Rediscovered RealTracks Styles
With version 2021 of Band-in-a-Box®, we’ve included 64 new styles that include 72 rediscovered RealTracks, MIDI SuperTracks, and RealDrums. This will help ensure that there is a style and an SGU demo available for every RealTrack, RealDrum, and MIDI SuperTrack. Of the 72 rediscovered instruments, 1 is a principal RealTrack, 11 of them are A- or B-only variation RealTracks, 4 are bluesy variation RealTracks, 19 are 1-track RealTracks (derived from multi-part RealTracks), 11 are either half-time or double-time variation RealTracks, 1 is a MIDI SuperTrack, 4 are thickened RealTracks, and 21 are RealDrums.
Version 2021 Rediscovered RealTracks Styles
Included in the 2021 49-PAK!
- =KLEZMER Klezmer Quartet w MST Accordion PLAY DEMO
This style contains the rediscovered MIDI SuperTrack named Accordion, Rhythm KlezmerHora34Cory Ev 120.
- _9-8_JIG 9-8 Trad Bodhran Celtic Slip Jig PLAY DEMO
This style contains the rediscovered RealDrums named BodhranTradSlipjig.
- _AMHERST Amherst Canadian Jig with Cello PLAY DEMO
This style contains the rediscovered RealTrack named Cello, Rhythm CelticJigChoppingSyncNatalie Sw 110.
- _ANARBOR Ann Arbor Motor Town Funk Swing PLAY DEMO
This style contains the rediscovered RealDrums named FunkSwingTambo.
- _APOSTLE Apostle Tenor Mmms Gospel PLAY DEMO
This style contains the rediscovered RealTracks named Vocal Mmms, Background RockNRollGospel12-8Tenor1-1 Sw 065 (1TrackVocalSection) and Vocal Mmms, Background RockNRollGospel12-8Tenor2-1 Sw 065 (1TrackVocalSection).
- _ASCENT Ascent Train Folk Harmonica Solo PLAY DEMO
This style contains the rediscovered RealTrack named Harmonica, Soloist Train Ev 130 [Double-Time].
- _BALANCE Balance Smooth Ballad EP Solo PLAY DEMO
This style contains the rediscovered RealTrack named Piano, Electric, Soloist JazzFunkGroovin Ev16 110 [Double-Time].
- _BIGTIME Big Time Alto Sax Jazz Crooner PLAY DEMO
This style contains the rediscovered RealTracks named Sax, Alto, Background CroonerBigBandHigh Sw 110 (1TrackHornSection) and Sax, Alto, Background CroonerBigBandLow Sw 110 (1TrackHornSection).
- _BIVOUAC Bivouac Vocal Folky Soul Pop PLAY DEMO
This style contains the rediscovered RealTracks named Vocal Aahs, Background Pop3-partMaleHigh2 Ev 085 (1TrackVocalSection) and Vocal Aahs, Background Pop3-partMaleLow2 Ev 085 (1TrackVocalSection).
- _BLUEPOP Swing-16 Blues Pop w Slide Solo PLAY DEMO
This style contains the rediscovered RealTrack named Guitar, Slide, Soloist Blues Sw 165 [Double-Time].
- _BUSTLE Bustle Fast Piano n Guitar Bebop PLAY DEMO
This style contains the rediscovered RealTrack named Bass, Acoustic, JazzBebopSmokinIn2Neil Sw 350.
- _CHERUB Cherub Piano n Vocal Mmms Gospel PLAY DEMO
This style contains the rediscovered RealTracks named Vocal Mmms, Background RockNRollGospel12-8Tenor1-2 Sw 065 (1TrackVocalSection) and Vocal Mmms, Background RockNRollGospel12-8Tenor2-2 Sw 065 (1TrackVocalSection).
- _CLARITY Clarity Cool Jazz Clarinet Solo PLAY DEMO
This style contains the rediscovered RealTrack named Clarinet, Soloist Older Swing Sw 140 [Double-Time].
- _CORDOBA Cordoba Rumba Flamenca Gtr Solo PLAY DEMO
This style contains the rediscovered RealTrack named Guitar, Nylon, Soloist Samba Ev 190 [Double-Time].
- _DASFEST Das Fest Polka with Clarinet PLAY DEMO
This style contains the rediscovered RealTrack named Clarinet, Background MelodicOldWorld2Beat Ev16 140 (1TrackHornSection).
- _DNTFRET Don't Fret Lounge Funk Gtr Solo PLAY DEMO
This style contains the rediscovered RealTrack named Guitar, Electric, Soloist Dire Ev 140 [Double-Time].
- _DWNTIME Downtime Sw16 Bongos Smooth Jazz PLAY DEMO
This style contains the rediscovered RealDrums named BongosSw16[single].
- _ENCAMP Encamp Vocal Campfire Soul Pop PLAY DEMO
This style contains the rediscovered RealTracks named Vocal Aahs, Background Pop3-partMaleHigh1 Ev 085 (1TrackVocalSection) and Vocal Aahs, Background Pop3-partMaleLow1 Ev 085 (1TrackVocalSection).
- _EQUITY Equity Gospel Soul Vocal Solo PLAY DEMO
This style contains the rediscovered RealTrack named Vocals, BackgroundSoloist GospelCoolSoulful Sw16 075.
- _EVNKEEL Even Keel Lite Nashville Flk Pop PLAY DEMO
This style contains the rediscovered RealTrack named Guitar, Electric, Rhythm NashvillePopClean Ev 120 (B:arp).
- _EXALT Exalt Thick Vox Acoustic Gospel PLAY DEMO
This style contains the rediscovered RealTrack named Multi[Thickened=5] Vocals, Background GospelCool3-part Sw16 075.
- _EXTOL Extol 12-8 Campfire Gospel Folk PLAY DEMO
This style contains the rediscovered RealDrums named TambourineSlow128[single].
- _FAMED Famed Trumpet n Bari Sax Crooner PLAY DEMO
This style contains the rediscovered RealTracks named Trumpet, Background CroonerBigBandHigh Sw 110 (1TrackHornSection) and Sax, Baritone, Background CroonerBigBand Sw 110 (1TrackHornSection).
- _FASTJIG Fast Jaw Harp n Spoon Celtic Jig PLAY DEMO
This style contains the rediscovered RealDrums named SpoonsTradSlide.
- _FATAL Fatal Fast Three-Guitar Metal PLAY DEMO
This style contains the rediscovered RealDrums named MetalClosedHat,CrashRide.
- _FEIER Feier Clarinet Old World Waltz PLAY DEMO
This style contains the rediscovered RealTrack named Clarinet, Background MelodicOldWorldWaltz Ev 180 (1TrackHornSection).
- _FLYING Flying Ac Gtr n Bongo Fast Funk PLAY DEMO
This style contains the rediscovered RealDrums named BongosFast16ths[single].
- _FORBIDN Forbidden Thick Vocals Ctry Pop PLAY DEMO
This style contains the rediscovered RealTrack named Multi[Thickened=5] Vocal Oohs-Aahs, Rhythm Pop3-part Ev 085.
- _GENTIAN Gentian Blue Jazz Ext Sax Solo PLAY DEMO
This style contains the rediscovered RealTrack named Sax, Tenor, Jazz Sw 140 (Extended, Bluesy).
- _HANGOUT Hangout Laid-Back Swing-16 Folk PLAY DEMO
This style contains the rediscovered RealDrums named TambourineHighSw16[single].
- _HEIFER Heifer Blues Rock with Cowbell PLAY DEMO
This style contains the rediscovered RealDrums named CowbellEv[single]^.
- _IWASYNG I Was Young Americana Fid Waltz PLAY DEMO
This style contains the rediscovered RealTrack named Fiddle, Background AmericanaWaltzAndy Sw 120.
- _JALOPY Jalopy Simple Dixie Clarinet Solo PLAY DEMO
This style contains the rediscovered RealTrack named Clarinet, Soloist DixielandMedium Sw 110.
- _LETHAL Lethal Fast Metal w Guitar Solo PLAY DEMO
This style contains the rediscovered RealDrums named MetalClosedHat,SloppyHat.
- _LNGNITE Long Night RnB w Thick Strings PLAY DEMO
This style contains the rediscovered RealTrack named Multi[Thickened=5] String Quartet, Rhythm PopHall Ev 085.
- _MOVE_ON Move On Fast Ctry Rock Gtr Solo PLAY DEMO
This style contains the rediscovered RealTrack named Guitar, Electric, Soloist CountryWorkinBrent Ev16 090 [Half-Time].
- _MUDBANK Mud Bank New Orleans Folk Swing PLAY DEMO
This style contains the rediscovered RealDrums named TambourinePopSw.
- _NITEOUT Night Out Party Time Surf Rock PLAY DEMO
This style contains the rediscovered RealDrums named SurfRockLiquor.
- _NONSTOP Nonstop Blues Train Pickin' Solo PLAY DEMO
This style contains the rediscovered RealTrack named Guitar, Electric, Soloist Train Pickin' Ev 130 (Bluesy).
- _NORCROS Norcross Acoustic Georgia Funk PLAY DEMO
This style contains the rediscovered RealDrums named FunkGeorgia.
- _NO_HOPE No Hope Half-Time Metal PLAY DEMO
This style contains the rediscovered RealDrums named MetalHalfTimeCrash,CrashRide.
- _NUEVO Nuevo Mod Latin Jazz Ac Gtr Solo PLAY DEMO
This style contains the rediscovered RealTrack named Guitar, Acoustic, Soloist GypsyJazzLatinGonzalo Ev 165 [Double-Time].
- _ONLYONE Only One Thick Horns RnB Ballad PLAY DEMO
This style contains the rediscovered RealTrack named Multi[Thickened=5] Horn Section, Rhythm SlowPopPads Ev16 065.
- _ONSHORE Onshore Surf Rock with Vocals PLAY DEMO
This style contains the rediscovered RealDrums named SurfRockDoubleFour.
- _PARABLE Parable Slow Gospel Folk Ballad PLAY DEMO
This style contains the rediscovered RealTracks named Vocal Mmms, Background RockNRollGospel12-8Bari1 Sw 065 (1TrackVocalSection) and Vocal Mmms, Background RockNRollGospel12-8Bass1 Sw 065 (1TrackVocalSection).
- _PERPLEX Perplex Smooth Jazz w Piano Solo PLAY DEMO
This style contains the rediscovered RealTrack named Piano, Acoustic, Soloist JazzMike Sw 140 [Double-Time].
- _PLEA Plea Southern Soul Ballad PLAY DEMO
This style contains the rediscovered RealDrums named SouthernPop16RnB^.
- _RAINY Rainy Reflective Alt Country PLAY DEMO
This style contains the rediscovered RealTrack named Guitar, Electric, Rhythm AltCountryMoody Ev 075 (A:held).
- _RALEIGH Raleigh Americana Southern Rock PLAY DEMO
This style contains the rediscovered RealTrack named Guitar, Electric, Rhythm SouthernRock Ev 085 (A:sync).
- _RAPTURE Rapture Gospel Mmms Folk Ballad PLAY DEMO
This style contains the rediscovered RealTracks named Vocal Mmms, Background RockNRollGospel12-8Bari2 Sw 065 (1TrackVocalSection) and Vocal Mmms, Background RockNRollGospel12-8Bass2 Sw 065 (1TrackVocalSection).
- _RECALL Recall Grungy Soft Rock Groove PLAY DEMO
This style contains the rediscovered RealTrack named Bass, Electric, AmericanaPop8thsSteveA Ev 100.
- _RIDE_ON Ride On Fast Ev8 Country PS Solo PLAY DEMO
This style contains the rediscovered RealTrack named Pedal Steel, Soloist, CountryWorkinPaul Ev16 090 [Half-Time].
- _SLACKER Slacker 90s Quarter-Pulse Rock PLAY DEMO
This style contains the rediscovered RealTrack named Guitar, Electric, Rhythm SouthernSnappyGritty Ev 090 (A:held).
- _SOLA Sola Outer Space Soundtrack PLAY DEMO
This style contains the rediscovered RealDrums named MarkTreeFills[single].
- _STORIES Stories Guitar n Piano Folk Pop PLAY DEMO
This style contains the rediscovered RealDrums named TambourinePop8ths.
- _SUBDUED Subdued Light Songwriter Pop PLAY DEMO
This style contains the rediscovered RealTrack named Bass, Electric, Americana16thsSteveB Ev16 075.
- _SUNDAE Sundae Surfin' Rock 'n' Roll PLAY DEMO
This style contains the rediscovered RealDrums named SurfRockOffbeat.
- _SUNRIDJ Sun Ridge Happy Fingerstyle Folk PLAY DEMO
This style contains the rediscovered RealDrums named TambourineHigh16ths.
- _SWAY Sway Upbeat Funk Groove PLAY DEMO
This style contains the rediscovered RealDrums named FunkUpbeat.
- _TRISTE Triste Brazil Bossa Bluesy Solo PLAY DEMO
This style contains the rediscovered RealTrack named Guitar, Electric, Soloist BossaMike Ev 140 (Bluesy).
- _UNLUCKY Unlucky Blues w Resonator Solo PLAY DEMO
This style contains the rediscovered RealTrack named Guitar, Resonator, Soloist CountryShuffleRob Sw 120 (Bluesy).
- _VARMINT Varmint Americana w Bass Mmms PLAY DEMO
This style contains the rediscovered RealTrack named Vocal Mmms, Background RockNRollGospel12-8BassDbl Sw 065 (1TrackVocalSection).
- _WHISKY Whisky Slo Sw16 Blues Slide Solo PLAY DEMO
This style contains the rediscovered RealTrack named Guitar, Slide, Soloist Blues Sw 120 [Double-Time].
- _YOUNG Young Gritty Crossover Pop PLAY DEMO
This style contains the rediscovered RealTrack named Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CrossoverGrooving Sw16 075 (A:sync).
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