PowerTracks Pro Audio 2025 Features

PowerTracks Pro Audio is a full-featured, multi-track music sequencing and digital audio recording program. PowerTracks Pro Audio includes powerful and unique features such as: The Audio Chord Wizard, which automatically and accurately figures out the chords from MP3/WMA/WAV audio files, RealDrums which allow you to instantly generate audio drum tracks that are real recordings of drummers - not single drum hit samples but full recordings lasting 1 to 8 bars, and more!


New Features in PowerTracks Pro Audio 2021

PowerTracks Pro Audio 2021 includes many new features and enhancements!

The program can now import floating point 32-bit WAV files.

64-bit support. PowerTracks is now a 64-bit application instead of 32-bit. PowerTracks now supports 64-bit VST/VSTi and 64-bit DX/DXi plugins without needing to use jBridge.

Higher Audio Playback Performance. PowerTracks (and RealBand and Band-in-a-Box) now supports SIMD (SSE2, SSSE3, AVX, AVX2) features in your CPU. This means that audio DSP (Digital Signal Processing) will be at least 4 times faster, depending on your CPU. This allows more tracks, more plugins, higher quality Elastique stretching, etc. during playback without causing audio dropouts.

When saving to XML, there is a new option to save exact chord text to XML rather than relying mainly on saving the chord type and degrees.

Successfully loaded DX/DXi plugins are now added to the plugin scan log (C:\PowerTracks\PluginScanLog.log).

In the Notation window, if the song is in 4/4, there is an option to display it as cut time. For example, a bluegrass song that is currently displaying with 16th notes will display using 8th notes. This allows easier readability and is ideal for displaying the notation of songs that were specifically written in cut time.

In the Notation window, if the song is in 4/4, you can display it as 2/4 instead of 4/4, without changing the main time signature of the song to 2/4. This special 2/4 notation display mode lets you continue to generate better sounding RealTracks, etc. than if you had switched the main time signature of the song to 2/4.

The time signature display in the Notation window now is displayed so it fills the whole height of the staff like most other programs do.

The transpose button on the Notation window toolbar lets you visually transpose the Notation window without visiting the Notation Options dialog.

Updated: Big Clock display, when displayed in milliseconds, would sometimes show the incorrect time.

Updated: Various xml issues that could potentially result in inconsistency errors, such as too many notes for a measure, when loading into a program like MuseScore.

Updated: When the program was set to re-route all MIDI to the default VSTi/DXi synth, then a PG MIDI Plugin (like the drums window) wasn't routing the notes to that synth.

Updated: If a track had a lot of MIDI pedal on/off events, then step advancing in the notation would make it seem like notes were silent instead of advancing through the track normally.

Updated: Some minor issues involving forced accidental display in certain cases.

Updated: Minor issues drawing ties in certain cases.

Updated: Minor issues with stem heights of notes in certain cases.

Updated: Potential range check or access violation in Audio Edit Window when zoomed in fully in certain cases.

Updated: Reducing the gain level of a track might result in it sounding more processed than at full volume if aux effects were in use.

Updated: Reducing the gain level of a track might result in only one of the two channels being reduced in volume if the track was stereo.

Updated: Issue with audio cutting out when non-realtime rendering for some VSTi synths such as Kontakt.

Updated: Issue of the program freezing when using Elastique for resampling or pitch/speed adjustment.

Updated: Potential access violation when exiting the Latency Adjustment dialog.

Updated: Potential access violation if loading a .SEQ with a Lead Sheet Memo.

Updated: Loading in an MGU with frozen RealTracks could result in the track being improperly named based on the wrong soloist.

Updated: If using larger buffers with Windows Audio, sound would be distorted.

Updated: If looping the song with ASIO or Windows Audio, and the end of the loop was beyond the end of the song, the audio could permanently cut out until you restart playback.

Updated: If a group of notes had a top number like, say, 5 notes or 6 notes the timing of the group wasn't written correctly to XML.

Updated: Order of controllers was written incorrectly to the track in RealBand when loading in an articulation, such as an accent, staccato. etc. from an XML file.

Updated: If program freezes up when counting plugins at bootup, the freeze should not have occurred the 2nd time booted up, but it would still freeze up.

Updated: When loading in an XML file that had no chord type text, but was, say, a minor chord like Em, it might show up as E instead of Em.

Updated: Audio record issue, time messed up, after chord reinterpretation routines called.

Updated: Help buttons in New Audio Harmonies dialog, and Grid Line Settings dialog were not doing anything.

Updated: Default juke box play list might get corrupted on program exit.

Updated: Range check if changing order in jukebox after first launching it.

Updated: Some .xml files would not load.

Updated: If a Music XML file contained transposed tracks, the notes would sound incorrect when loaded into RB.

Updated: If editing a track name in the Tracks Window, the left/right arrows would still affect time location of the song.

Updated: Right-click Paste in the Chords Window did not work.

Updated: Language string issues.

Updated: Voices Above Spin Edit didn't allow a value of zero, except, when the Harmony Voices was set to 1.

Updated: When Harmony Voices was set to 1, the Voices Above Spin Edit could be set to any value, rather than between 0 and 1.

Updated: Menu item in the Edit - Tracks for generating the new audio harmonies with elastique wasn't visible to the end user.

Updated: Jukebox would crash the program if trying to rearrange the order of songs.

Updated: Transcribing harmonies to multiple MIDI tracks wasn't working.

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