Which RealTracks styles are included in each of the RealTracks Sets?

To find out which RealTracks Sets you have installed, on the Windows version you can go to the Help menu in Band-in-a-Box® and click on What add-ons do I have?

To find out which RealTracks styles (instruments) you have installed, open the 'RealTracks Picker' dialog in Band-in-a-Box® by right-clicking (or Control-clicking on the Mac) on a track in the instrument panel at the top of the screen and selecting 'Add/Remove RealTracks', or 'Choose RealTracks'. The RealTracks Picker shows you all of your currently installed RealTracks, and you can also select the 'Show RealTracks that are N/A (not available)' checkbox to see any RealTracks styles that you don't have. Note that you can sort by Set# by clicking at the top of that column.

Below is a list of the RealTracks styles included in each set.

Last updated:  Tuesday, 22 October 2019


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