Band-in-a-Box® for Windows - Accesibility Enhancements

Summary of accesibility enhancements in Band-in-a-Box® 2025 Build 1.

  • S T E M S Enter opens the Stem Splitter.
  • A I L Enter opens the AI Lyrics Generator.

Summary of accesibility enhancements in Band-in-a-Box® 2024 Build 1.

  • F7 opens the new MultiPicker Library window.
  • M Enter opens the MultiPicker Library window.
  • Ctrl+F7 opens the Track Settings and Actions dialog.
  • M M Enter opens the Set MicroChords dialog.
  • L L Enter lets you open a LyricLab file.

Summary of accesibility enhancements in Band-in-a-Box® 2023 Build 1.

  • Ctrl+Shift+Z solos the current track.
  • Alternative text labels are available for graphics such as video icons, folder icon, and transport control (play, stop, volume etc.) buttons in various dialogs.
  • A checkbox in the Song Titles Browser has a label "auto-suggest."
  • The ESC key closes the "Auditioning" dialog that pops up with the [Audition] button in dialogs like Pick a Loop dialog.
  • The TAB key can focus the filter buttons in dialogs like StylePicker, Song Titles Browser, SongPicker, Choose RealDrums (QuickList), and Choose Multi Drums, etc.
  • The TAB key can focus the track selector in dialogs like RealTracks Picker, Loop Picker, User Tracks Picker, Import MIDI File, Import Audio File, Copy/Move Track, Record MIDI/Audio, Audio Harmony, Event List Editor, etc.
  • Alt+F focuses the Filter String field in dialogs like Song Picker, Song Title Browser, MIDI SuperTracks Picker, Choose RealDrums (QuickList), Choose MultiDrums, and Artist Browser.
  • Hotkeys are assigned for [+] and [-] buttons in the StylePicker. Alt+plus increases the current song tempo and Alt+minus decreases it.
  • Hotkeys are assigned for all buttons in the Loosen Start Times of Notes dialog.
  • In the RealTracks Settings dialog, the TAB key can focus the folder and video buttons.
  • The Plugin Options dialog allows the TAB key navigation.
  • The Choose a Plugin dialog allows the TAB key navigation.
  • The Fix Sour Notes dialog allows the TAB key navigation.
  • The Live Harmony dialog allows the TAB lkey navigation without first needing a mouse click on somewhere in the dialog.
  • In the Render to Audio dialog, the TAB key can focus the "Delay at start" and "Delay at end" options.
  • In the Audio Harmony dialog, the TAB key can focus the "Harmony Voices" and "Voices Above" options.
  • In the Audio Harmony dialog, when you select "Melody Double" or "Duet Voicing," the focus will stay on the dialog so you can continue using the dialog.
  • In the Melody Embellisher dialog, Alt+Z focuses the "Humanize" combobox.
  • The Practice window can be closed with the ESC key.
  • When you press Play, Stop or Pause button in the Practice window, the focus will stay on the window so you can continue using the window.
  • You can navigate the Chord Theory area of the Chord Builder dialog.
  • When you play a chord in the Chord Builder dialog, the focus will stay on the dialog so you can continue using the dialog.
  • In the RealTracks Picker, the track radio button toggles properly with the arrow key.
  • In the Preferences dialog, hotkeys are assigned to options instead of buttons.
  • The Record MIDI and Record Audio dialogs have hotkeys for all options and buttons.
  • The Quantize Track dialog has hotkeys for all options and buttons.
  • The Chord Substitutions (Auto / Choose) dialogs have hotkeys all options and buttons.
  • The Import Song dialog has hotkeys for all options and buttons.
  • Hotkeys are added to the Convert Tracks to Harmony dialog. (Alt+B for Bar, Alt+U for Chorus, Alt+R for # of Bars, Alt+E for Eliminate note overlap, and Alt+L for Loosen start times of notes.)
  • "Use default devices" in the Windows Audio Devices dialog is renamed to "Use default input device" and "Use default output device."
  • "Resampling Quality" in the Windows Audio Devices dialog is renamed to "Input Resampling Quality" and "Output Resampling Quality."
  • The [Clear] buttons in the StyleMaker More Miscellanous Style Settings dialog are renamed to [Clear Plugin] and [Clear Loop/UserTracks/RealDrums].
  • The [Current] button in the StyleMaker More Miscellanous Style Settings dialog is renamed to [Current Panning].
  • The [Update] buttons in the Track Settings and Actions dialog are renamed to [Update Label] and [Update Patch].
  • The [Add] button in the StylePicker and the Song Title Browser is renamed to [Request], and its hotkey is Alt+Q.
  • The [Clear] button in the StylePicker and the Song Title Browser is renamed to [Clear Filter], and its hotkey is Alt+A.
  • One of the two [Update] buttons in the Chord Options dialog is renamed to [Update MicroChords] and its hotkey is Alt+N.
  • The [None] button in the RealDrums Picker is renamed to [Set to None], and its hotkey is Alt+N.
  • The [All] and [None] buttons in the Import MIDI File and Copy/Move Tracks dialogs are renamed to [All Channels] and [No Channel], and the hotkeys are Alt+A for [All Channels] and Alt+N for [No Channel].
  • The [All] button in the Chord Substitutions dialog is renamed to [Restore All], and its hotkey is Alt+A.
  • The [Choose] and [Clear] buttons in the Pick a Loop dialog are renamed to [Choose 'b' Loop] and [Clear 'b' Loop].
  • The [<] and [>] buttons in the Chord Builder dialog are renamed to [< Previous Bar] and [Next Bar >], and their hotkeys are Alt+< and Alt+>.
  • The [<] and [>] buttons in the Set MicroChords dialog are renamed to [< Previous Bar] and [Next Bar >], and their hotkeys are Alt+< and Alt+>.
  • The [<] [>] [#] buttons in the Edit Extra Soloist Information dialog are renamed to [< Previous RealTracks] [Next RealTracks >] [RealTracks #], and their hotkeys are Alt+<, Alt+> and Alt+#.
  • Three [Choose Plugin] buttons in the Edit Extra Soloist Information dialog are renamed to [Choose SuperPatch], [Choose PRT] and [Choose PRT DI].
  • Three [Clear] buttons in the Edit Extra Soloist Information dialog are renamed to [Clear SuperPatch], [Clear PRT] and [Clear PRT DI].
  • A beat number is added to the "Force Enabled" options in the Set MicroChords dialog, so they are now 'Force Enabled for Beat 1,' 'Force Enabled for Beat 2,' 'Force Enabled for Beat 3' and 'Force Enabled for Beat 4,' and their hotkeys are Alt+F, Alt+E, Alt+N and Alt+T.
  • A beat number is added to the [Clear] buttons in the Set MicroChords dialog, so they are now [Clear Beat 1], [Clear Beat 2], [Clear Beat 3] and [Clear Beat 4], and their hotkeys are Alt+1, Alt+2, Alt+3 and Alt+4.
  • The Event List Editor has a dialog title.
  • Hotkeys are assigned for [Play] (Alt+P) and [Show] (Alt+S) buttons in the Event List Editor.
  • L O G Enter opens the flash message log file (FlashMessageLog.txt).
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