RealTracks Sets (448 Sets with over 4,700 RealTracks!)
What are RealTracks? RealTracks replace the MIDI track for that instrument, and can be controlled just like the MIDI instrument (volume changes, muting etc.). They follow the chord progression that you have entered, so you hear an authentic audio accompaniment or solo.
RealTracks are not "samples"... They are full recordings, lasting from 1 to 8 bars at a time, playing in perfect sync with the other tracks. Choose from pre-made Band-in-a-Box® Styles, or combine RealTracks instruments to make your own band.
You'll want to use RealTracks in all of your projects... and you can! Adding REAL instruments played by TOP MUSICIANS to your compositions brings an exciting human element ... and that's just the beginning!
Wow! Over 4,700 RealTracks in the UltraPAK, UltraPAK+, and Audiophile Edition! Over 4,200 hours of studio musicians recordings!
PG Music offers 448 RealTracks Sets, with over 4,700 RealTracks for Jazz, Country, Rock, Pop, Metal, Blues, Bluegrass and more!
We've made it easy to get RealTracks Sets - ALL of the RealTracks Sets are included in the UltraPAK, UltraPAK+ and Audiophile Editions of Band-in-a-Box®. New RealTracks Sets 430-448 are included in the PlusPAK.

RealTracks Set 448 : Americana: Movin' and Groovin' Video Demo
Dive into the contemporary world of Americana-inspired melodies with this captivating collection of lush and upbeat sounds, guaranteed to get you movin' and groovin'. You'll hear the rhythmic sounds of the bouzouki and acoustic guitar, specifically recorded to blend together perfectly (try panning them left and right!), along with mandolin, banjo and fiddle by Nashville multi-instrumentalist Glen Duncan. The dynamic Americana brushes drums of Nashville's own Garth Justice adds a distinctive rhythm that will transport you to the heart of the genre.
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2024 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Drums, AmericanaGroovin8sBrush^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Garth Justice ]
- Drums, AmericanaSyncBrushes^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Garth Justice ]
- Banjo, Rhythm AmericanaGroovin Sw16 075 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Glen Duncan ]
- Banjo, Rhythm AmericanaMovinArp Ev 135 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Glen Duncan ]
- Bouzouki, Rhythm AmericanaGroovin Sw16 075 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Glen Duncan ]
- Bouzouki, Rhythm AmericanaMovinSync Ev 135 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Glen Duncan ]
- Fiddle, Background AmericanaGroovinAB Sw16 075 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Glen Duncan ]
- Fiddle, Background AmericanaGroovinMelodic Sw16 075 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Glen Duncan ]
- Fiddle, Background AmericanaGroovinSparse Sw16 075 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Glen Duncan ]
- Fiddle, Background AmericanaMovinAB Ev 135 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Glen Duncan ]
- Fiddle, Background AmericanaMovinMelodic Ev 135 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Glen Duncan ]
- Fiddle, Background AmericanaMovinSparse Ev 135 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Glen Duncan ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm AmericanaGroovin8ths Sw16 075 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Glen Duncan ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm AmericanaGroovinAB Sw16 075 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Glen Duncan ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm AmericanaGroovinSwing Sw16 075 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Glen Duncan ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm AmericanaMovin8ths Ev 135 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Glen Duncan ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm AmericanaMovinAB Ev 135 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Glen Duncan ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm AmericanaMovinQuarters Ev 135 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Glen Duncan ]
- Mandolin, Rhythm AmericanaGroovin Sw16 075 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Glen Duncan ]
- Mandolin, Rhythm AmericanaMovinAB Ev 135 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Glen Duncan ]
- Mandolin, Rhythm AmericanaMovinAltNotes Ev 135 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Glen Duncan ]
- Mandolin, Rhythm AmericanaMovinChords Ev 135 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Glen Duncan ]
RealTracks Set 447 : Vintage Country with Doug Jernigan (steel), Brent Mason (guitar), Eddie Bayers (drums), and Mike Harrison (bass) Video Demo
We’re excited to introduce the classic sounds of vintage country in the all new RealTracks Set 447: Vintage Country with Doug Jernigan (steel), Brent Mason (guitar), Eddie Bayers (drums), Viktor Krauss (acoustic bass) and Mike Harrison (electric bass)! Included in this incredibly versatile set, you get 14 RealTracks and RealDrums, including electric and acoustic bass, electric guitar, classic pedal steel, drums, and a RealTracks first: "tic-tac" baritone electric guitar! These baritone styles feature a distinctive playing method, where the baritone plays bass notes with a muted tone, giving it that great classic sound! This set also features an exciting new RealTracks artist, the legendary Doug Jernigan on pedal steel! All of these different RealTracks can be used over a medium swing groove, or a slow waltz groove. Get ready to make your future classic with these all new RealTracks!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2024 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Bass, Acoustic, VintageCountrySwingAB Sw 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Viktor Krauss ]
- Bass, Acoustic, VintageCountrySwingIn2 Sw 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Viktor Krauss ]
- Bass, Acoustic, VintageCountrySwingWalking Sw 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Viktor Krauss ]
- Bass, Acoustic, VintageCountryWaltzSlow Sw 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Viktor Krauss ]
- Bass, Electric, VintageCountrySwingAB Sw 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Harrison ]
- Bass, Electric, VintageCountrySwingIn2 Sw 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Harrison ]
- Bass, Electric, VintageCountrySwingWalking Sw 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Harrison ]
- Bass, Electric, VintageCountryWaltzSlow Sw 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Harrison ]
- Drums, CountrySwingVintage^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Eddie Bayers ]
- Drums, CountryWaltzVintage^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Eddie Bayers ]
- Guitar, Baritone Electric, Rhythm VintageCountrySwingTicTac Sw 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Baritone Electric, Rhythm VintageCountryWaltzTicTac Sw 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm VintageCountrySwingTremolo Sw 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm VintageCountryWaltzTremolo Sw 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Pedal Steel, Rhythm VintageCountrySwingDoug Sw 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Doug Jernigan ]
- Pedal Steel, Rhythm VintageCountryWaltzDoug Sw 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Doug Jernigan ]
RealTracks Set 446 : Praise and Worship Pop Video Demo
In this delightful compilation of RealStyles tailored for Praise and Worship Pop, you'll be treated to the skillful artistry of seasoned session guitarist Mike Durham. With over a decade of experience as a session player in the vibrant Nashville music scene, Mike brings his expertise to the forefront, delivering both joyous and epic tones through rhythmic electric guitar performances. Contributing to the mix with his dynamic and impactful grooves is Nashville's virtuoso drummer, Garth Justice.
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2024 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopGlowArpeg ev16 065 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopGlowHeldPlus ev16 065 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopGlowHeldPlusGrit ev16 065 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopGlowHeldSpaceySynth ev16 065 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopMotionChugMute8ths ev 100 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopMotionHeldHiGrit ev 100 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopMotionHeldPlusDelay ev 100 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopMotionHeldSpaceySynth ev 100 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ]
- Drums, Pop8thsMotion^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Garth Justice ]
- Drums, PopSlow16thsGlow^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Garth Justice ]
RealTracks Set 445 : Bro Country Video Demo
This set is jam packed with RealTracks that are radio-ready for that modern country sound! Featuring returning fan-favorite Brent Mason, this set features guitars that are designed to be layered for that "explosive" modern country sound. This set also features another returning favorite, Johnny Hiland, adding his own distinct style of guitar soloing. Also feature on this set is 14-time winner of the ACM "drummer of the year" award, Eddie Bayers! And finally, long time PG Music producer, and first time RealTracks artist, Mike Harrison is taking care of the low end on 5-string electric bass.
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2024 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Bass, Electric, BroCountry8thsPulse Ev 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Harrison ]
- Bass, Electric, BroCountryFunkyAB ev16 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Harrison ]
- Bass, Electric, BroCountryFunkyPulsing8ths ev16 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Harrison ]
- Bass, Electric, BroCountryFunkySyncopated ev16 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Harrison ]
- Bass, Electric, BroCountryPulsingAB Ev 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Harrison ]
- Bass, Electric, BroCountryQuarterPulse Ev 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Harrison ]
- Bass, Electric, RockSteady8ths Ev 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Harrison ]
- Drums, BroCountry16ths^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Wes Little ]
- Drums, BroCountryFunky16^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Eddie Bayers ]
- Drums, BroCountryPop8ths^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Eddie Bayers ]
- Drums, BroCountryRock^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Eddie Bayers ]
- Guitar, Baritone Electric, Rhythm BroCountryPop8thsGritAB Ev 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Baritone Electric, Rhythm BroCountryPop8thsGritSteady Ev 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Baritone Electric, Rhythm BroCountryPop8thsGritSync Ev 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Baritone Electric, Rhythm BroCountryRockGrittyTwang Ev 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm BroCountryPopArp Ev 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm BroCountryPopHiArp Ev 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm BroCountryPopPower Ev 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm BroCountryRock16DistHiHeld Ev16 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm BroCountryRock16DistortedAB Ev16 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm BroCountryRock16DistPowerAB Ev16 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm BroCountryRock16DistPowerHeld Ev16 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm BroCountryRock16DistPowerHits Ev16 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm BroCountryRock16DistPowerRh Ev16 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm BroCountryRock16TremHeld Ev16 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm BroCountryRock16TremoloAB Ev16 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm BroCountryRock16TremRh Ev16 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm BroCountryRockHiSteady8ths Ev 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm BroCountryRockNRoll Ev 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Soloist BroCountryPopBrent Ev 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Soloist BroCountryPopJohnny Ev 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Johnny Hiland ]
- Guitar, Electric, Soloist BroCountryRock16ths Ev16 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
RealTracks Set 444 : Rootsy Modern Country Video Demo
Get ready for some radio-ready modern country tracks! This collection of RealTracks showcases a diverse lineup of Nashville talents! Lending his skills on lap steel is Rob Ickes, renowned as the most decorated instrumentalist in the history of the IBMA Award. Brent Mason, acclaimed as Nashville's premier guitarist, contributes both clean and overdriven electric guitar artistry, with guitars intended to be layered for that "explosive" Nashville sound. Internationally recognized guitarist Johnny Hiland adds his distinctive touch on electric guitar and Mike Harrison, a multifaceted guitarist, producer, and songwriter showcases his prowess on the electric bass. Rounding out the ensemble is Eddie Bayers, a seasoned and esteemed studio drummer in Nashville, establishing a solid rhythmic foundation.
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2024 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Bass, Electric, ModernCountryTraveller8ths Sw16 075 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Harrison ]
- Bass, Electric, ModernCountryTravellerAB Sw16 075 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Harrison ]
- Bass, Electric, ModernCountryTravellerSync Sw16 075 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Harrison ]
- Drums, CountryModernTraveller^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Eddie Bayers ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModCountryBalladArpHiOctaveVerb Ev16 075 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModCountryPopDistHeldPlus Ev 090 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModCountryPopHeldArpDelay Ev 090 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModCountryPopHighOctaveVerb Ev 090 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModCountryPopHighSteady8ths Ev 090 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModCountryPopSoftPowerChug Ev 090 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModCountryTravellerDirtySteady Sw16 075 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModCountryTravellerDirtySteadyAB Sw16 075 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModCountryTravellerGritHeldPlus Sw16 075 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModCountryTravellerGritSteady8s Sw16 075 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModCountryTravellerGrittyAB Sw16 075 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModCountryTravellerGrittyPulse Sw16 075 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModCountryTravellerHighAB Sw16 075 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModCountryTravellerHighAltern8ths Sw16 075 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModCountryTravellerHighDirtySteady8s Sw16 075 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModCountryTravellerHighSteady8ths Sw16 075 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Soloist ModCountryTravellerJohnny Sw16 075 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Johnny Hiland ]
- Guitar, Lap Steel, Background CountryPopGrittyShuffle Sw 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Rob Ickes ]
RealTracks Set 443 : Miscellaneous Modern Grooves Video Demo
Have you been looking to modernize your songs with the latest grooves? Look no further! We’re excited to bring you RealTracks Set 443: Miscellaneous Modern Grooves! This set features 6 all new RealDrums that range from reggaeton to modern synth pop playing a mix of electronic drums programmed and performed by Ed "Great Oz" Clare. These RealDrums are designed to bring the latest and greatest modern drum sounds to help you bring the hype to your Band-in-a-Box songs!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2024 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Drums, HipHopPopDemon^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Ed (Great Oz) Clare ]
- Drums, K-PopHype^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Ed (Great Oz) Clare ]
- Drums, PopPinkCandyElec^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Ed (Great Oz) Clare ]
- Drums, ReggaetonPlaya^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Ed (Great Oz) Clare ]
- Drums, ReggaetonSlowSunset^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Ed (Great Oz) Clare ]
- Drums, ReggaetonStreetGrit^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Ed (Great Oz) Clare ]
RealTracks Set 442 : Requested Prog Rock 3 Video Demo
Back again with even more prog rock in RealTracks Set 442: Requested Prog Rock 3! If you couldn’t get enough of the last two installments, this third round is sure to scratch the itch! Again we have Mike Durham and Nico Santora on guitars, Brian Allen and Nick Scendzielos on electric basses, and Aaron Stechauner and Wes Little on drums, bringing you even more prog rock goodness, but this time featuring a host of 12-8 and slower prog rock styles. This set also features background and soloist guitar tracks to add even more atmosphere to your next 20-minute prog epic!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2024 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Bass, Electric, ProgRockSlow128A-only Sw 060 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brian Allen ]
- Bass, Electric, ProgRockSlow128AB Sw 060 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brian Allen ]
- Bass, Electric, ProgRockSlow128B-only Sw 060 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brian Allen ]
- Bass, Electric, ProgRockSlow128DistortedA Sw 060 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brian Allen ]
- Bass, Electric, ProgRockSlow128DistortedAB Sw 060 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brian Allen ]
- Bass, Electric, ProgRockSlow128DistortedB Sw 060 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brian Allen ]
- Bass, Electric, ProgUK128PowerAB Sw 075 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Nick Schendzielos ]
- Bass, Electric, ProgUK128PowerPulsing Sw 075 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Nick Schendzielos ]
- Bass, Electric, ProgUK128PowerSyncopated Sw 075 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Nick Schendzielos ]
- Guitar, Electric, Background ProgRockBlackpoolSlow128SingleBends Sw 060 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ProgRockBlackpoolPowerChords Sw 060 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ProgUK128Arp Sw 075 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Nico Santora ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ProgUK128Power Sw 075 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Nico Santora ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ProgUK128Power2 Sw 075 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Nico Santora ]
- Guitar, Electric, Soloist ProgRockBlackpoolSlow128Gritty Sw 060 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ]
- Drums, Prog70sTripletsSw^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Aaron Stechauner ]
- Drums, ProgRockSlow128^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Wes Little ]
RealTracks Set 441 : Requested Prog Rock 2 Video Demo
The people have spoken! Welcome to the all new RealTracks Set 441: Requested Prog Rock 2! In this second installment, we bring the best of UK inspired prog rock and beyond! With Mike Durham and Nico Santora on guitars, Brian Allen and Nick Scendzielos on electric basses, and Aaron Stechauner and Wes Little on drums, this set is brimming with all the trimmings you need to make your prog rock fantasies into a reality! From effects laden guitar arpeggios, to thundering electric bass, to tight and technical drums, you’ll have everything you need for your next concept album in this set!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2024 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Bass, Electric, ProgRockRadioA-only Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brian Allen ]
- Bass, Electric, ProgRockRadioAB Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brian Allen ]
- Bass, Electric, ProgRockRadioB-only Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brian Allen ]
- Bass, Electric, ProgRockRadioDistorted Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brian Allen ]
- Bass, Electric, ProgRockRadioDistortedA Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brian Allen ]
- Bass, Electric, ProgRockRadioDistortedB Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brian Allen ]
- Bass, Electric, ProgUKHeavy8thsAB Ev 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Nick Schendzielos ]
- Bass, Electric, ProgUKHeavy8thsOctaves Ev 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Nick Schendzielos ]
- Bass, Electric, ProgUKHeavy8thsSync Ev 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Nick Schendzielos ]
- Drums, CowbellRockQuarters Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Wes Little ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ProgRockLondonHeldChorus Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ProgRockLondonMuteArpegPhase Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ProgRockLondonSyncPower Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ProgUKArp8ths Ev 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Nico Santora ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ProgUKHeavy8ths Ev 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Nico Santora ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ProgUKHeavy8thsAlt Ev 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Nico Santora ]
- Drums, Prog70sSyncEv8^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Aaron Stechauner ]
- Drums, ProgRockRadio^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Wes Little ]
RealTracks Set 440 : Modern Metal Video Demo
Get ready for the cutting edge of metal in the all new RealTracks Set 440: Modern Metal! Renowned bassist Nick Schendzielos brings the thunder with finger and slap styles to play under your heaviest of riffs. Guitar great Nico Santora returns with all the modern heavy riffing and tight chugging you could ask for, and brings more with a fiery modern metal guitar soloist. The brutally tight and technical drumming of Aaron Stechauner is also featured in this set, to give you all you need to create the ultimate modern metal!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2024 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Bass, Electric, MetalModernHeavyBalladAB Ev 070 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Nick Schendzielos ]
- Bass, Electric, MetalModernHeavyBalladFinger Ev 070 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Nick Schendzielos ]
- Bass, Electric, MetalModernHeavyBalladSlap Ev 070 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Nick Schendzielos ]
- Bass, Electric, MetalModernTripletsAB Sw 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Nick Schendzielos ]
- Bass, Electric, MetalModernTripletsFinger8ths Sw 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Nick Schendzielos ]
- Bass, Electric, MetalModernTripletsSlap Sw 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Nick Schendzielos ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm MetalModernBalladArpeg12key Ev16 070 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Nico Santora ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm MetalModernBalladArpeg12key-chorus Ev16 070 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Nico Santora ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm MetalModernBalladChugSync12key Ev16 070 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Nico Santora ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm MetalModernBalladHeldPlus12key Ev 070 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Nico Santora ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm MetalModernHeldPlus12key Sw 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Nico Santora ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm MetalModernTripletSync12key Sw 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Nico Santora ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm MetalModernTripletSyncReverse12key Sw 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Nico Santora ]
- Guitar, Electric, Soloist MetalModern12key Ev 070 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Nico Santora ]
- Drums, MetalModernHeavyBallad^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Aaron Stechauner ]
- Drums, MetalModernSyncCut^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Aaron Stechauner ]
- Drums, MetalModernTriplets^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Aaron Stechauner ]
RealTracks Set 439 : Modern Indie-Folk Guitar & Banjo Video Demo
Quinn Bachand is back to bring you 9 all new guitar and banjo RealTracks in RealTracks Set 439: Modern Indie-Folk Guitar & Banjo! The acoustic guitar RealTracks include finger picking styles ranging from soft and gentle to fast and driven! Rhythm acoustic guitar styles range from R&B inspired grooves and gently strummed DADGAD. The included Banjo styles compliment the soft and gentle to fast and driven guitar styles and beyond!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2024 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Banjo, Fingerpicking GentleSync16ths ev16 100 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Quinn Bachand ]
- Banjo, Fingerpicking IndieFolkFast16ths ev16 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Quinn Bachand ]
- Banjo, Fingerpicking SlowGentle16thsSync ev16 065 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Quinn Bachand ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking IndieFolkAlt158 Ev 100 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Quinn Bachand ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking IndieFolkHighFast16ths ev16 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Quinn Bachand ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking SongwriterGentleFolkRock Ev 100 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Quinn Bachand ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm IndieFolkGentleSyncDADGAD ev16 065 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Quinn Bachand ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm SongwriterGentleRnBChop Sw 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Quinn Bachand ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm SongwriterRnBGroove Ev16 080 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Quinn Bachand ]
RealTracks Set 438 : More Requested Soul Video Demo
Jump onboard the soul train, it’s coming back around! That’s right, we’ve got 12 more highly requested soul RealTracks and RealDrums in the all new RealTracks Set 438: Requested Soul! You’ll find some tasty ‘70s soul inspired bass played by session favorite, Dave Roe. Playing some funky ‘60s and ‘70s soul inspired rhythm we’ve got award winning guitarists Brent Mason and Pat Bergeson. Also included, a relaxed ‘70s soul inspired soloist played by Pat Bergeson. But it doesn’t stop there, we’ve got Wes Little holding it down on drums and tambourine. Here, you’ll find everything you need to keep the groove alive!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2024 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Bass, Electric, Soul70sRelaxedA-only Ev 100 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Dave Roe ]
- Bass, Electric, Soul70sRelaxedAB Ev 100 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Dave Roe ]
- Bass, Electric, Soul70sRelaxedB-only Ev 100 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Dave Roe ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Soul60sSlow128Riffs Sw 060 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Soul70sRelaxed Ev 100 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Pat Bergeson ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Soul70sRelaxedRiffs Ev 100 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm SoulFunk70sCoolRiffs Sw16 090 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm SoulRock70sRiffs Ev 100 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Soloist Soul70sRelaxedPat Ev 100 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Pat Bergeson ]
- Drums, Soul70sRelaxedEv^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Wes Little ]
- Drums, Tambourine2and4Dark Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Wes Little ]
- Drums, Tambourine8thsAccentQuarters Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Wes Little ]
- Drums, TambourineSteady8ths Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Wes Little ]
RealTracks Set 437 : Soulful Keys with Charles Treadway & Kevin McKendree Video Demo
Skillful blues organist, Charles Treadway, and pianist, Kevin McKendree return for more rhythm styles. These styles are versatile and can be used in a variety of genres, such as rock, funk, country, and blues. They are the perfect choice to round out the backing tracks of any song!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2024 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Organ, Rhythm FastBoogie Sw 190 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Charles Treadway ]
- Organ, Rhythm GospelFunk Ev 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Charles Treadway ]
- Organ, Rhythm RnBSlow12-8 Sw 060 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Charles Treadway ]
- Organ, Rhythm SoulfulRock Ev 095 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Charles Treadway ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm RockNRollCountryShuffle Sw 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Kevin McKendree ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm RockNRollFastKevin Ev 150 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Kevin McKendree ]
- Piano, Electric, Rhythm 70sEZSoulFunk ev 100 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Kevin McKendree ]
- Piano, Electric, Rhythm 70sEZSoulSwingPhaser sw 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Kevin McKendree ]
- Piano, ElectricClav, Rhythm ClassicRockFunkyRoots Ev16 075 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Kevin McKendree ]
- Piano, ElectricClav, Rhythm FunkSlowGroove ev16 070 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Kevin McKendree ]
- Piano, ElectricClav, Rhythm FunkySw16Kevin Sw16 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Kevin McKendree ]
- Piano, ElectricClav, Rhythm GospelFunk Ev16 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Kevin McKendree ]
- Piano, ElectricVintage, Rhythm FunkSlowGrooveTremolo ev16 070 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Kevin McKendree ]
- Piano, ElectricVintage, Rhythm GospelFunkTrem Ev16 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Kevin McKendree ]
RealTracks Set 436 : Sounds From Around The World Video Demo
These styles exhibit an eclectic, multicultural arrangement of sounds from expert musicians. There are a wide variety of Chinese instruments, including award winning artists such as Yun Song, on the erhu, and Dai Lin Hseih on guzeng. Also, juno-nominated pipa player, Qiu Xia He, and principal dizi player, Charlie Lui. Additionally, this set also includes smooth and flowing panpipes by Alejandro Fatur, and grooving bongos by returning artist, Wes Little. These styles are an excellent way to diversify your sound in a multitude of genres!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2024 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Drums, Bongos128 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Wes Little ]
- Drums, BongosEv16 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Wes Little ]
- Drums, BongosEv8 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Wes Little ]
- Drums, BongosSw16 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Wes Little ]
- Drums, BongosSw8 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Wes Little ]
- Dizi Flute, Background CalmingMelodic ev 065 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Charlie Lui ]
- Dizi Flute, Background FlowingSwing16 sw16 075 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Charlie Lui ]
- Erhu, Background SimplePentatonic Ev 060 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Yun Song ]
- Guzheng, Background CalmingMelodic ev16 065 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Dai Lin Hsieh ]
- Guzheng, Background FlowingSwing16 sw16 075 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Dai Lin Hsieh ]
- Panpipe Siku, Background Flowing 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Alejandro Fatur ]
- Panpipe Siku, Background SimplePads 65 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Alejandro Fatur ]
- Pipa, Background CalmingMelodicShortPhrases ev 065 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Qiu Xia He ]
- Pipa, Background FlowingSwing16 sw16 075 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Qiu Xia He ]
RealTracks Set 435 : Kevin McKendree Bluesy New Orleans Piano Video Demo
Grammy-nominated, Nashville-based, acoustic pianist Kevin McKendree is here! These styles have excellent rhythm and showcase the New Orleans feel. They are sure to fulfil your bluesy needs.
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2024 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm NewOrleansGoodTimeSwing sw 150 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Kevin McKendree ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm NewOrleansGumboSlow ev 090 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Kevin McKendree ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm NewOrleansRumba ev 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Kevin McKendree ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm NewOrleansSwampSw16 sw16 090 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Kevin McKendree ]
RealTracks Set 434 : More Requested 2-handed Jazz Piano Soloing Video Demo
Here by popular demand, Miles Black demonstrates his skills with 2-handed jazz piano solos. With these RealTracks, the left and and right hand parts are separated, but are intended to be used together, and each "pair" has a RealStyle that loads both. This means that the left-hand comping is kept to the lower part of the keyboard, and the soloing is kept to the right, emulating what a jazz pianist does while soloing. These styles were recorded at a variety of tempos, from slow ballads to fast tempos, and everything in between!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2024 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm JazzBalladLHComp Sw 060 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm JazzBebopLHComp Sw 260 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm JazzFastLHComp Sw 190 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm JazzWaltzLHComp Sw 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm JazzWaltzSlowLHComp Sw 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Soloist JazzBalladRH Sw 060 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Soloist JazzBebopRH Sw 260 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Soloist JazzFastRH Sw 190 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Soloist JazzWaltzRH Sw 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Soloist JazzWaltzSlowRH Sw 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ]
RealTracks Set 433 : Fast Bebop Jazz Piano Comping Video Demo
The extraordinary, multi-instrumentalist and long-time PG Music collaborator, Miles Black is back! These styles showcase his virtuosity on the acoustic piano with incredibly fast paced comping. They are a perfect addition to any song with a speedy, Jazz Swing feel.
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2024 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm JazzBebopFastComping Sw 260 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm JazzWaltzFast Sw 190 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm JazzWaltzFast Sw 220 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm SambaFast Ev 260 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ]
RealTracks Set 432 : LA Jazz Pop Video Demo
Looking for that slick, pop and jazz-infused LA sound? Look no further, for these styles are jam packed with versatile electric guitar as well as great electric pianos featuring Kevin McKendree and Miles Black, as well as groovin electric bass, from Nashville session musician Viktor Krauss. They are bound to make listeners bop their heads and tap their feet!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2024 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Bass, Electric, LAJazzPopShuffle Sw 130 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Viktor Krauss ]
- Bass, Electric, PopPumpingSync Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Viktor Krauss ]
- Guitar, Electric, Background LAPopJazz8thsSingleNote Ev 124 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ]
- Guitar, Electric, Background LAPopJazzLiteSimipleLicks Ev 118 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm LAPopJazzDriving8ths Ev 124 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm LAPopJazzLiteDreamy Ev 118 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm LAPopJazzShuffle Sw 132 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm LAPopJazzShuffle Sw 130 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ]
- Piano, Electric, Rhythm LAJazzyPopLite Ev 118 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Kevin McKendree ]
- Piano, Electric, Rhythm LAPopJazzFunky ev16 095 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Kevin McKendree ]
- Piano, ElectricClav, Rhythm LAPopJazzFunky ev16 095 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Kevin McKendree ]
- Piano, ElectricVintage, Rhythm LAJazzPop8thsTremolo Ev 124 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ]
RealTracks Set 431 : Funk & R&B Horns Video Demo
Music Award winner, Chris West is back for more funky horn section styles. They are a perfect backing tracks for any R&B or funk tune! The set features a funk sax quartet inspired by the slick funk of the 70s, as well as a trio of trumpet, tenor & bari sax, inspired by the R&B and funk of the '60s.
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2024 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Guitar, Lap Steel, Background CountryPopGritty Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Rob Ickes ]
- Horn Section, Background Funk16thsChris Ev 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Chris West ]
- Horn Section, Background RnBFunky3-part Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Chris West ]
- Sax, Alto, Background Funk16thsChris Ev 110 (1TrackHornSection) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Chris West ]
- Sax, Baritone, Background Funk16thsChris Ev 110 (1TrackHornSection) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Chris West ]
- Sax, Baritone, Background RnBFunky Ev 120 (1TrackHornSection) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Chris West ]
- Sax, Tenor, Background Funk16thsChrisHi Ev 110 (1TrackHornSection) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Chris West ]
- Sax, Tenor, Background Funk16thsChrisLo Ev 110 (1TrackHornSection) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Chris West ]
- Sax, Tenor, Background RnBFunky Ev 120 (1TrackHornSection) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Chris West ]
- Trumpet, Background RnBFunky Ev 120 (1TrackHornSection) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Chris West ]
RealTracks Set 430 : '60s Soul Jazz, Modern Jazz & Fusion Video Demo
With a variety of bass, piano, and drums, these RealTracks are sure to fill your soul with amazing jazz riffs. The styles feature returning artist Mike Clark, drummer extrodinaire who has played with many jazz greats, and is well known for his work with the band "Headhunters." It also features the incredibly taleneted long-time PG Music collaborator Miles Black on piano, and new RealTracks artist Viktor Krauss, killing it on the bass!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2024 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Bass, Acoustic, Fusion70sFunk ev16 100 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Viktor Krauss ]
- Bass, Acoustic, SoulJazzFunky ev 160 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Viktor Krauss ]
- Bass, Acoustic, SoulJazzMellow ev 85 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Viktor Krauss ]
- Drums, FusionAvantFunk^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Clark ]
- Drums, ModernJazzFreneticEv16^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Clark ]
- Piano, Electric, Rhythm Fusion70sAvantFunk ev16 100 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ]
- Piano, ElectricVintage, Rhythm SoulJazzFunkySync Ev 160 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ]
- Piano, ElectricVintage, Rhythm SoulJazzMellowTrem Ev 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ]
- Drums, SoulJazzMellowPop^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Clark ]
- Drums, SoulJazzSyncGroove^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Clark ]
RealTracks Set 429 : More Country Soloing with Johnny Hiland Video Demo
Featuring the talents of Johnny Hiland, this RealTrack set provides users with three different electric guitars to choose from. You can find some waltz and ballad styles in slow and medium-slow tempos showcased in this RealTrack Set.
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2023 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Guitar, Electric, Soloist CountryBalladSlowJohnny Ev16 065 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Johnny Hiland ]
- Guitar, Electric, Soloist CountryCoolSw16Johnny Sw16 090 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Johnny Hiland ]
- Guitar, Electric, Soloist CountryWaltzSlowJohnny Sw 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Johnny Hiland ]
RealTracks Set 428 : Contradance Guitar & Piano Video Demo
Everybody get in lines, it's time for a contra dance! This combo of Daniel Lapp on piano and Quinn Bachand's impeccable guitar are sure to bring the house (or barn) down!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2023 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm ContradanceJig68 Sw 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Quinn Bachand ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm ContradanceReelSlightSwing Sw16 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Quinn Bachand ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm ContradanceReelSlightSwingFast Ev16 130 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Quinn Bachand ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm ContradanceReelSwing Sw 135 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Quinn Bachand ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm ContradanceWaltzCrosspick Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Quinn Bachand ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm ContradanceWaltzLoose Sw 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Quinn Bachand ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm Strathspey Sw 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Quinn Bachand ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm ContradanceJig68 Sw 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Daniel Lapp ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm ContradanceReelSlightSwing Sw16 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Daniel Lapp ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm ContradanceReelSlightSwingFast Ev16 130 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Daniel Lapp ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm ContradanceReelSwing Sw 135 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Daniel Lapp ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm ContradanceWaltz Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Daniel Lapp ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm ContradanceWaltz Sw 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Daniel Lapp ]
RealTracks Set 427 : Requested Old-Time Autoharp Video Demo
Using this autoharp set is sure to add a whimsical and romantic flare to your arrangements. Quinn Bachand plays swing, held, and waltz styles to give a nice depth of sound in a variety of tempos.
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2023 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Autoharp, Rhythm OldTime Ev16 065 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Quinn Bachand ]
- Autoharp, Rhythm OldTime8ths Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Quinn Bachand ]
- Autoharp, Rhythm OldTimeHeld 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Quinn Bachand ]
- Autoharp, Rhythm OldTimeSwing Sw 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Quinn Bachand ]
- Autoharp, Rhythm OldTimeSwing Sw 130 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Quinn Bachand ]
- Autoharp, Rhythm OldTimeWaltz Sw 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Quinn Bachand ]
RealTracks Set 426 : Quinn Bachand, More Indie-Folk, Singer-songwriter Video Demo
Quinn Bachand using fingerpicking and rhythm styles in 6 new acoustic guitar and 1 nylon guitar tracks to offer a softer sound commonly found in indie-folk music. This singer-songwriter set has appeal for music lovers young and old and focuses on an even feel that is consistent throughout each of the RealTracks. The RealStyles in this set cover genres such as PopSynth and Folk.
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2023 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking Songwriter2-noteSync Ev16 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Quinn Bachand ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking SongwriterPalmMuteSparseAlt8s Ev 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Quinn Bachand ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking SongwriterWaltz Ev 150 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Quinn Bachand ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm SongwriterGentleStrum8ths Ev 100 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Quinn Bachand ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm SongwriterGentleSync16ths Ev16 090 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Quinn Bachand ]
- Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm SongwriterPickingSyncopated Ev16 080 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Quinn Bachand ]
- Guitar, Nylon, Fingerpicking SongwriterPalmMuteSparseAlternate8s Ev 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Quinn Bachand ]
RealTracks Set 425 : "Producer" Country Guitars 5 with Brent Mason: Slow 16ths, even & swing Video Demo
RealTracks Set 426 is designed for the singer-songwriter in mind. This set features rhythm and fingerpicking styles, 6 new acoustic guitar styles and 1 nylon guitar style performed by Quinn Bachand. And it comes with great RealStyles that use these RealTracks in a variety of settings, including Indie-Electronic-Folk that includes other acoustic instruments but also electronic drum elements, as well as styles that pair them with world-music elements.
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2023 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Guitar, Baritone Electric, Rhythm ModCountrySlowSw16Tremolo Sw16 060 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModCountrySlowSw16Gritty Sw16 060 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModCountrySlowSw16GroovingChords Sw16 060 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernCountry16thsHighTrem Ev16 060 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernCountry16thsHiSpacyDelay Ev16 060 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernCountry16thsOverdriveHeldPlus Ev16 060 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernCountry16thsPowerMutePlus Ev16 060 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernCountry16thsShinyDelay Ev16 060 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Soloist ModernCountry16thsBrent Ev16 060 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Drums, ModernCountry16ths^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Wes Little ]
- Drums, ModernCountrySlowSw16^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Wes Little ]
RealTracks Set 424 : "Producer" Country Guitars 4 with Brent Mason: Waltzes and Slow 12:8 Video Demo
Brent Mason returns to wow us with his swing rhythm and soloist tracks using a clean electric guitar, overdrive guitar, and distorted rock guitar. The 12/8 RealStyles in this set are heavy on the guitar with a slower tempo that make a massive impact. Put on your producer's cap, and see what you can make with these great layered guitars!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2023 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Guitar, Baritone Electric, Rhythm NashvilleWaltzMelodicTremolo Sw 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModCountrySlow128DreamyHiPads Sw 050 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModCountrySlow128LoPadsDelay Sw 050 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModCountrySlow128PowerChug Sw 050 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModCountrySlow128PowerHeldPlus Sw 050 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModCountrySlow128PulsingDelay Sw 050 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm NashvilleWaltzDistArpeg Sw 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm NashvilleWaltzDistMelodicHi Sw 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm NashvilleWaltzDistPowerChordsHeld Sw 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm NashvilleWaltzDistSteady4s Sw 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Soloist ModCountrySlow128Brent Sw 050 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Soloist NashvilleWaltzBrent Sw 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Drums, ModernCountrySlow128Ev^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Wes Little ]
- Drums, ModernCountrySlow128Sw^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Wes Little ]
- Drums, ModernCountryWaltzSw^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Wes Little ]
RealTracks Set 423 : "Producer" Country Guitars 3 with Brent Mason: Nashville Shuffle & Groovin' Swing 16ths Video Demo
The "ready-for-radio" RealStyles in this set feature gritty country guitars with a modern country flair. Included in this set are 11 new guitars to use, including electric rhythm and soloists, as well as baritone electric guitar all played by Brent Mason. There are two "groups": shuffle & swing16, and the guitars in each group are intended to be layered for a full, produced sound. And, with the volume automation features in Band-in-a-Box, you can bring various guitars in and out throughout your song, making new "scenes" from verse, to chorus, to bridge. You're in the producer's seat!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2023 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Guitar, Baritone Electric, Rhythm NashCoolSw16Crunchy Sw16 075 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm NashCoolSw16DistPowerCh Sw16 075 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm NashCoolSw16HeldArpDistorted Sw16 075 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm NashCoolSw16HeldArpTremolo Sw16 075 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm NashCoolSw16PowerChPhaseMute Sw16 075 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm NashvilleShuffleGritBrent Sw 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm NashvilleShuffleGritHeldBrent Sw 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm NashvilleShuffleGrittyLicksBrent Sw 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm NashvilleShuffleLowSingleMute Sw 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm NashvilleShuffleRiff Sw 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Soloist NashCoolSw16Brent Sw16 075 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Guitar, Electric, Soloist NashvilleShuffleGrittyBrent Sw 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ]
- Drums, ModernCountrySw16^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Wes Little ]
RealTracks Set 422 : Requested 80s New Wave Video Demo
You asked us to bring back the iconic 80’s New Wave guitar sounds we all love, so here they are in RealTracks Set 422! Featuring Mike Durham on guitar, bringing all the clean, arpeggiated guitar sounds you could ask for as well as the roaring overdriven powerchords that’ll transform your song into an anthem!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2023 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RockNewWave80sHeldArpChorus Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RockNewWave80sPowerChCleanMute Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RockNewWave80sPowerChOverdriveMute Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RockNewWave80sPowerHeld Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RockNewWave80sSyncArpeggioClean Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ]
RealTracks Set 421 : Kevin McKendree Piano: Boogie, Gospel and More Video Demo
Featured here in RealTracks set 421 are the unmistakable boogie-woogie, gospel, and rock n’ roll piano stylings renowned for getting you up on your feet! With Kevin McKendree on the keys, you’re sure to be jumpin’ and jivin’ in no time. Also included are some 12-8 R&B stylings for when it’s time to slow things down a bit.
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2023 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm BoogieFastSwingKevin Sw 190 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Kevin McKendree ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm BritRockSoulfulKevin Ev16 095 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Kevin McKendree ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm GospelFunkBluesyKevin Ev16 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Kevin McKendree ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm RnBSlow12-8Kevin Sw 060 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Kevin McKendree ]
RealTracks Set 420 : Vocal Doo-Wop Pop 8ths Video Demo
Here to expand our collection of Doo-wop vocal RealTracks, this Set includes voices in the tenor, baritone, and bass range. These RealTracks are perfect for any moderate to fast paced pop song. And, with the new "RealTracks stems" feature, you can now have the individual voices from within the ensemble on different tracks, all perfectly synced up!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2023 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Drums, ClapOffbeat Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: PG Music Artist ]
- Vocal, Background Doo-WopPop8thsBaritone1 Ev 085 (1TrackVocalSection) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Shane McConnell ]
- Vocal, Background Doo-WopPop8thsBaritone2 Ev 085 (1TrackVocalSection) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Shane McConnell ]
- Vocal, Background Doo-WopPop8thsBaritoneDbl Ev 085 (1TrackVocalSection) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Shane McConnell ]
- Vocal, Background Doo-WopPop8thsBass1 Ev 085 (1TrackVocalSection) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Armand Hutton ]
- Vocal, Background Doo-WopPop8thsBass2 Ev 085 (1TrackVocalSection) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Armand Hutton ]
- Vocal, Background Doo-WopPop8thsBassDbl Ev 085 (1TrackVocalSection) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Armand Hutton ]
- Vocal, Background Doo-WopPop8thsTenorHi1 Ev 085 (1TrackVocalSection) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: David Wise ]
- Vocal, Background Doo-WopPop8thsTenorHi2 Ev 085 (1TrackVocalSection) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: David Wise ]
- Vocal, Background Doo-WopPop8thsTenorHiDbl Ev 085 (1TrackVocalSection) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: David Wise ]
- Vocal, Background Doo-WopPop8thsTenorMed1 Ev 085 (1TrackVocalSection) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: David Wise ]
- Vocal, Background Doo-WopPop8thsTenorMed2 Ev 085 (1TrackVocalSection) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: David Wise ]
- Vocal, Background Doo-WopPop8thsTenorMedDbl Ev 085 (1TrackVocalSection) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: David Wise ]
- Vocal, Rhythm Doo-WopPop8ths Ev 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: David Wise ]
RealTracks Set 419 : Gritty Rock Harmonica with Pat Bergeson Video Demo
Add grit and sizzle to your Band-in-a-Box songs with RealTracks Set 419! Pat Bergeson brings the grit that is sure to take you from the Mississippi Delta to the heart of Texas and beyond!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2023 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Harmonica, BackgroundSoloist BluesRockGrittyShufflePat Sw 130 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Pat Bergeson ]
- Harmonica, BackgroundSoloist RockFastGrittyPat Ev 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Pat Bergeson ]
- Harmonica, BackgroundSoloist RockShuffleGrittyPat Sw 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Pat Bergeson ]
- Harmonica, BackgroundSoloist RockSlowGrittyPat Ev 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Pat Bergeson ]
RealTracks Set 418 : Modern Electronic Pop Video Demo
This set features modern pop drums and synth, all of which work well for slow 16ths modern styles. With the drums, the individual elements that make up the full electronic kit can also be selected individually, making them great for missing and matching these electronic elements with acoustic RealTracks and RealDrums.
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2023 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Bass, Sub Synth CityLightsStranger 65 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Ed (Great Oz) Clare ]
- Bass, Sub Synth PinkRoomSync Ev 065 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Ed (Great Oz) Clare ]
- Bass, Synth RedDoorPurePro 65 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Ed (Great Oz) Clare ]
- Drums, ElecClickPinkRoom Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Ed (Great Oz) Clare ]
- Drums, ElecCrashPinkRoom Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Ed (Great Oz) Clare ]
- Drums, ElecHiHatPinkRoom Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Ed (Great Oz) Clare ]
- Drums, ElecHiHatPinkRoomBusy Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Ed (Great Oz) Clare ]
- Drums, ElecHiHatRolls Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Ed (Great Oz) Clare ]
- Drums, ElecKickPinkRoom Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Ed (Great Oz) Clare ]
- Drums, ElecPopPinkRoom^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Ed (Great Oz) Clare ]
- Drums, ElecSnarePinkRoom Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Ed (Great Oz) Clare ]
- Drums, ElecSnareRollBar2End Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Ed (Great Oz) Clare ]
- Synth, PinkRoomChamberHit 65 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Ed (Great Oz) Clare ]
- Synth, Rhythm CurtainCallLaserVoxDistorted 65 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Ed (Great Oz) Clare ]
RealTracks Set 417 : Requested Prog Rock Video Demo
This requested RealTracks set includes distorted electric guitar by RealTracks veteran Mike Durham, who has recorded on Grammy nominated singles. The set also includes bass and drums by rhythm section Brian Allen and Wes Little.
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2023 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Bass, Electric, ProgRockTOA-only Ev16 090 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brian Allen ]
- Bass, Electric, ProgRockTOA-only Ev16 130 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brian Allen ]
- Bass, Electric, ProgRockTOAB Ev16 090 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brian Allen ]
- Bass, Electric, ProgRockTOAB Ev16 130 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brian Allen ]
- Bass, Electric, ProgRockTOB-only Ev16 090 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brian Allen ]
- Bass, Electric, ProgRockTOB-only Ev16 130 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brian Allen ]
- Bass, Electric, ProgRockTODistortedA Ev16 090 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brian Allen ]
- Bass, Electric, ProgRockTODistortedA Ev16 130 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brian Allen ]
- Bass, Electric, ProgRockTODistortedAB Ev16 090 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brian Allen ]
- Bass, Electric, ProgRockTODistortedAB Ev16 130 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brian Allen ]
- Bass, Electric, ProgRockTODistortedB Ev16 090 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brian Allen ]
- Bass, Electric, ProgRockTODistortedB Ev16 130 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brian Allen ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ProgRockTODistChorusArp Ev 090 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ProgRockTODistChorusArp Ev 130 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ProgRockTODistortedSync Ev 090 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ProgRockTODistortedSync Ev 130 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ]
- Guitar, Electric, Soloist ProgRockTO Ev 090 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ]
- Guitar, Electric, Soloist ProgRockTO Ev 130 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ]
- Drums, ProgRockCanFastEv8^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Wes Little ]
- Drums, ProgRockCanSlow16ths^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Wes Little ]
RealTracks Set 416 : Fast Modern Pop Rock and "Enhanced" RealDrums Video Demo
This Set features fast pop guitars, with multiple layers for a modern, polished sound. The set also includes "Enhanced" RealDrums, where we've taken existing RealDrums styles and remixed them and added new electronic elements for a great radio-friendly sound!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2023 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernPopFastRock1-noteBreakLow Ev 170 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Charlie Gannon ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernPopFastRock1-noteBreakMid Ev 170 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Charlie Gannon ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernPopFastRockHiRiffs Ev 170 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Charlie Gannon ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernPopFastRockHiStrum Ev 170 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Charlie Gannon ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernPopFastRockPowerBreakdown Ev 170 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Charlie Gannon ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernPopFastRockPowerBreakMute Ev 170 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: PG Music Artist ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernPopFastRockPowerBreakPartialMute Ev 170 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: PG Music Artist ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernPopFastRockPowerStrum1 Ev 170 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Charlie Gannon ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernPopFastRockPowerStrum2 Ev 170 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: PG Music Artist ]
- Drums, RadioCoolBreakbeatSw16^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles McPherson ]
- Drums, RadioCoolIndieSw16^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles McPherson ]
- Drums, RadioCoolPopSw16^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles McPherson ]
- Drums, RockHardEnhanced^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Pat Steward ]
RealTracks Set 415 : Requested Metal Bass and 12-key Guitar Video Demo
These highly requested modern metal tracks are sure to melt faces! Featuring Nico Santora on guitar, playing tracks in all 12 keys, Josh Paul holding down the low end on bass, and Wes Little bringing the thunder on the drums.
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2023 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Bass, Electric, MetalModernDoubleTimeJosh Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Josh Paul ]
- Bass, Electric, MetalModernJoshA-only Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Josh Paul ]
- Bass, Electric, MetalModernJoshAB Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Josh Paul ]
- Bass, Electric, MetalModernJoshB-only Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Josh Paul ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm MetalModernArpeggio12keyNico Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Nico Santora ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm MetalModernChugDouble12keyNico Ev16 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Nico Santora ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm MetalModernChugging12keyNico Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Nico Santora ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm MetalModernPowerHeldPlus12keyNico Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Nico Santora ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm MetalModernStaccatoSync12keyNico Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Nico Santora ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm MetalModernSyncHi12keyNico Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Nico Santora ]
- Drums, Metal8ths^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Wes Little ]
- Drums, Metal8thsDoubleTime^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Wes Little ]
RealTracks Set 414 : Sounds from the East: Sitar, Tabla, and Dholak Video Demo
Infuse your songs with Eastern flavor with RealTracks Set 414. Add the stunning Sitar playing of Anwar Khurshid and the incredible Dholak and Tabla playing of Shobhit Banwait to your Band-in-a-Box songs to create the perfect Eastern fusion.
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2023 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Drums, Dholak16ths Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Shobhit Banwait ]
- Drums, Dholak8ths Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Shobhit Banwait ]
- Drums, DholakCoolSw16 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Shobhit Banwait ]
- Drums, DholakSlow128 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Shobhit Banwait ]
- Drums, DholakSwing8ths Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Shobhit Banwait ]
- Sitar, Background Slow16thsAnwar Ev16 065 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Anwar Khurshid ]
- Sitar, Background SlowSwing16thsAnwar Sw16 075 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Anwar Khurshid ]
- Sitar, Rhythm Slow16thsDronesAnwar Ev16 065 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Anwar Khurshid ]
- Drums, Tabla16ths Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Shobhit Banwait ]
- Drums, Tabla8ths Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Shobhit Banwait ]
- Drums, TablaCoolSw16 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Shobhit Banwait ]
- Drums, TablaSlow128 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Shobhit Banwait ]
- Drums, TablaSwing8ths Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Shobhit Banwait ]
RealTracks Set 413 : Requested Southern Soul 2 Video Demo
Even more highly requested Southern Soul tracks are included in RealTracks Set 413. Here you’ll find tracks in the style of 60’s and 70’s soul, featuring exquisite playing by Dave Roe on bass, Pat Bergeson on guitar, and Wes Little on Drums.
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2023 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Bass, Electric, Soul60sSlow128A-only Sw 060 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Dave Roe ]
- Bass, Electric, Soul60sSlow128AB Sw 060 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Dave Roe ]
- Bass, Electric, Soul60sSlow128B-only Sw 060 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Dave Roe ]
- Bass, Electric, SoulRock70sA-only Ev 100 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Dave Roe ]
- Bass, Electric, SoulRock70sAB Ev 100 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Dave Roe ]
- Bass, Electric, SoulRock70sB-only Ev 100 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Dave Roe ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Soul60sSlow128 Sw 060 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Pat Bergeson ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm SoulRock70s Ev 100 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Pat Bergeson ]
RealTracks Set 412 : Requested Southern Soul 1 Video Demo
The highly requested RealTrack Set 412 includes Soul tracks that are reminiscent of the 70s era. It includes bass, electric guitar, and drum tracks by Dave Roe, Pat Bergeson and Wes Little.
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2023 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Bass, Electric, SoulFunk70sA-only Ev 100 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Dave Roe ]
- Bass, Electric, SoulFunk70sAB Ev 100 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Dave Roe ]
- Bass, Electric, SoulFunk70sB-only Ev 100 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Dave Roe ]
- Bass, Electric, SoulFunk70sSw16A-only Sw16 090 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Dave Roe ]
- Bass, Electric, SoulFunk70sSw16AB Sw16 090 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Dave Roe ]
- Bass, Electric, SoulFunk70sSw16B-only Sw16 090 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Dave Roe ]
- Drums, Cabasa2and4 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Wes Little ]
- Drums, CabasaQuarters Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Wes Little ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm SoulFunk70s Ev 100 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Pat Bergeson ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm SoulFunk70sCool Sw16 090 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Pat Bergeson ]
- Guitar, Electric, Soloist SoulFunk70sCoolPat Sw16 090 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Pat Bergeson ]
- Drums, Soul60sSlow128^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Wes Little ]
- Drums, SoulFunk70sEv Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Wes Little ]
- Drums, SoulFunk70sSw16^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Wes Little ]
- Drums, SoulRock70sEv^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Wes Little ]
- Drums, Tambourine8thsAccent2and4 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Wes Little ]
- Drums, TambourineJanglyEv16 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Wes Little ]
- Drums, TambourineJanglySw16 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Wes Little ]
- Drums, TambourinePopSw16 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Wes Little ]
RealTracks Set 411 : 60s Latin Pop & Rock Video Demo
The set includes RealDrums, electric guitar, and acoustic piano, all playing in a Latin style. It won’t be difficult to get your audience dancing to these great styles! Featured artists include Miles Black, Mike Durham, and Wes Little.
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2023 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm LatinRock Ev 125 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm LatinRockDbl Ev 125 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ]
- Guitar, Electric, Soloist LatinRock Ev 125 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ]
- Guitar, Electric, Soloist LatinRockDbl Ev 125 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ]
- Drums, LatinBoogalooFast^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Wes Little ]
- Drums, LatinBoogalooSlow^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Wes Little ]
- Drums, LatinPopFunky^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Wes Little ]
- Drums, LatinPopFunky16ths^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Wes Little ]
- Drums, LatinRock8thsPerc^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Wes Little ]
- Drums, LatinRockFast16thsPerc Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Wes Little ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm JazzRockSoul Ev 130 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm LatinJazzPop Ev16 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ]
RealTracks Set 410 : More Blues Guitar with Johnny Hiland Video Demo
Featuring internationally acclaimed guitarist Johnny Hiland, these soloists feature a gritty blues tone, and amazing, tasty blues licks. You can also follow along in notation as a great learning tool!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2023 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Guitar, Electric, Soloist BluesFastSwingJohnny Sw 165 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Johnny Hiland ]
- Guitar, Electric, Soloist BluesFunkyJohnny Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Johnny Hiland ]
- Guitar, Electric, Soloist BluesShuffleJohnny Sw 130 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Johnny Hiland ]
- Guitar, Electric, Soloist BluesSlow128Johnny Sw 60 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Johnny Hiland ]
RealTracks Set 409 : Gritty Blues Harmonica with Pat Bergeson Video Demo
Multi talented Pat Bergeson is featured in this RealTracks Set for his expertise on the harmonica. The tracks are gritty and include deadly licks and riffs; they are perfect for any blues style.
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2023 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Harmonica, BackgroundSoloist BluesGrittyPat Ev 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Pat Bergeson ]
- Harmonica, BackgroundSoloist BluesGrittyPat Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Pat Bergeson ]
- Harmonica, Soloist ChicagoGrittyBluesPat Sw 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Pat Bergeson ]
RealTracks Set 408 : Lap Steel Blues with Rob Ickes and Eddy Dunlap Video Demo
RealTracks Set 408 features great new lap steel blues styles from world-class musician Eddy Dunlap, and 13-time IBMA Instrumental Performer of the Year winner Rob Ickes. There are both soloist styles as well as background styles intended to back up a singer or other instrumentalist.
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2023 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Guitar, Lap Steel, Background BluesFunky Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Rob Ickes ]
- Guitar, Lap Steel, Background BluesFunkyRob Ev 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Rob Ickes ]
- Guitar, Lap Steel, Background BluesShuffleRob Sw 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Rob Ickes ]
- Guitar, Lap Steel, Background BluesSlowShuffleRob Sw 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Rob Ickes ]
- Guitar, Lap Steel, Background FunkyBlues Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Eddy Dunlap ]
- Guitar, Lap Steel, Soloist BluesShuffleRob Sw 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Rob Ickes ]
- Guitar, Lap Steel, Soloist BluesSlow128 Sw 060 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Eddy Dunlap ]
- Guitar, Lap Steel, Soloist FunkyBlues Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Eddy Dunlap ]
RealTracks Set 407 : Modern Fast Funk Guitar, Drums & Keys Video Demo
Get your Funk on with these Fast Guitar, drums and piano RealTracks. They are sure to make your rhythm sections stand out above the rest! The set features master pianist Kevin McKendree, Nashville based session guitarist, Mike Durham and drummer Wes Little.
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2023 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Drums, FunkModernDiscoEv16^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Wes Little ]
- Drums, FunkOaklandEv16^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Wes Little ]
- Guitar, Electric, Background FunkOaklandSingleNoteMute Ev16 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ]
- Guitar, Electric, Background FunkOaklandSoulRiffs Ev16 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm FunkLondonMuteWah Ev16 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm FunkLondonSoulRiffsTrem Ev16 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm FunkOaklandChordingSyncMute Ev16 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ]
- Piano, Electric, Rhythm FunkFast16thsKevin Ev16 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Kevin McKendree ]
- Piano, ElectricClav, Rhythm FunkFast16thsKevin Ev16 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Kevin McKendree ]
RealTracks Set 406 : Funky Soul Horns Video Demo
We don’t need soul searching to know that more Funky Soul Horns are a brilliant addition to your song. This set includes horn, alto sax, tenor sax, and baritone sax, all recorded by the extraordinary Chris West. These RealTracks are excellent with any Funky Blues instruments, such as previously released “RealTracks Set 140: Texas Blues-Rock Shuffle” with Brent Mason and Sol Philcox. And, with the new "RealTracks Stems" feature in Band-in-a-Box 2023, you can isolate the individual horn parts, giving you complete control over the mix!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2023 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Horn Section, Background SoulFunkyChris Ev 105 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Chris West ]
- Multi[Simultaneous=4] Alto Sax, Tenor Sax, Tenor Sax, Baritone Sax, Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Chris West ]
- Multi[Simultaneous=4] AltoSax, TenorSax, TenorSax, BariSax, Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Chris West ]
- Multi[Simultaneous=4] AltoSax, TenorSax, TenorSax, BariSax, Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Chris West ]
- Multi[Simultaneous=4] ASax, TSax, TSax, BSax, Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Chris West ]
- Multi[Simultaneous=4] ASax, TSax, TSax, BSax, Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Chris West ]
- Multi[Simultaneous=4] ASax, TSax, TSax, BSax, Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Chris West ]
- Multi[Simultaneous=4] ASax, TSax, TSax, BSax, Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Chris West ]
- Multi[Simultaneous=4] Horns, TenorSax, TenorSax, BariSax, Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Chris West ]
- Sax, Alto, Background SoulFunkyChris Ev 105 (1TrackHornSection) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Chris West ]
- Sax, Alto, Rhythm Held 130 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Chris West ]
- Sax, Alto, Rhythm ShuffleGroove1 Sw 130 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Chris West ]
- Sax, Alto, Rhythm ShuffleGroove2 Sw 130 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Chris West ]
- Sax, Alto, Rhythm ShuffleGroove3 Sw 130 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Chris West ]
- Sax, Alto, Rhythm SoulFunkyGroove1 Ev 105 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Chris West ]
- Sax, Alto, Rhythm SoulFunkyGroove2 Ev 105 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Chris West ]
- Sax, Alto, Rhythm SoulFunkyGroove3 Ev 105 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Chris West ]
- Sax, Alto, Rhythm SoulFunkyGrooveHeld 105 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Chris West ]
- Sax, Baritone, Background SoulFunkyChris Ev 105 (1TrackHornSection) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Chris West ]
- Sax, Baritone, Rhythm Held 130 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Chris West ]
- Sax, Baritone, Rhythm ShuffleGroove1 Sw 130 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Chris West ]
- Sax, Baritone, Rhythm ShuffleGroove2 Sw 130 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Chris West ]
- Sax, Baritone, Rhythm ShuffleGroove3 Sw 130 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Chris West ]
- Sax, Baritone, Rhythm SoulFunkyGroove1 Ev 105 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Chris West ]
- Sax, Baritone, Rhythm SoulFunkyGroove2 Ev 105 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Chris West ]
- Sax, Baritone, Rhythm SoulFunkyGroove3 Ev 105 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Chris West ]
- Sax, Baritone, Rhythm SoulFunkyGrooveHeld 105 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Chris West ]
- Sax, Tenor, Background SoulFunkyChrisHi Ev 105 (1TrackHornSection) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Chris West ]
- Sax, Tenor, Background SoulFunkyChrisLo Ev 105 (1TrackHornSection) Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Chris West ]
- Sax, Tenor, Rhythm HeldHigh 130 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Chris West ]
- Sax, Tenor, Rhythm HeldLow 130 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Chris West ]
- Sax, Tenor, Rhythm ShuffleGroove1High Sw 130 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Chris West ]
- Sax, Tenor, Rhythm ShuffleGroove1Low Sw 130 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Chris West ]
- Sax, Tenor, Rhythm ShuffleGroove2High Sw 130 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Chris West ]
- Sax, Tenor, Rhythm ShuffleGroove2Low Sw 130 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Chris West ]
- Sax, Tenor, Rhythm ShuffleGroove3High Sw 130 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Chris West ]
- Sax, Tenor, Rhythm ShuffleGroove3Low Sw 130 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Chris West ]
- Sax, Tenor, Rhythm SoulFunkyGroove1Hi Ev 105 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Chris West ]
- Sax, Tenor, Rhythm SoulFunkyGroove1Lo Ev 105 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Chris West ]
- Sax, Tenor, Rhythm SoulFunkyGroove2Hi Ev 105 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Chris West ]
- Sax, Tenor, Rhythm SoulFunkyGroove2Lo Ev 105 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Chris West ]
- Sax, Tenor, Rhythm SoulFunkyGroove3Hi Ev 105 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Chris West ]
- Sax, Tenor, Rhythm SoulFunkyGroove3Lo Ev 105 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Chris West ]
- Sax, Tenor, Rhythm SoulFunkyGrooveHeldHi 105 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Chris West ]
- Sax, Tenor, Rhythm SoulFunkyGrooveHeldLo 105 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Chris West ]
RealTracks Set 405 : More Blues Organ Soloing and Comping with Charles Treadway Video Demo
Nashville based, expert organist Charles Treadway recorded these incredible blues RealTracks. There are both right-hand Soloing styles, as well as left-hand comping styles, specifically designed to match each other perfectly, but they can also be used on their own to meet your musical needs!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2023 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Organ, Rhythm BluesFastRockinLHComp Ev 165 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Charles Treadway ]
- Organ, Rhythm BluesSlowFunkyLHComp Ev 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Charles Treadway ]
- Organ, Soloist BluesFastRockinCharles Ev 165 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Charles Treadway ]
- Organ, Soloist BluesSlowFunkyCharles Ev 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Charles Treadway ]
RealTracks Set 404 : Requested Bossa Piano Soloing, 2-handed Video Demo
Miles Black is back for these requested 2-handed Bossa Piano RealTracks. There is right-hand soloing, and left-hand comping, intended to be paired together, or used individually. With syncopated rhythms and embellishments, these RealTracks will certainly be a highlight in any Bossa Nova song.
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2023 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Multi[Simultaneous=2] Piano, Piano, Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ]
- Multi[Simultaneous=2] Piano, Piano, Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ]
- Multi[Simultaneous=2] Piano, Piano, Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm BossaLHComp Ev 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm BossaLHComp Ev 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm BossaLHComp Ev 190 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Soloist Bossa Ev 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Soloist Bossa Ev 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ]
- Piano, Acoustic, Soloist Bossa Ev 190 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ]
RealTracks Set 403 : Chicago, Memphis and More Video Demo
Made from popular demand, you are going to love these Blues RealTracks from a variety of artists, including Pat Bergeson on guitar and Dave Roe on bass. These RealTracks work great with any Chicago Shuffle Blues or Memphis Blues styles, or really any blues!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2023 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Bass, Electric, BluesFunkyA-only Ev 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Dave Roe ]
- Bass, Electric, BluesFunkyA-only Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Dave Roe ]
- Bass, Electric, BluesFunkyAB Ev 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Dave Roe ]
- Bass, Electric, BluesFunkyAB Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Dave Roe ]
- Bass, Electric, BluesFunkyB-only Ev 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Dave Roe ]
- Bass, Electric, BluesFunkyB-only Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Dave Roe ]
- Bass, Electric, BluesShuffleA-only Sw 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Dave Roe ]
- Bass, Electric, BluesShuffleAB Sw 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Dave Roe ]
- Bass, Electric, BluesShuffleB-only Sw 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Dave Roe ]
- Bass, Electric, PopSwingBouncyA-only Sw 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Dave Roe ]
- Bass, Electric, PopSwingBouncyAB Sw 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Dave Roe ]
- Bass, Electric, PopSwingBouncyB-only Sw 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Dave Roe ]
- Drums, BluesChicagoShuffleSw^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Wes Little ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm BluesFunky Ev 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Pat Bergeson ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm BluesShuffleSync Sw 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Pat Bergeson ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm BluesShuffleSyncBasic Sw 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Pat Bergeson ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ChicagoBluesPat Sw 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Pat Bergeson ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm MemphisBluesSlow128 Sw 060 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Pat Bergeson ]
- Guitar, Electric, Rhythm MemphisSlowBluesPat Ev 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Pat Bergeson ]
- Guitar, Electric, Soloist ChicagoBluesPat Sw 140 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Pat Bergeson ]
- Guitar, Electric, Soloist MemphisSlowBluesPat Ev 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Pat Bergeson ]
RealTracks Set 402 : Modern Jazz Drums with Mike Clark: Swing & more Video Demo
Jazz legend Mike Clark is “swinging” in to expand the Modern Jazz RealDrums collection. These RealDrums are the perfect addition to any Jazz Combo! The audience will for sure be moving to the beat.
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2023 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Drums, BebopLatin2Swing^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Clark ]
- Drums, JazzModernShuffle^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Clark ]
- Drums, JazzSwingModern Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Clark ]
- Drums, JazzSwingModernBrushes Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Clark ]
- Drums, JazzWaltzModern Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Clark ]
- Drums, JazzWaltzModernBrushes Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Clark ]
RealTracks Set 401 : Modern Jazz Drums with Mike Clark: Fusion & Funk Video Demo
More Fusion and Funk RealDrums are here and are sure to spice up your song. This set includes 4 RealDrums by Mike Clark. These excellent RealDrums can be used with many other Fusion and Funk instruments, including previously released RealTracks such as "RealTracks Set 356: Modern Jazz & Funk with Jeff Lorber" and "RealTracks Set 377: Smooth Fusion Rhythm Guitar with Brent Mason."
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2023 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Drums, FunkFusion70sEven^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Clark ]
- Drums, FusionModern16ths^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Clark ]
- Drums, ModernJazzFunkyEv^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Clark ]
- Drums, ModernJazzMellow16ths^ Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Clark ]
RealTracks Set 400 : Classic Country Soloing with Johnny Hiland Video Demo
Need a swinging guitar solo to buff up your country track? Look no further! This set features the incredible Johnny Hiland from Nashville, Tennessee and includes 3 classic country swing guitar soloist RealTracks that will make your shuffles, ballads, or waltz’s glitter. These versatile RealTracks can be used with literally hundreds of our previously release country styles!
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2022 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Guitar, Electric, Soloist CountryShuffleJohnny Sw 120 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Johnny Hiland ]
- Guitar, Electric, Soloist CountrySwingBalladJohnny Sw 85 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Johnny Hiland ]
- Guitar, Electric, Soloist CountryWaltzJohnny Sw 110 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Johnny Hiland ]
RealTracks Set 399 : Cinematic Baritone with Darin Favorite Video Demo
Darin Favorite is back with more effect-heavy cinematic RealTracks. Except now he's also featured on 4 baritone electric guitar RealTracks. Try mixing and matching with RealTracks from Darin Favorite’s past cinematic guitar Sets 311 and 364 for awesome results! By occupying a lower range with additional effects that add a sense of depth, these RealTracks sit nicely in the back of the mix and allow room for many other instruments to shine. Therefore, this makes for a versatile set of RealTracks that can be easily combined with other less related RealTracks.
Note: This RealTracks Set requires Band-in-a-Box® 2022 or higher.RealTracks in this Set:
- Guitar, Baritone Electric, Rhythm Cinematic128 Sw 050 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Darin Favorite ]
- Guitar, Baritone Electric, Rhythm CinematicMelancholy Sw16 060 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Darin Favorite ]
- Guitar, Baritone Electric, Rhythm CinematicMystery16ths Ev 085 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Darin Favorite ]
- Guitar, Baritone Electric, Rhythm CinematicPower8ths Ev 100 Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Darin Favorite ]
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