Video Tutorials: RealBand for Windows
3:15RealBand: Getting Started 2 -- making a songYou can make a song in RealBand by typing in chords, picking a style, and pressing Generate. RealBand will generate all of the tracks for you, and then you have a great foundation to start recording your own tracks.Date: 2/5/2014
3:19RealBand: Getting Started 3 -- adding tracksRealBand allows you to pick individual instruments and generate them. For example, you pick a specific guitar or sax soloist to replace your existing soloist.Date: 2/5/2014
2:36RealBand: Fast Preview of StylesYou can preview styles, RealTracks, and RealDrums very quickly by simply double-clicking on them. RealBand will play a short demo of what the style sounds like, with or without a backing band.Date: 2/12/2014
2:31RealBand: Generating RealChartsWhen you generate RealTracks in RealBand, you can also generate a corresponding RealChart. This is a MIDI transcription that you can view in notation, or on the piano or fretboard.Date: 2/12/2014
3:50RealBand: Getting Started 4 -- recording audioWhen you are set up with some backing tracks in RealBand, you might want to start recording audio tracks.Date: 2/5/2014
3:54RealBand: Getting Started 5 -- recording MIDIRealBand allows you to record MIDI tracks as well as audio. Just select your MIDI input, select a track, and press record.Date: 2/5/2014
5:32RealBand: recording audio with Windows 8/7/VistaThis video goes over recording audio in RealBand, using newer versions of Windows (8/7/Vista). If you are using Windows XP, see this video instead: 3/25/2014
3:60RealBand: Drag-and-DropYou can drag-and-drop MIDI or various audio formats in or out of RealBand. The Drop Station makes it quick and easy to choose a file type while exporting a track.Date: 2/7/2014
3:21RealBand: Volume AutomationYou can control the volume of each track using node based volume automation. Just add nodes, and the connecting line will guide the volume level during playback.Date: 1/31/2014
3:60RealBand: Generating Sections of RealTracksYou can highlight a region of a track and get RealBand to generate RealTracks for it. This can be useful for regenerating specific parts, and getting all your favorite riffs into one solo.Date: 1/31/2014
3:35Replacing RealTracks parts with song specific riffsThere may be times where you want RealTrack to play a specific part. This might be a certain riff, or a certain bass pattern for example...Date: 2/27/2014
2:33Replacing MIDI tracks with specific MIDI partsYou can of course also edit MIDI tracks the same way. Here is the same style but with all MIDI instruments. We add a song-specific bass riff at bar 4...Date: 2/27/2014
4:10RealBand: Audio EffectsRealBand can apply audio effects, or process in real-time using DirectX or VST plugins. There are advantages to both methods.Date: 2/7/2014
2:35RealBand: Opening Band-in-a-Box Song FilesRealBand can open or save Band-in-a-Box song files (MGU, SGU, MGX, etc.) This makes it easy to work on a song between both programs.Date: 2/7/2014
1:53RealBand: Batch File ConvertYou can convert audio files of various types, RealBand SEQ files, or Band-in-a-Box song files to an output audio format of your choice.Date: 3/11/2014
2:59RealBand: MultiRiff RealTrack GenerationRealBand will generate 7 possible riffs for a selected region, and let you preview each one. You can then insert your favorite riff onto the track with or without pickup notes.Date: 2/11/2014
3:50RealBand: Loop RecordRealBand can loop a section of your song while recording, and split your entire performance onto different tracks so you can pick out the best punch-in.Date: 2/11/2014
3:59RealBand: MIDI Data FilterWhen you cut or copy MIDI from one track to another, you can filter what type of data to include. This can be useful for removing specific ranges of notes, velocities, note duration, etc.Date: 2/5/2014
32:28RealBand 2014 Full New Features VideoBand-in-a-Box 2014 for Windows also includes RealBand 2014, your All-in-One Audio Workstation and Accompaniment program! It can be used as a stand-alone music workstation, or together with Band-in-a-Box as an all-in-one sequencing program with automatic accompaniment.
RealBand version 2014 offers over 30 more great new features including a redesigned GUI, UserTracks- the ability to create you own RealTracks, and many many more.Date: 12/9/2013 -
22:27RealBand 2012.5 New FeaturesRealBand 2012.5 features and RealTracks Sets 155-169 overview.Date: 3/6/2014
32:36RealBand 2012 New FeaturesRealBand 2012 is here with 40 Great New Features! A "Same But Different" MultiRiff Selection - you can now audition 7 different RealTracks performances, to choose the one that works the best with your song, with a single click! This works for the entire track, or the highlighted section of a track. You can customize over 150 of the Guitar based RealTracks using the new Guitar Amp Simulator that is included (AmpliTube CS). We include "Direct Input" (clean signal) Guitar RealTracks for these, so all of the added effects come from the Guitar Amp Simulator. We've added "Loops" support, so you can add your own or 3rd party loops to any RealBand track. We've added a Simpler RealTracks setting -- a checkbox that makes the RealTracks play a simpler (less busy or embellished) arrangement. And more...Date: 3/14/2012
22:52RealBand 2011.5 New FeaturesRealBand 2011.5 arrived with some great new features and enhancements, including Junkebox enhancements, the ability to "freeze" a track, Video Help, recording enhancements, and more! Check out this video for all the new features in Version 2011.5.Date: 3/22/2012
23:19RealBand 2011 New FeaturesRealBand 2011, released and included with Band-in-a-Box 2011, came with some powerful new features, including the élastique Pro V2 time stretching and pitch transposition engine so that they sound more natural over a much (3x) wider range of tempos. This allowed the RealTracks files to become smaller (freeing up a TON of space on your computer) AND sound even better! Check out this video to see all of the new features we were excited to release with Version 2011.Date: 3/23/2012
15:00RealBand 2010.5 for WindowsRealBand 2010.5 included new features like the Conductor (Live Looping/Playback control), tempo mapping, and more. Watch this video to learn more about all the new features Version 2010.5 included.Date: 3/23/2012
11:52RealBand 2010 for WindowsRealBand 2010 brought with it a new "Plug-in" mode, allowing you to simply Drag-and-Drop tracks between RealBand and another sequencer (Sonar, Reaper, ProTools, FL-Studio, Nuendo and more). RealTracks now support Shots, Holds, and Pushes. Endings are improved, and RealTracks endings are now 4 bars long, giving time for the natural decay of the instruments. And that's just the beginning!Date: 3/23/2012
16:11RealBand 2009.5 for WindowsRealBand 2009.5 arrived with features like Drang-n-Drop, Mixer Labels, multiple Repeats, and many more. This video takes you through all the features added to this powerful program with Version 2009.5.Date: 3/23/2012
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March 19, 2025
Update Your Band-in-a-Box® 2025 to Build 1128 for Windows Today!
Already using Band-in-a-Box 2025 for Windows®? Download Build 1128 now from our Support Page to enjoy the latest enhancements and improvements from our team. Stay...
March 14, 2025
Update to RealBand® 2025 Build 5 Windows Today!
Already using RealBand® 2025 for Windows®? Download Build 5 now from our Support Page to ensure you have the latest enhancements and improvements from our...

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