoustic, Held Sw 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Craig Nelson ]
- Bass, Acoustic, Held Sw 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Craig Nelson ]
- Bass, Acoustic, HeldSimple Ev 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Craig Nelson ]
- Bass, Acoustic, HeldSimple Ev 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Craig Nelson ]
- Bass, Acoustic, HeldSimple Sw 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Craig Nelson ]
- Bass, Acoustic, HeldSimple Sw 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Craig Nelson ]
RealTracks Set 233 : New Age Piano and More Video Demo
In RealTracks Set 233 there is a combination of acoustic New Age pianos and acoustic and electric pianos playing Held Chords and backing String RealTracks. The first 6 RealTracks are all Held acoustic and electric pianos with a wide tempo range. These RealTracks can be used in swing and even styles as they are just long held chords. The first String RealTrack is a Celtic air, slow, even style. The second one is a Celtic Waltz even medium tempo style. The acoustic piano RealTracks include a New Age Fast Ostinato style with an Even 16 feel, a New Age Alberti Moody RealTrack with an even feel and medium fast tempo, a New Age Alberti Pretty style with an even feel at a medium tempo and an even 16 New Age Answers at a medium tempo. All of these RealTracks have notation available to view in the notation window and the Strings and New Age RealTracks have simple versions which can be accessed in the RealTracks picker. With the Held Piano chords and unique styles of New Age music found in RealTracks Set 233, you are sure to enjoy these RealTracks when you add them to your creative process.
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2016 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Piano, Acoustic, HeldChords 060 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ]
- Piano, Acoustic, HeldChords 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm NewAgeAlbertiMoody Ev 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm NewAgeAlbertiPretty Ev 100 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm NewAgeAnswers Ev16 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm NewAgeFastOstinato Ev16 100 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ]
- Piano, Electric, HeldChords 060 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ]
- Piano, Electric, HeldChords 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ]
- Piano, Electric, HeldChords 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ]
- Strings, Rhythm CelticAir Ev 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ]
- Strings, Rhythm CelticWaltz Ev 100 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ]
RealTracks Set 232 : Pop String Quartets Video Demo
In RealTracks Set 232 includes an amazing String Quartet RealTrack Set made up of two different String Quartet mixes as well as the 4 individual instruments of the string quartet as background styles, all playing with a pop swing feel. In the String Quartet Chamber RealTrack you get a combination of 4 single RealTrack instruments, Cello, Viola, High Violin and Low Violin. The ‘Chamber’ style of the Quartet the mix has less reverb so the sound replicates hearing a string quartet in a small Chamber. Also available is a ‘Hall’ mix of the String Quartet which has a more expansive sound with more reverb. There is a simple arrangement available in the RealTracks picker for these styles; also included is the background Cello. The low register and warm tone of the Cello make it a great background track to add a composition. The Viola is lower in the register than a Violin so it has a warmer tone when compared with a Violin. The background Viola plays a combination of quarter notes and eighth notes with some notes drawn out. The Violin High RealTrack has a higher tone and plays combinations of quarter notes and eighth notes. The final RealTrack in this set is the Low Violin. Playing in the lower register on the violin, this RealTrack would make a great background track to an existing pop swing composition. All of these RealTracks in this set have notation available in the notation window. With RealTracks Set 232 you get the ability to control a whole String Quartet and use the warm classical sounds any way that you like.
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2016 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Cello, Background PopEven Ev 120 (1TrackStringQuartet) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Matt Nelson ]
- Cello, Background PopSwing Sw 110 (1TrackStringQuartet) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Matt Nelson ]
- String Quartet, Rhythm PopEvenChamber Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Avery Bright ]
- String Quartet, Rhythm PopEvenHall Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Avery Bright ]
- String Quartet, Rhythm PopSwingChamber Sw 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Avery Bright ]
- String Quartet, Rhythm PopSwingHall Sw 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Avery Bright ]
- Viola, Background PopEven Ev 120 (1TrackStringQuartet) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Avery Bright ]
- Viola, Background PopSwing Sw 110 (1TrackStringQuartet) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Avery Bright ]
- Violin, Background PopEvenHigh Ev 120 (1TrackStringQuartet) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Avery Bright ]
- Violin, Background PopEvenLow Ev 120 (1TrackStringQuartet) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Avery Bright ]
- Violin, Background PopSwingHigh Sw 110 (1TrackStringQuartet) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Avery Bright ]
- Violin, Background PopSwingLow Sw 110 (1TrackStringQuartet) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Avery Bright ]
RealTracks Set 231 : Retro Synths and Modern R 'n' B Video Demo
With this RealTracks Set you get an amazing sonic combination of Retro and Modern R 'n' B Synthesizers as well as electronic RealDrums. The first RealTrack is a Retro Pop Synth Bass playing with an even 16 feel at a slow tempo. The next RealTrack is an R 'n' B Modern Sub bass played at a slow tempo with an even 16 feel. The third RealTrack bass is an up-tempo version of the R 'n' B Sub bass. The first Synth RealTrack is a Pop Bells style at a medium tempo with an even feel. The final synth RealTrack in this set is a medium tempo even 16 muted melody. All of these RealTracks include RealCharts which can be viewed in the notation window. The 2 RealDrums in this set are a Retro Pop and Modern R 'n' B. Both of these RealDrums have an even feel and can be used in combination with any of the RealTracks in this set or any other RealTracks set. With a modern set of RealTracks and RealDrums, RealTracks Set 231 provides you with a dance party at the press of a button, you'll have no option but to have fun!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2016 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Bass, Synth, RetroPop Ev16 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Ed (Great Oz) Clare ]
- Bass, Synth, RnBModernSub Ev16 065 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Ed (Great Oz) Clare ]
- Bass, Synth, RnBModernSub Ev16 100 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Ed (Great Oz) Clare ]
- Drums, RetroPop^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Ed (Great Oz) Clare ]
- Drums, RnBModernEv16^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Ed (Great Oz) Clare ]
- Synth, Rhythm MutedMelody Ev16 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Donyea Goodman ]
- Synth, Rhythm PopBell8ths Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Ed (Great Oz) Clare ]
RealTracks Set 230 : Surf Rock! Video Demo
There is an amazing collection of Surf Rock RealTracks and RealDrums in RealTracks Set 230! There are 2 Surf Rock electric guitars, one a rhythm guitar the other a soloist, played by session master Brent Mason. There are also 2 electric bass guitars, one playing a vintage syncopated Surf Rock style, and the other playing an even 8ths Surf Rock style. You can view the notation for each of these RealTracks in the notation window or select a simple option in the RealTracks picker. There are also Direct Input (DI) versions of these RealTracks available. There are 6 separate Surf Rock RealDrums included in this set. The first style plays a double snare on beat 2 and the second style plays a double on beat 4. There is an ‘island’ style and a 'liquor' style. There is also a style that accents the off beats and another style that includes just the Toms playing blistering fast. All 6 of these Surf Rock RealDrums and the 4 Surf Rock RealTracks are included in RealTracks Set 230 so you can start having fun creating your own Surf Rock songs with a Surf Rock band!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2016 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Bass, Electric, SurfRock8ths Ev 165 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Doug Elliott ]
- Bass, Electric, SurfRockSyncVintage Ev 165 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Doug Elliott ]
- Guitar, Electric, BackgroundSoloist SurfRock16thsBrent Ev 165 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm SurfRockBrent Ev 165 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Drums, PraiseBreak^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Donyea Goodman ]
- Drums, PraiseBreakHat^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Donyea Goodman ]
- Drums, PraiseBreakHeavy^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Donyea Goodman ]
- Drums, SurfRockDoubleFour Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Maxwell Schauf ]
- Drums, SurfRockDoubleTwo^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Maxwell Schauf ]
- Drums, SurfRockIsland Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Maxwell Schauf ]
- Drums, SurfRockLiquor Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Maxwell Schauf ]
- Drums, SurfRockOffbeat Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Maxwell Schauf ]
- Drums, SurfRockToms Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Maxwell Schauf ]
RealTracks Set 229 : Great Pop Drums and Percussion Video Demo
RealTracks Set 229 is an amazing set of 12 Pop RealDrums and Percussion instruments included all in one RealTracks Set. All of the drums played in this set are stripped down, no full kits here, just the single instrument! There are 4 different brushes styles including: EZ Swing, EZ Swing Swirl, Pop 8ths, and Pop 8ths Swirl. These brushes are played on a snare drum with no other accompaniment added. There are 2 different shaker RealDrums: one playing an even 8ths style and the other playing a swing 8ths style. The final 6 tambourine styles include and even 16 and an even 8ths, a Pop 8ths and Pop swing and a swing 8ths and swing 16. These percussion RealDrums can be added to a 'break down' of a song or played through the whole song. All of these RealDrums may be stripped down, but with so many different styles and feels there is no doubt that they can find their way into your next song.
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2016 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Drums, BrushesEZSwing Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Vince Ditrich ]
- Drums, BrushesEZSwingSwirl Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Vince Ditrich ]
- Drums, BrushesPop8ths Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Vince Ditrich ]
- Drums, BrushesPop8thsSwirl Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Vince Ditrich ]
- Drums, ShakerEven8ths Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Vince Ditrich ]
- Drums, ShakerSwing8ths Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Vince Ditrich ]
- Drums, TambourineEv16 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Vince Ditrich ]
- Drums, TambourineEven8ths Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Vince Ditrich ]
- Drums, TambourinePop8ths Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Vince Ditrich ]
- Drums, TambourinePopSw Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Vince Ditrich ]
- Drums, TambourineSw16 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Vince Ditrich ]
- Drums, TambourineSwing8ths Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Vince Ditrich ]
RealTracks Set 228 : Modern Pop with Zane Carney Video Demo
Zane Carney, guitarist for John Mayer, lends his hand to creating four new, exciting, electric guitar RealTracks! The first is a Modern Pop style played with a Swing 16 feel. This guitar has a slight overdrive added to give a little crunch to the tone; the style is a ballad with a combination of bar chords and melodic phrases with double stops. The next RealTrack has a similar sound and tempo, but this time the feel is Even 16ths. The third RealTrack is a slightly faster Modern Pop Swing that really showcases Zane Carney’s style. He combines chording with muted hits and simple melodic riffs to create a one of a kind RealTrack. Finally, we have an upbeat Modern Pop Even 16 RealTrack at a medium tempo. This RealTrack is played higher up on the fretboard of the guitar, and is a combination of chording, muted playing, and simple riffs. All of these RealTracks have notation available which can be viewed in the Notation window. Also, you can select a Direct Input (DI) version and a simple option in the RealTracks picker. All of these Modern Pop RealTracks sound amazing when combined with other RealTracks; try them today and you'll be blown away!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2016 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernPop16thsHighZane Ev16 090 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Zane Carney ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernPopSlow16thsZane Ev16 075 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Zane Carney ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernPopSw16Zane Sw16 075 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Zane Carney ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernPopSwingZane Sw 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Zane Carney ]
RealTracks Set 227 : Brent Mason - Baritone Guitar and More! Video Demo
Set 227 includes a huge selection of great guitar styles by Brent Mason! There are three distinct baritone styles that each come with a "CustomFX" version. The "CustomFX" RealTracks styles offer a similar tone with fewer effects. The set also includes a "PopDreamy" electric guitar with a CustomFX variant, and an acoustic nylon guitar performing a country waltz. A wide range of tempos are covered in this set, from 65 to 190 beats per minute. The baritone guitars have a deep but biting tone and sometimes use classic effects like tremolo and reverb. RealCharts and guitar tab are included with almost all of these styles.
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2015 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Guitar, Baritone Electric, Background FastBoogieBrent Sw 190 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Baritone Electric, Background FastBoogieBrent Sw 190 (CustomFX) [Direct Input] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Baritone Electric, Background PopCountryBrent Ev 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Baritone Electric, Background PopCountryBrent Ev 085 (CustomFX) [Direct Input] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Baritone Electric, Background SpaghettiWestern Ev 065 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Baritone Electric, Background SpaghettiWestern Ev 065 (CustomFX) [Direct Input] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Background, PopDreamyBrent Ev 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Background, PopDreamyBrent Ev 085 (CustomFX) [Direct Input] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Nylon, Rhythm CountryWaltzBrent Sw 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
RealTracks Set 226 : Requested Country-Pop Drum Grooves Video Demo
This set is a versatile collection of requested country-pop drum grooves performed by Kenneth Blevins. The CountryPopBallad RealDrums only use cymbals and kick drum in the A substyle, omitting the snare. The B substyle introduces the snare but keeps the rhythm simple. PopRockBasic focuses on the quarter notes in the A substyle using the kick drum and hihat. The hihat switches to a sixteenth-note subdivision in the B substyle but the kick drum remains the same. Finally, the TeenBeatUptempoEv16 drums play a cheery even-sixteenths pop pattern rich with ghost notes on the snare in the A substyle and normal back-beat snare in the B substyle.
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2015 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Drums, CountryPopBallad^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: PG Music Artist ]
- Drums, CountryPopBallad^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Kenneth Blevins ]
- Drums, PopRockBasic^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: PG Music Artist ]
- Drums, PopRockBasic^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Kenneth Blevins ]
- Drums, TeenBeatUptempoEv16 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Kenneth Blevins ]
RealTracks Set 225 : Banjo, Guitar & Bass - Hip Folk Video Demo
Quinn Bachand returns with more modern acoustic styles that will enhance your country, pop, and folk songs. This set includes four RealTracks styles in total: two acoustic guitars and two banjos. The swung-sixteenths HipFolk banjo and acoustic guitar fit together nicely and will compliment your other swung-sixteenth RealTracks very well. In addition, there is an even-sixteenths banjo playing a melodic and consistent Celtic reel style, which will work great with our existing Celtic RealTracks. Last but not least, a "FolkySwing" acoustic guitar plays at 110 beats per minute with a swung-eighths feel, accenting the back beat and layering gentle melodies on top.
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2015 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Banjo, Clawhammer, Rhythm HipFolk Sw16 85 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Quinn Bachand ]
- Banjo, Tenor, Soloist CelticReel Ev16 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Quinn Bachand ]
- Banjo, Tenor, Soloist CelticReel Ev16 110 (8ths@220) [Half-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Quinn Bachand ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking FolkySwing Sw 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Quinn Bachand ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking HipFolk Sw16 85 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Quinn Bachand ]
RealTracks Set 224 : New Orleans Shuffle Video Demo
This addition to our New Orleans RealTracks collection includes a full New Orleans shuffle band playing at a moderate tempo with a swing feel. Steve Mackey plays electric bass, Rob McNelley is on guitar, Kenneth Blevins hits the drums, and Kevin McKendree completes the band on piano. These RealTracks work perfectly with each other, or try them with your favorite blues styles too for something new! Direct input tracks are available for the bass and electric guitar in case you would like to use your own custom tones. Every instrument in this set comes complete with notation and the guitars have tablature.
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2015 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Bass, Electric, NewOrleansShuffle Sw 130 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Steve Mackey ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm NewOrleansShuffle Sw 130 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Rob McNelley ]
- Drums, NewOrleansShuffle^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Kenneth Blevins ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm NewOrleansShuffleKevin Sw 130 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Kevin McKendree ]
RealTracks Set 223 : New Orleans Mardi Gras 16ths Video Demo
Get ready for more classic sounds of New Orleans! This time they're in the form of an even-sixteenths "Mardi Gras" band playing at 170 beats per minute by default. A double-time version of all of these styles is also included, playing at 85 beats per minute. The syncopated accents are uniform across all instruments, creating a tight and cohesive sound. The bass has a round yet punchy tone, the clean electric guitar keeps rhythm with a combination of staccato chords and muted strums, and the piano plays a bright and busy pattern with licks and grace notes.
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2015 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Bass, Electric, NewOrleansMardiGras Ev 170 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Steve Mackey ]
- Bass, Electric, NewOrleansMardiGras Ev16 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Steve Mackey ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm NewOrleansMardiGras Ev 170 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Rob McNelley ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm NewOrleansMardiGras Ev16 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Rob McNelley ]
- Drums, NewOrleansMardiGras16ths^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Kenneth Blevins ]
- Drums, NewOrleansMardiGras8ths^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Kenneth Blevins ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm NewOrleansMardiGrasKevin Ev 170 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Kevin McKendree ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm NewOrleansMardiGrasKevin Ev16 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Kevin McKendree ]
RealTracks Set 222 : Rockabilly Set 4 – Slow Swing Video Demo
Here is another great set of rockabilly RealTracks styles performed by our all-star rockabilly band: Brent Mason, Kevin McKendree, Maxwell Schauf and Dave Roe. This time the band plays at a slower tempo of 85 beats per minute with a swing feel, however you can increase or decrease the tempo to your liking. Two basses are present, one with slapping and one without. Other instruments include an acoustic piano, an electric guitar, and RealDrums. The piano plays a simple single-note bass line in the left hand and classic licks and trills in the right hand. The electric guitar strums chords with a basic swing rhythm and the occasional arpeggiated chord. Notation is included with all of these styles, as well as tablature where applicable.
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2015 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Bass, Acoustic, RockabillySlapSlowSwing Sw 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Dave Roe ]
- Bass, Acoustic, RockabillySlowSwing Sw 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Dave Roe ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RockabillySlowSwingBrent Sw 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm RockabillySlowSwingKevin Sw 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Kevin McKendree ]
- Drums, RockabillySlowSwing^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Maxwell Schauf ]
RealTracks Set 221 : Rockabilly Set 3 – BoomChicka! Video Demo
The third installment in our Rockabilly collection is a full band playing "Boom Chicka" style at a walking tempo of 100 beats per minute. Instruments include a slapped acoustic bass, clean electric guitar, acoustic piano, drums, and a deep (yet twangy) baritone electric guitar. The parts are played by Brent Mason, Dave Roe, Maxwell Schauf and Kevin McKendree. As a bonus, this set also comes with an extra RealDrums style playing with a swing feel. All of the RealTracks in this set include notation data; the bass, baritone, and electric guitars all come with tablature.
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2015 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Bass, Acoustic, RockabillySlapBoomChicka Ev16 100 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Dave Roe ]
- Bass, Acoustic, RockabillySlapBoomChicka Ev16 100 (8ths@200) [Half-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Dave Roe ]
- Drums, BoomChickaEv16^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Maxwell Schauf ]
- Drums, BoomChickaSw^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Maxwell Schauf ]
- Guitar, Baritone Electric, Rhythm BoomChickaRootFiveBrent Ev16 100 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Baritone Electric, Rhythm BoomChickaRootFiveBrent Ev16 100 (8ths@200) [Half-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RockabillyBoomChickaBrent Ev 100 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm RockabillyBoomChickaKevin Ev 100 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Kevin McKendree ]
RealTracks Set 220 : Flute and Saxes with Jack Stafford Video Demo
Jack Stafford gives us a prolific offering of jazz and bossa soloing on three instruments in this RealTracks set. There are 8 styles in total: two on flute, five on soprano sax, and one on tenor. All of the 140 bpm instruments are available as a double-time style in case you're feeling experimental. There are many different feels available too: even and swing at 140 bpm, even at 85 bpm, and swung sixteenths on the down-tempo 75 bpm soprano sax style. Don't forget to check out the details of your arrangement via RealCharts, which are available for all of these styles. Don't miss out on this lovely collection of flute and saxophone soloists performed by Jack Stafford!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2015 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Flute, Soloist JazzSwingJack Sw 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jack Stafford ]
- Flute, Soloist JazzSwingJack Sw 140 [Double-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jack Stafford ]
- Sax, Soprano, Soloist BossaJack Ev 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jack Stafford ]
- Sax, Soprano, Soloist BossaJack Ev 140 [Double-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jack Stafford ]
- Sax, Soprano, Soloist JazzSwing Sw 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jack Stafford ]
- Sax, Soprano, Soloist JazzSwing Sw 140 [Double-Time] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jack Stafford ]
- Sax, Soprano, Soloist SmoothJazzCoolJack Sw16 075 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jack Stafford ]
- Sax, Tenor, Soloist BossaSlowJack Ev 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jack Stafford ]
RealTracks Set 219 : Funky Folk & More! Video Demo
Check out this eclectic combination of guitar, banjo, and synthesizers playing fast jazz and medium funk. The three funk styles present a modern take on a classic sound with two synthesizers and a funky folk acoustic guitar. The three gypsy folk instruments take a more traditional approach on rhythm acoustic guitar, soloist acoustic guitar, and rhythm banjo. The guitar and banjo is performed by Victoria folk artist Quinn Bachand while the synthesizers are the work of renowned pianist Miles Black. The synthesizer and guitar RealTracks come with notation. Guitar tablature is also available for the guitar styles. Give this amazing RealTracks set a listen!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2015 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Banjo, Tenor, Rhythm GypsyFolk Sw 190 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Quinn Bachand ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm FunkyFolk Ev16 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Quinn Bachand ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm GypsyFolk Sw 190 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Quinn Bachand ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Soloist GypsyJazzQuinn Sw 190 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Quinn Bachand ]
- Synth, Rhythm JazzFunkPad Ev 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ]
- Synth, Rhythm JazzFunkPlucky Ev 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ]
RealTracks Set 218 : Rockabilly Set 2 – Jive! Video Demo
This set includes a full rockabilly jive band playing so fast that you'll bet they're on fire! The band includes acoustic bass by Dave Roe, electric guitar by Brent Mason, and acoustic piano by Kevin McKendree; Jive swing RealDrums are also included. A "CustomFX" version of the Brent Mason guitar is available for those who prefer less echo. The CustomFX version uses the Amplitube plugin to modify the original direct input guitar signal. The bass uses a rhythmic slapping sound on the offbeat, creating a strong rhythm and synchronizing with the RealDrums ride cymbal. Notation is available for all instruments, with tablature for guitar and bass. This fast-playing rockabilly jive band will surprise you!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2015 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Bass, Acoustic, SlapJive Sw 190 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Dave Roe ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RockabillyJiveBrent Sw 190 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RockabillyJiveBrent Sw 190 (CustomFX) [Direct Input] Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Drums, JiveSw^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Maxwell Schauf ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm RockabillyJiveKevin Sw 190 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Kevin McKendree ]
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