DXi information
This tutorial covers the following topics:
- General information about DXi synths.
- Installing the VSC-DXi on Windows Vista
- Troubleshooting problems with DXi synth installation
Last updated: Thursday, 08 November 2018
General information about DXi synths.
DXi stands for DirectX instruments. DirectX is a standard developed by Microsoft. Among other things, it allows one company to create software audio effects (DX) and MIDI synthesizers (DXi) that can be loaded as plugins into host programs made by a different company. Band-in-a-Box® supports DXi synthesizers, and works the best with General MIDI compatible DXi synths.
If you are using a software synthesizer on your computer rather than playing Band-in-a-Box® through a hardware synthesizer/sound module, we recommend using a DXi synth such as the Roland VSC-DXi, Coyote WaveTable, or ForteDXi. The Roland VSC-DXi is included with Band-in-a-Box® 2005-2011, and the Coyote WaveTable is included with versions 2010 and higher. You can alternatively download a fully functional 30-day trial of the Coyote ForteDXi from our website.
Note that there are two versions of the Roland VSC, the VSC3 (stand-alone MIDI version) and the VSC-DXi. You should use the DXi plugin version with Band-in-a-Box® 2007 and higher.
When you install Band-in-a-Box® (versions 2007 - 2011), it will install the VSC-DXi automatically, unless you uncheck that component. Alternatively, you can install it separately by using the VSC-DXi setup file on a Band-in-a-Box® CD (older CD's only), or in the \bb\vsc folder.
When you install Band-in-a-Box® (versions 2010 and higher), it will install the Coyote WaveTable automatically, unless you uncheck that component. It can also be installed by selecting the Band-in-a-Box® Help menu item "Install Coyote WaveTable synth", or manually by using the SetupCoyoteWT.exe file in the Band-in-a-Box® folder. If you purchased an early version of Band-in-a-Box® 2010, you may need to download the 2010 update patch from our site.
A couple of the reasons we recommend the DXi version of the VSC are: (1) It can have much lower latency than the VSC3, (2) it provides better synchronization between the MIDI, RealDrums, and Audio tracks, (3) and it allows for quicker and easier Direct-Rendering to WAV/MP3/WMA audio files.
To select the VSC-DXi in Band-in-a-Box®, open the MIDI Driver Setup dialog and check the 'Use DXi Synth' box. If the 'Use DXi Synth' box is already checked, click the [DXi Synth Settings] button. When the DirectX window appears, select the VSC-DXi as your plugin in the top pull-down menu. (The other three pull-down menus are for DX audio effect plugins such as Reverb and Chorus).
Once you have selected the VSC-DXi there, you can close the DirectX Plugins window. Band-in-a-Box® will now use the DXi plugin for playback, instead of the "MIDI Output Driver". You can press OK to exit the MIDI Driver Setup dialog. If you want to return to the DirectX Window in the future, the easiest way is to press the DXi Synth button in the main Band-in-a-Box® toolbar.
The DirectX Plugins window also allows you to select VST or VSTi plugins. VST is similar to the DirectX standard, however VST is a standard developed by Steinberg. VST refers to audio effects, and VSTi refers to MIDI synth plugins. If you want to use a VST or VSTi plugin, in the DirectX Window choose 'Add VST plugin' from the pull-down menu. You will need to locate and add the VST plugin file manually the first time you use it.
Installing the VSC-DXi on Windows Vista and 7
The VSC-DXi is compatible with 32-bit versions of Windows Vista and 7, but is not compatible with 64-bit versions. Most Windows 7 computers have the 64-bit operating system installed by default.
To install the VSC-DXi on Windows Vista or Windows 7 (32-bit), you have to either install it using a recent Band-in-a-Box® (2007-2011) installer, or set the VSC-DXi setup file to Windows XP compatibility mode. To do this:
- Locate the VSC-DXi Setup .exe file.
- Right-click on it and select Properties.
- Click the compatibility tab.
- Check the "Run this program in compatibility mode for" box, and select "Windows XP (Service Pack 2 or 3)".
- Press Apply, and you can now install the VSC-DXi.
If you have a 64-bit operating system, the Coyote WaveTable (included with 2010 and higher), ForteDXi or TTS-1 soft synths are possible alternatives.
Troubleshooting other problems with VSC-DXi and ForteDXi installation
- The VSC-DXi sent with Band-in-a-Box® is a 32-bit version. It will not work with 64-bit programs and operating systems.
- The ForteDXi is compatible with Windows 2000, NT, XP, and Vista. It works on 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems. It does not work on Windows 95, 98, or ME.
- The Roland VSC-DXi is compatible with Windows 95, 98, ME, 2000, NT, XP, Vista, and 7. It works on 32-bit operating systems. It does not work on 64-bit versions of Windows XP, Vista, or 7. If you have a 64-bit OS, the Coyote WaveTable, ForteDXi or TTS-1 would be good alternatives.
- If you still have trouble installing the VSC-DXi on Windows Vista after you have set the compatibility mode as explained above, it might help to turn User Account Control off by going to Start | Control Panel | user Accounts. You will need to restart your computer.
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