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Note: These patches only apply to older versions of the programs. The Video Guitar Lessons updates work only on the Essential Video Guitar Lessons programs for Macintosh that are installed in the Band-in-a-Box version 12 or earlier folder on your hard drive root. If you purchased the Video Guitar Lessons in the last three years and/or are using Band-in-a-Box 2009 or higher, these patches are not applicable to you.

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Essential Jazz Guitar Volume 3: 20 Tunes (493 MB)

Please note: This is a very large download. If you are not having trouble with the videos and you only wish to have the updated notation, click here to download a much smaller update patch (4.5 MB).

This update patch adds full notation and tab for each of the 20 tunes, expanding the amount of notation to over 1 hour of guitar playing. It also updates the video (.MOV) files with an improved search function.

Last Updated: July 11, 2005

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Essential Rock Guitar Volume 1: 101 Riffs (2 MB)

This update patch expands and improves the notation and tab for each of the 101 riffs.

Last Updated: July 11, 2005

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Essential Rock Guitar Volume 2: 20 Tunes (632 MB)

Please note: This is a very large download. If you are not having trouble with the videos and you only wish to have the updated notation, click here to download a much smaller update patch (4.6 MB).

This update patch adds full notation and tab for each of the 20 tunes, expanding the amount of notation to over 1 hour of guitar playing. It also updates the video (.MOV) files with an improved search function.

Last Updated: July 11, 2005

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Essential Blues Guitar Volume 1: 101 Riffs (2.7 MB)

This update patch expands and improves the notation and tab for each of the 101 riffs.

Last Updated: July 11, 2005

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Essential Blues Guitar Volume 2: 20 Tunes (448 MB)

Please note: This is a very large download. If you are not having trouble with the videos and you only wish to have the updated notation, click here to download a much smaller update patch (4.8 MB).

This update patch adds full notation and tab for each of the 20 tunes, expanding the amount of notation to over 1 hour of guitar playing. It also updates the video (.MOV) files with an improved search function.

Last Updated: July 11, 2005

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BBM.LST (Mac) File for Band-in-a-Box 12 OS X

This file contains the style descriptions for all styles from PG Music up to Styles Set 68. Extract the archive to your Band-in-a-Box folder. You may want to back up your previous BBM.LST, especially if you have edited/added entries to it.

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BBW.LST (Mac) File for OS 9 Band-in-a-Box

This file contains the descriptions for styles from PG Music up to Styles Set 40. Extract the archive to your Band-in-a-Box folder. Make certain you back up your previous version, especially if you have edited/added entries to bbw.lst. Note that Styles Sets beyond #40 will not show up in the StylePicker window on OS 9 versions of Band-in-a-Box, although they can still be used.

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Click-Track Style Download

This style is great for users who want to record melodies without accompaniment. It has only a rim shot on each beat with beat one accented, and no guitar, bass, strings, or piano.

Alternatively, download it as a MIDI file, which can be imported into the Melody or Solo tracks of Band-in-a-Box, or into other MIDI sequencers.

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