Band-in-a-Box® 2021 49-PAK
With the release of version 2021 of Band-in-a-Box® for Mac, we've loaded our 49-PAK with amazing Add-ons!
Purchase Band-in-a-Box® 2021 49-PAK, and you'll receive 40 Bonus Unreleased RealTracks, MultiStyles PAK 1, Artist Performance Set 10: More Celtic Flute with Geoff Kelly, Instrumental Studies 14: Country Rock Blues Shuffle Soloing, MIDI SuperTracks Set 33: More Bass, Look Ma! More MIDI 5, Look Ma! More MIDI 6, 14 Bonus RealDrums "Singles," 4 new styles with our Rediscovered RealTracks Styles, as well as Instrumental Studies 15: Minor Jazz Blues Guitar Soloing, MIDI SuperTracks Set 32: Jazz, New Age and Gospel Keys, and over 300 RealCharts for all existing and new RealDrums.
Purchasing the Band-in-a-Box® 2021 UltraPAK, UltraPAK+, or Audiophile Edition? These items will be included with your order!
*With the purchase of Band-in-a-Box® 2021 for Mac
2021 49-PAK Contents - $49
40 Unreleased RealTracks
There are 40 amazing bonus RealTracks available with our 2021 49-PAK! This includes more great bluesy Americana baritone electric and modern-pop 12-string electric guitar styles from the amazing Brent Mason (7). We have a RealTracks first, tin whistle (2) from Geoffrey Kelly, with Celtic-influenced RealTrack pop grooves! There are exciting new New Orleans piano styles from Kevin McKendree (2), and another RealTracks first, pop vibes (2), whereas previously we only had jazz vibes RealTracks to choose from. We have new Funk guitar styles (5) from Nashville guitarist Mike Durham, and "Vintage Pop & Rock n Roll" electric guitars (5) from Quinn Bachand. There are new electronic RealTracks (7) featuring two groups: "ElecHipHopMinimal", and "ElectroNeonFloor", both with RealDrums as well as synth bass and synth pads RealTracks. There are also new RealDrums from top Nashville studio musician Wes Little, with cajon styles (4) as well as another RealDrums first, mallets (4)! These RealDrums are played on a typical drum kit, but with mallets instead of stick, to give it an understated "indie-rock" flavour, very common in modern rock, pop, and country. Learn more about RealTracks.
MultiStyles PAK 1
Due to popular demand, we've made an entire collection of MultiStyles just for you! Each MultiStyle has a total of 8 substyles for your nuanced arrangements! These styles come in three different genres: Country, Rock-Pop, and Jazz. Each genre has 10 MultiStyles. Plus, you also get their component styles. This gives you many more song demos and allows you to easily view RealTracks/RealDrums lists for all substyles from the StylePicker. Including the component styles, each genre PAK contains 50 styles. MultiStyles PAK 1 has a total of 30 new MultiStyles and 120 component styles. That makes a grand total of 150 styles! So what exactly did we dream up this time? Our jazz greats MultiStyle allows you to switch between piano and guitar comping, or select from two different solos. Our Jamaican groove selecta allows you to switch from ska at one section to reggae, island groove, or reggae with sax solo at another. A Tex-Mex country MultiStyle allows you to switch between a regular-time and double-time feel. And that's just the beginning. There's so much more in store! Once you dive into these professionally-mixed MultiStyles, you'll wonder how you ever made due with only two substyles per song! Use one substyle for a softer intro, another one for a restrained breakdown, then throw in a different and energetic middle-eight, or change it up with a solo. The possibilities are endless! Learn more about MultiStyles.
Artist Performance Set 10: More Celtic Flute with Geoff Kelly
Artist Performance Set 10 features more celtic flute and tin whistle from the very talented Geoff Kelly. In this set, Geoff plays a variety of flutes and whistles, and in each case the track indicates what specific instrument is played (ie, flute, low-D-whistle). In addition, on several tunes Geoff is joined in the tunes with previously released performances by Daniel Lapp on fiddle, and Quinn Bachand on tenor banjo and guitar. The set features a combination of traditional Celtic tunes, along with compositions by the great 17th-century harpist and composer Turlough O'Carolan, an important element in the Celtic musician's repertoire. With each artist performance track you also get notation showing exactly what is played and using Band-in-a-Box 2020 or later you can view 6/8 notation for tracks in that time signature. The superb talent and quality of each artist performance, combined with the Band-in-a-Box rhythm section, makes each of these traditional, timeless tunes come alive for you to enjoy! Learn more about Artist Performance Sets.
Instrumental Studies 14: Country Rock Blues Shuffle Soloing
With a prolific stock of howling guitar riffs, Instruments Studies 15 provides a chance to hear, see and learn an amazing collection of Blues Shuffle Soloing. The heavy guitar tone, which is saturated with gain, generates the power that is captured in each song in this set. There are 5 songs in this set in the keys of A, C, D, E and G and each has its own unique performance. The solos have been analyzed and transcribed so you get all of the style and nuances visible in notation or in tablature. You can also follow along with the playing on the guitar fretboard in the guitar window. The slides, bends, hammer on and pull offs and other techniques available in this Instrumental Studies are available for you now! Learn more about Instrumental Studies.
MIDI SuperTracks Set 33: More Bass
This collection of 9 bass SuperTracks never misses a beat, covering an extremely broad range of styles, such as Latin, Gospel, Funk, Nashville shuffle, and Reggae. The extremely tight syncopation on synth bass SuperTrack's "FunkJeff" and "SmoothJazzCoolJeff" are irresistibly groovy, while "Raggae16th" and "DancehallClassic" lays back with an effortless sound. For something different, "PartidoAlto" gives you the fantastic Latin feel your bass repertoire may currently lack. Learn more about MIDI SuperTracks.
Look Ma! More MIDI 5
This special collection of jazz MIDI styles cannot be missed! In "Look Ma! More MIDI 5", we've created a cornucopia of modern jazz sounds, including a modern jazz waltz, disco jazz fusion, jazz rock, rumba fusion, and much, much more! We've also included some classics like a Dixieland quintet, multiple jazz blues styles, and fast jazz with trumpet. Don't let these original MIDI jazz arrangements go unnoticed! Learn more about MIDI Styles Sets.
Look Ma! More MIDI 6
We've brought modern arrangements and yesterday's favorites to the MIDI world with "Look Ma! More MIDI 6". This diverse collection will boost the sonic possibilities in your pop, rock, and country songs. Dance-floor funk with a synthesizer solo, New Orleans boogie, ska punk, an Americana ballad - these are just some of the great new styles that await you. Don't miss out! Learn more about MIDI Styles Sets.
14 Bonus RealDrums "Singles"
With many of our previously released RealTracks, there are options for RealDrums that include a variety of percussion instruments mixed in. For a selection of these RealDrums styles, you can now select RealDrums "singles", individual percussion parts that made up those larger styles. With the "multi-drums" feature in Band-in-a-Box, you can mix-and-match these RealDrums "singles" with any other RealDrums you like! For example, you can take the Timbale Fills that are part of the "SkaSlowClassicWesPerc^" RealDrums style, but use it with a completely different RealDrums style, for example pairing it with "NashvilleEv8", to give your country-pop tune a Jamaican flair! This collection comes with 14 never-before-available RealDrums singles, with percussion instruments such as "BrakeDrum", "Daf", "Timbale", "Djembe" and more! Learn more about RealDrums.
Rediscovered RealTracks Styles
With version 2021 of Band-in-a-Box®, we've included 64 new styles that feature 72 rediscovered RealTracks, MIDI SuperTracks, and RealDrums. This will help ensure that there is a style and an SGU demo available for every RealTrack, RealDrum, and MIDI SuperTrack. Of the 72 rediscovered instruments, 1 is a principal RealTrack, 11 of them are A- or B-only variation RealTracks, 4 are bluesy variation RealTracks, 19 are 1-track RealTracks (derived from multi-part RealTracks), 11 are either half-time or double-time variation RealTracks, 1 is a MIDI SuperTrack, 4 are thickened RealTracks, and 21 are RealDrums. Learn more about Rediscovered RealTracks Styles.
Instrumental Studies 15: Minor Jazz Blues Guitar Soloing
Along with "rhythm changes" and "jazz blues", Minor Jazz Blues is one of the most common progressions in jazz, and is one that most teachers will agree is very important to master for a jazz student. With Instrumental Studies 15, you can study guitar solos by master guitarist Oliver Gannon, playing minor blues progressions in 5 common keys: Am, Cm, Dm, Em and Gm. With well articulated and dynamic phrases, each different key is a unique performance. Each track has high quality notation and tablature showing all of the slides, hammer on and pull offs and other techniques needed to learn this style of music. As each phrase flows fluently from one chord to the next, adjust the tempo up or down to suit your playing ability and learn at your own speed. Learning minor jazz blues guitar soloing has never been easier and it has never sounded this good! Learn more about Instrumental Studies.
MIDI SuperTracks Set 32: Jazz, New Age and Gospel Keys
This collection of MIDI SuperTracks provides a tasteful array of keyboard playing, ranging from the flavour of New Orleans styles, to the crunchy voicings of modern jazz piano, to the more open and consonant sounds of New Age and Gospel style piano playing. The range of these piano styles, coupled with the versatility and utility of SuperTracks, makes this set a must have for the keyboard enthusiast. Learn more about MIDI SuperTracks.
RealCharts for all existing and new RealDrums
There are over 300 additional RealChart (transcriptions) for RealDrums with Drum Notation. This means that now ALL RealDrums in Band-in-a-Box have accompanying RealCharts! In addition, the MIDI that makes up these RealCharts can actually be used as the basis for MIDI drum parts. In Band-in-a-Box, the MIDI that makes up the RealCharts can be copied to a "utility" track, where it can trigger a MIDI drum patch. In the DAW plugin version of Band-in-a-Box, the MIDI can be dragged right from the plugin into a track in the DAW, where you can then also apply a MIDI drum patch. Learn more about RealCharts.
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